IHE MORNING NEWS, WILMINGTON, MONDAY, JUNE 27, 1910. NONE KNOWS HIM 10 THE PROH AGED PRISONER Ninety Year Old Charles Woodward Charged With Bein Drank. HURT BY UMBRELLA Rib ot an Old One With Which Jerry Castagnt Was Raying Pierced His Throat. Body of White Man Found In the STR A WBRIDGE CLOTHIER I MIMES Christiana Has Not Been Indentified. Few realize what a large number Both Bouses of Congress Order An Investigation on the Last Day ef Their Session.
'fKf are missing from the homes in this city until it is announced that an la the course of a year the polic find among the men they arrest for being di unk some who are advanced in years, but on Saturday they made what they regard as a record catch In this respect. Charles Woodward, a white man, was found along the very much under the influence of liquor. His almost helpless, condition due to hlB great age. combined with the effects of unknown and unclaimed body is at the morgue. Then the many callers THOROUGH INQUIRY IS TO BE MADE at that place show how many have disappeared without leaving any word Jerry Castagna, aged three years, whose parents live at No.
425 Tatnall street, met with a severe accident in a very peculiar manner yesterday afternoon. He was playing about his home with an old umbrella from which several of ths steel ribs were protruding. In some way one of these ribs ran into the boy's throat and it was drawn out only after considerable trouble, and the exertion of his father's full strength. The piece of steel made an ugly wound in' the little fellow's throat, so Dr. P.
A. M. Rovlttl Was summoned and dressed the injury. It is not thought the wound will result seriously. Ex-Senators Thurston and Long Deny Charges Made by Senator Gore Referring to Them.
"the "jag," rendered him unable to navigate, so he was sent to the police station. There be said he was 90 years old. Woodward was born May 3, 1820, but he claimed he was still able to indulge and his condition bore evidence to this assertion. 7 WASHINGTON. June Demand To-dayMonday was made simultaneously in both the senate and the House an hour before adjournment last, night for an investi Tens of thousands of customers will be in this Store to-day the mere 'an- 1 TT ITT 1 1 1 A 1 ll -Tit gation of the attempted bribery iiouncemem oi juuvrjiv xjji is positive assurance Deiorenana mat inrongs wm SHALL, CHILD BCRXED.
charges made by Senator Gore Friday on the floor of the Senate in connec behind them for relatives and friends On Friday the body of a white man was dragged from the Christiana river and taken to the morgue. None knew who the man was and the announcement that the bdiy was there brought probably a hundred jpeople to view it. Most of them said they had relatives or friends missing and that, as they knew nothing about them or where they had gone, they looked at the body with the expectation that it might prove to that oi the one for whom they have been searching. The body of the man remains unidentified, however. All those who have seen it declared they could not say who the victim was and, as there was nothing found on the clothing by which the man's name might be learned it is more than probable it will have to buried among the many others, who have been placed in unmarked graves.
If the body has not been claimed to-day it will be buried at Farnhurst. "So you lost your watch? Did you report it to the detectives?" asks the friend. "Yes. Just came from headcjuar-ters," answers the man. "Got any suspicion as to who took it?" "I didn't have until after the ear-geant got through questioning me about it.
Now I auspec myself of stealing iL" Chicago Post. tion with the legislation affecting what are known as the McMurray contracts for attorneys' fees with the Choctaw and Chickasaw Indians. GEORGE ABE E5TEBTAOS. Little Sjlvester Carney Was Seriously Injured While Plajlnpr With Mutches In Yard of His Home. Playing with matches while In the yard in the rear of his father's home, at No.
515 West street on Saturday morning Sylvester Carney, aged 3 years, was burned wiien his clothing was ignited. Mary Maxwell, a cousin, who was in the house at the time, ran to tne yard and tore oft the burning garments and this prompt work on her part nndoubtedly saved the toy's life. Dr. H. G.
