Learn about all 127 characters from their stories, rarities, types, and more.
About Cookie Run: Kingdom Cookies
There are a lot of Cookie Run: Kingdom cookies to choose from when trying to build your perfect team or when you're trying to defeat another team. Cookies such as Frost Queen Cookie or Dark Cacao Cookie might be essential whereas Sorbet Shark Cookie or Squid Ink Cookie might be bad options. You might be wondering if certain cookies are great additions to your team while others are bad and this is the best place to see those reasons.
Not all cookies are obtainable anymore, namely Sonic Cookie and Tails Cookie, but the rest are playable characters that you can get, such as Pure Vanilla Cookie. Another example of a good cookie would be Affogato Cookie because of his AoE damage over time.
There are some additional cookies you'll see through the game that are not currently obtainable, such as Dark Enchantress cookies or Golden Cheese Cookie. These are story characters that exist in the game but are not obtainable, at least yet. Keep an eye on future updates in case they become available at some point!
Each Cookie is unique and that includes having unique stats and abilities. Some abilities wildly outperform other abilities causing you to want to lean towards one cookie over another. Custard Cookie III might be a decent healer for you but Cotton Cookie can heal while also providing a lot more utility for your team. When comparing these two cookies, Cotton is the one you'd want to bring with you to your battles.
There are some cookies, such as Black Raisin Cookie or Strawberry Crepe Cookie, that don't serve a strong enough purpose and you may never use unless you have no other options but that's okay! We want to show you all the abilities for all cookies regardless of whether or not people think they're good because you may like how it looks or its personality.
In addition to abilities, we also show you the background story and costumes of each cookie. If you're curious about Pumpkin Pie Cookie, you can check out her story and her focus around Halloween or Chili Pepper Cookie and her story as a treasure hunter. There's even some sad stories, such as Sea Fairy Cookie because of the curse she was given, so check them out if you're interested.
The Cookie Run: Kingdom costumes aren't just for looks—they have stories with them! Some are just fun stories, such as Dark Choco Cookie's Christmas costume where he wears a Santa hat and lights because other cookies are trying to cheer him up. Others, like Mint Choco Cookie, have costumes that give the cookies different personalities. Unfortunately there are some cookies, like Twizzly Gummy Cookie, that don't have any costumes yet, but we may see some in the future.
You might also be curious about how to obtain the cookies in Cookie Run: Kingdom that you see on this list. Luckily players are given a few avenues for obtaining cookies, but the main ones can be associated with hoping for the best instead of just choosing the ones you want.
The main method of getting cookies is the Gacha system, which includes a Featured Cookie draw you can do. The other option is just a regular cookie draw. The draws are offered in a single draw or a 10 times draw. The 10 times draw is not discounted and doesn't have better probabilities for anything but it saves time when you're wanting to draw a bunch of cookies at once.
These draws cost gems, which can be obtained from various activities in the game or through in-app purchases. The Campaign for the game is one of the best sources of gems in the game, although it's limited. Your first time beating missions, and getting 3 stars on them, will bring you a lot of gems rapidly. Then you can save those gems for the future or use them on doing Cookie pulls.
Probabilities of different rarities of Cookies when doing pulls is always subject to change, but generally speaking the Common cookies are the most common, Rare is the next most common, then Epic, then Ancient, then Legendary. The Featured Cookie pulls are a great way to get that specific cookie due to increased chances to draw it.
Outside of just drawing for cookies and hoping you get the one you're after, there is also a Mileage Shop that's viewable from the Gacha. You get Mileage Points from just doing draws. The Mileage Shop lets you spend those points on Soulstones for many specific cookies in the game that are of Epic quality. This can be a great way to get the cookies that you're after, although it will be a long-term investment to get there.
Other ways to get cookies is to participate and do well in the Arena, do the Campaign on Dark Mode, or participate in Events. The Arena can be hard to do well in, but it's a great source of specific units and gems. The Dark Mode stages offer specific cookie Soulstones from certain stages so that you can try and farm extra stones for specific cookies that you might be interested in.
Events are unique, including all the rewards that come from them. Events are usually active but they don't always award cookies or soulstones. Keep an eye on them, though, because they always reward something worth having.
Another part of the Gacha that is noteworthy is the Costumes draw. This is your source for unlocking costumes for all the different cookies in the game. Unlike most Gacha stuff, Costumes can not be drawn with gems and can only be drawn with Rainbow Cubes, which are obtained through various activities and events in the game.
If you get a costume you already have, it gets converted into a Rainbow Crystal. When you get enough Rainbow Crystals, you can spend them in the Rainbow Crystal shop for specific costumes. These come in incredibly miniscule amounts, so you'll find yourself saving for quite some time before you finally get enough crystals to unlock a costume.
Get to checking out all the Cookie Run: Kingdom characters so you can best know how you should prepare your Vanilla Kingdom for battle!
If you'd like to know which cookies are generally considered better than others, check out our Cookie Run Kingdom Tier List. It includes lists for both PvP and PvE so that you can prioritize what you'd like depending on which game modes you prefer.
We also have a bunch of teams that use these cookies in various ways over on our Cookie Run Teams page. Check it out if you're looking for ideas on what kind of team to make.