Euckmaster gave him first aid, then the Phoenix ambulance took him to the Delaware Hostpial. The little fellow was burned about the face and the upper portton of his body, but it is believed he will recover. In the Senate the subject was introduced by Senator Hughes of Colorado, who declared that the charges made were too grave to be allowed to pass without some notice by the Senate. He presented a resolution directing an inquiry by a committee of the Senate. Before it was adopted Senator Hale suggested that it should go to the Committee on Audit and Control of Contingent Expenses.
Senator Hughes replied that the resolution involved no expenditure of money and asked that the usual reference under the rules be dispensed with. Senator Kale objected, but when Senator Huehes Was on th. nninr W. H. BROWN' DIES SUDDENLY.
be here from early morning until closing-time. And please remember that the Store OPENS PROMPTLY AT EIGHT O'CLOCK and closes at five o'clock. On Clover Day EVERY MINUTE COUNTS. It pays to come as early as possible, for two reasons: First, because early is comfortable in summer; second, because many of the Clover Specials are in limited quantities, and are sold out in a few hours. However, hundreds of lots will last throughout the day, and every one is a rare value.
About Seven Hundred Different Lots Desirable Goods Wanted Right Now Many Things at Savings of One-Third Many Things at Half Regular Price Get our famous Clover Booklet when you come then follow the Good Luck Signs through the Store, from Basement to Fourth Floor. Those signs with the Four-leaf Clover printed in green have guided thousands to ECONOMY. A small list of the Clover items is printed be-lowj as examples. There are, as you know Hundreds of Other Equally Attractive Specials The very beginning of the vacation season and the greater part of the Clover Specials are essentially SUMMER GOODS. The remainder are of ail-the-year-round, staple character.
of moving for the consideration Mr. 500 Hooslers From Chicago Attend the Picnic on His Earn. BROOK, June 26 George Ade's p.cnic. at his farm yesterday to the Hoosiers resident in Chicago, was a 'decided success. More than 500 men and women were present.
There were tents for sideshows, shooting galleries, refreshments and primping, and it was all free. There was even a dressing lent for the men who broiight tkeir bathing suits for a swim in the Hazel-rien pool, an Inviting concrete plunge filled with spring water heated to a pleasant temperature. Hereabout everybody does everything George Ade asks. When he said he needed assistance in getting ready for the homing Indianians, all Newton county got busy. The Ladies' Aid Society of the Methodist church at Kent-land hurried over and fried 450 chickens.
The men oiled up their automobiles and spattered axle grease on. their carryalls. The whole trainload of Chicago folks piled into the conveyances and were hustled the two miles to Ade's farm. Sew Jefferson Street Plan. On account of numerous complaints having been received that persons living on Jefferson street were unable to return home on the People's line car after having attended the opera at Brandywine Springs Park, General Manager R.
W. Crook has put a new plan into jbperationi beginning today. When passengers upon the cars leaving Thirteenth and Jefferson streets at 2.30 and 7.30 p. m. pay their fares the conductors will give them a coupon.
This coupon will be collected when they get upon the Jefferson street car at the Springs for the return trip and no one will be allowed on the car without a coupon. The car is run to accommodate people in a certain section of the city. Therefore the new plan is made in order that they may be sure of getting a car home. Was for Twenty-five Years Chief Engineer of the Pennsylvania Railroad. BELFAST, Ireland, June 26.
William Henry Brown, of Philadelphia, formerly chief engineer of the Pennsylvania railroad, died suddenly from heart disease yesterday. He arrived here on Thursday. Mr. Brown left his hotel to visit the Rev. Drt McCaaghan, formerly of Chicago.
He returned hurriedly owing to a rainstorm and was seized with sudden Illness as soon as he reached the hotel. were hastily summoned, but he died in a few minutes. Wililam Henry Brown was born in Little Britain township, Lancaster county, Pennsylvania, on February 29, 18:56, the son of Levi K. Brown and Hannah C. Moore.
He was educate 1 in the public schools and the Centrs" High School, Philadelphia, and i.i March, 1858, was engaged as a rodman on experimental surveys. He ente-eu the field of railway engineering in 1861, beginning as an assistant engineer of the Panhandle railroad, and j. year later was made principal assistant engineer. He first went to the Pennsylvania railroad In the fall of 1S64 as assistant engineer of the Pittsburg division. For a few months in 3 8(55 he was engineer naie witnarew his objection and the resolution was passed.
Before the incident was closed. Senator Carter came into the arena to submit a statement from Former Senator John M. Thurston of Nebraska, who, together with Former Senator Chester I. Long of Kansas, were named by Senator Gore, as interested in the contract. Senator Thurston' statement, which at the request of Mr.
Carter wag read at the desk, denounced Senator Gore's charges as false in so far as they related to him. He declared that Senator Gore had not shown a disposition to back up his charges by a demand for an investigation, and that it became, incumbent on those whose names had been attacked to ask for the investigation. He said the Senate owed it to the good name of "American citizen" to investigatf the charges. On behalf of J. F.
McMurray, who made the contracts with the Indians, he denied absolutely that any Hfbby existed to bring about legislation and invited an I Ten Thousand Pairs Imported Milanese Best Long Lisle Gloves 75c to $1X0 Values; White, Black, Colors "Great goshalmrghty!" horrlfiedly ejaculated Honest Farmer Hornbeak, in the midst of his persual of the patent side of the village newspaper. "Its come, just as I know it would." "Why, what's the matter, Ezra?" cried his wife. "They're gellin' us farmers Into slavery! That's what! Here's an 'item headed: "Three Rubens Under the Hammer!" Puck, Bow President Spent Sunday. Special Despatch. "Tn Morning News." WASHINGTON, June 26.
President Taft spent a large part of the morning on the back portico of the Whits House. At o'clock th President Mr. Thurston denounced as abso CITY TO OW" TROLLEY LIXE. went to worship in All Souls Unitarian Not a Special," but a great GLOVE EVENT beginning on Clover Day for ten thousand pairs viU iast inore than a day. No more extraordinary value was ever offered on any Clover Day.
We made this remarkable purchase only last Friday, and want the Women of Philadelphia to get the benefit imma-dioUly. These ara the best Milanese Lisle Mousquetaire Gloves, in 12- and 16-button lengths, in BLACK, WHITE, TAN, GRAY, BROWN, CHAMPAGNE, YELLOW, NAVY, MODE. All sizes, to 8, in each color. NOTE A similar Glove is mentioned in the Clover Booklet at S8c, but thit later purchase tuperttdea thai Hem. 7oc and $1.00 Long Lisle Glove at 30c a pair.
an aiis i and ll, Marint strait Church. He lunched at the White House with Secretary Norton and a lutely raise the charge that either he or former Senator Long, of Kansas, had been lobbying for legislation relating to the contracts. He explained their few close friends, and in the afternoon took an auto ride in the country. To relations to Mr. McMurray as purely legal and nrofesHinnnl In that on.
peared at a public hearing before the attorney-general to argue in favor oi the validity of the contracts During these excitins scenes on the Ann, Boys' $1.00 White Duck Bloomer Trousers, 4 to 16 Years 35c Siin Francisco, Court Decides, May Build and Operate Oeary Street Roiid. SAN FRANCISCO, June 25. a decision of the State Snpreme Court yesterday San Francisco's labor vnmu administration will have an 6p-pnr'unny to build and operate a municipal street railroad on Geary street. The supervisors have advertised for bids next Monday on the first lot of bonds, and there is nothing now in the way of the city commencing work upon its line from the Ferry to the leach over the Geary street route. night the President was the guest of Mrs Richard H.
Townsend at a dinner at the Country Club. Beginning early to-morrow Taft will have farewell talks with Congressmen. Tuesday probably will be given 'over to the same program Tuesday evening the President will leave for his summer home at Beverly. or tne utl Creek road, at Corry, and on July 1, 1865, became principal assistant engineer of the Pennsylvania's Philadelphia and Erie division Two years later he was made engineer of the same division, and from March' 1, 18G9, to January 1, 1S70. was assistant engineer of the main line of the Perfnsylvania in charge of construction of car shops at Aitoona.
At short Intervals he was moved to more and more important posts, and finally became chief engineer on July 1, isi. He continued in that capacity until his retirement, February 28, 1906. During his service with the Pennsylvania he made 133 changes and revisions of line, built. 14 eivati r.ii. McMurray and his attorneys.
ex-Sena tors inurston and Long, were in the marble room of the Senate direct inz their campaign and sending for 25c and 50c Austrian Gold Glass Vases now 18c and 30c 35c and 50c Colored Vases 10c $6.00 Brass Gas Lamps, complete, with Welsbach burner and art glass shade $3.15 Women's 25c Fine Imported Black Cotton Stockings 18c a pair, 3 pairs for 50c 3c Household Landry Soap 12 bars for 25c 25c Wilson Bread Tcasters ISc 25c Assorted Candies 18c a pound 10c Social Tea Biscuits 7c a package "Theodore Roosevelt," by Jacob Biis; published at $2.50 now 45c While these startling development TO ARBITRATE PIRAEUS BOW. Bwaya through cities and constructed were ureaiung in tne senate. Representative Bird McGuire, of Oklahoma, admitting that he was the member ot the House who had been referred to by Senator Gore as having been interested in the Indion was on his feet In the House making a per- Men's 50c Silk Socks, Mercerized Heels and Toes 29c ouuai statement ann mind sweeping investigation, not only of the FIRE IX A TANK. Boy' Believed fo Have Thrown Matches Into a Grocers' Oil Snpply. Fire was discovered yesterday in an oil tank outside of William Kempski's grocery store, at No.
200 Stroud street. A still alarm was sent to the Weecacoo Fire Company and the chemical engine was hurried to the scene. The flames were quickly extinguished and ttie loss was slight. It is believed some boys in the neighborhood set fire to the oil in the tank by dropping a lighted match into it, for there was said to be no other way in which a blase could have started The timely discovery of tne blaze undoubtedly averted a serious fire. Italy and Russia Keep Rumania and Greece From War.
ATHENS, June 25. It is stated that the Italian, and Russian governments, representing the interests of Rumania ana Greece, respectively, have proposed that they fix the amount of the indemnity to be paid by Greece to Rumania in connection with the raid recently made upon a Rumanian mail steamer at the Piraeus. It. is reported that Greece has agreed to the proposition. v.ucu6co iu cuiiuecuon wun tne McMurray contracts, but with all Indian con $1.25 Bleached Table Linen 92c a yard 50c White Suiting Linen, 36-inch 35c a yard Women's 25c Linen Embroidered Handkerchiefs, 12Hc 65c Spools Silk, large 40c each Women's 20c Richelieu-Ribbed Cotton Vests, seconds, now 10c each Remnants of 50c to $1.25 Plain and Fancy Silks at 38c a yard 15c Fancy Belt Pins and Buckles, a variety of stylest now 10c each $3.50 Bleached Damask Napkins, 23H-inch $2.60 a dozen tracts involving attorneys fees.
Mr. McGuire's demand was followed by other speeches from Representatives On the floor. Who umrarf tho tion of a resolution McGuire had sub- Men's $20.00 and $25.00 Suits now $10.00 i tunneis ana 163 stone bridges, including the Rockville bridge, the largest stone bridge In the world. All the Improvements in this city were made under his direction. Mr.
Brown was married on October 15, 1863, to Sarah A. Rlmmel. of Pittsburg. His home was at the Aldine Hotel, Philadelphia. PESTBCCTITE HAILSTORy.
Did $50,000 Damage to Fruit In Sooth, crn Ulster County. POCGHKEEPSIE. June 26 Fruit growers in southern Ulster county, which is the heart of the berry and peach section, have been Comparing notes since the destructive hailstorm a week ago. which centered with furv and violence around Marlborough, and have decided that the damage wrought by the storm will exceed 50,000. Permanent injury has been done to trees and grapevines.
The late strawberry crop was completely destroyed. The loss to many farmers is ruinous. It does not seem credible, but confirmation is received from nany eyewitnesses, that hailstones two inches in diameter fell during the downpour miiieo. ior an investigation. The resolution was adopted.
Last night's action in the dying hours of the session means that there will be two investigations into tfie Gore charges, one by the upper anaone by the lower house The public acknowledgement by Bird McGuire that he was the Representative referred to by Senator Gore as interested in the contracts rA.t.il FIRE CHIEF MORA BETTER. $2.50 White Corded Dimity Bed Spreads, 90x100 inches now $1.90 95c Muslin Sheets, 81x90 inches 85c $5.00 Cowhide Suit Cases now $3.85 20c and 25c Neck Ruching 12c a yard 25c Taffeta Ribbon, 4-inch 17c yard Women's $3 and $3.50 C. Special" and C. Popular" Low Shoes, 1.50 Enlargements to 5x7 inch, made from your own negatives, 50c value at 35c Men's $1.50 Sennit Straw Yachting Hats special at $1,00 great stir, not only on the floor of the nouse, nut in the galleries, which were crowded with hnnri'i-erfe h.j FOB WAE BALLOONS. Italian Parliament Totes It by 200 Majority Despite the Socialists.
SQME, June 25. The Chamber unexpectedly voted the expenditure of 10,000,000 lire (about for dirigible balloons for. the army. The Socialists and Republicans opposed the proposal. Tney deplored increased army expenditure as useless, war being practicall.
Impossible. They advocated disartament. The discussion arose the ab- sence of the minister of war. He was summoned from the Senate and made an eloquent appeal to the country's national honor. The vote was then passed by a majority of 200.
Women's $10.00 and $12.00 Silk Dresses, new models $6.75 come to witness the closing scenes of iu session. Thomaa P. Core, the blind Senator from Oklahoma, has nprnrrtrtl iahor? Mr. purpose in holding tip the contracts between tne Oklahoma law firm of oiiu uniisn anu 25c Mercerized Suitings 12Hc a yard 25c Half-Linen Suiting 11c a yard Colored Dress Good Remnants at Half Usual Remnant Prices 'omen's 50c Lisle Gloves, black, white and colors now 25c $3.00 Silver-plated Sandwich Trays $2.00 35c Hair Brushes 25c Men's 25c Silk Neckwear 12c Boys' 50c Blouse Waists now 35c 12jc Striped Outing Flannel 6 kc a yard mo noctaw ana umckasaw Indiana TllMa .7,.., He Is Recovering From Injuries, Bnt Is Sot Yet Able to Answer Alarm, Simon F. Moran, chief ot the fire department, who was injured several day3 ago when thrown from his carriage as he was hurrying to a fire is recovering.
His leg was sprained and while he is able to walk on it he has to do so slowly and with caution. He has not been responding to fire alarms since the accident because iis horse was injured at the same time and has not recovered. Chief Moran expects to be able to return to duty in a few days. PRODDING FOB BASK SOTES. Latin Americans Operate on Paris Bank Safe With a Walking Stock.
PARIS, June 26 James Bnlday of Valparaiso, and Christobal AUarbex, of Mexico, were arrested yesterday afternoon while attempting to pick bank notes from the safe of a Paris bank by means of a specially arranged walking stick. Men's and Women's $1.00 Umbrellas, seconds 50c and that the ground was covered an inch and a half withhail and in one ditch heaped up hail was measured to the depth of eighteen inches. The oldest resident does not recall any hailstorm to equal that of Saturday, June IS, 1910. The storm was just fairly under way when the hail began to fall, and as It proceeded the stones grew larger and larger until some of them resembled small eggs in size. For something like forty minutes these hailstones continued to descend.
The hailstones were varied in shapes and sizes. Some of them seemed to be made up of several smaller ones in a cluster and others were round. i MILITARY POISONER'S FATE. He-Don't you think you could ever learn to love me? She I might; I learned to like olives. Vniversity of Michigan Gargoyle.
EARTHQUAKE WAS IX ALGIERS. AT.GIF.RS, June 25. There were two "violent earthquake shocks at 1.30 uuiuracis mat senator Gore charges, would yield the law firm $3,000,000 in fees and on account of which, he alleges, a bribe of 125,000 was offered to him. The Senate, shocked by the startling charges which Senator Gore made on the-floor, lost no time after reconvening, in allowing the blind Senator to frame an amendment covering these contracts in practically his own language. This amendment was promptly adopted by the Senate and the House, and now it v-ill be impossible for the law firm to obtain its enormous fee in the event ot the sale ot the Indian coal lands, without the contracts first being approved by Women's 50c Elastic Belts 25c 25c Boxes of Note Paper now 10c Children's 25c to $1.50 Slips and Dresses, of nainsook and lawn 20c to 75c Women's $20.00 to $25.00 Tailored Suits, a variety of materials $12.75 Misses' $1.25 Linene Skirts, white, tan or blue now 85c 10c Lining Lawn, all colors, 32 inches wide now 8c a yard Women's $10.00 and $12.00 Trimmed Leghorn Hats now $6.50 yestvdav afternoon.
The walls of houses cracked and somr collapsed at Aiimale, a walled town" of Algeria, Women's $3.75 to $10.00 Silk Petticoats $2.50 and $4.50 Nobody was injured. Thias probably the earthquake reported by J. Shaw of England as bavin, been recorded by his seismograph and whicn he thought was either in Spain or Iceland. Excursion From Philadelphia. To-day the Prince of Peace Sunday school of Philadelphia will give an excursion to.
Brandywine Springs Park. There will fee about 500 people in the party and they will come over in a special train of the Baltimore and Ohio railroad direct to the station in the park. Women's $1 White Linene Wash Skirts 50c Women's $1.50 Lawn IHrase Dresses $1 50c Ecru Tinted Centrepieces, 2 i-inch 25c $1.00 Pillow Slips, block print 50c $2.50 to $3 Corsets, S. C. Special, Nemo and other makes 95c 50c Picture Frames, sizes 5x7 and 8x10 inches now 15c $2.25 Porch Rockers, double reed seat, slat back $1.45 $4.00 Hammocks, with pillow, spreader and valance now $2.50 Deeradafion and Twenty Years for Austrian Officer Sent Cyanide to Forty.
VIENNA, June 26. Lieutenant Adolf Hofrichter, who confessed that he had sent capsules containing cyanide of potassium to forty of his fellow army officers, including ten members of the General Staff, with the object of poisoning them in order that he might obtain promotion, has been sentenced to be publicly cashiered and to serve 20 years in prison. One officer. Captain Mader, died trow the effects of the poison. American Yacht Wins Again.
f-pat-n. "Te Mornine Nem." BKRLIN. June 26. The American y( 'ht Westward, which won the K-un cup in Friday in the, Kiel beating the Kaiser's ateor and tvn other contestants, won another icnry to-day at Kiel, nesting Herr rl'Vnhalbacks, Germr ia and Meteor. Kaiser, Cfcancello and other notable men were aboard he Meteor.
Women's $1.00 to $1.50 Wash Waists, slightly rumpled 50c H. B. Wlgg-lesworta Hurt. After Harvey B. Wigglesworth had prepared to tn'in ft large piece of ornamental woodwork fell from a chiffonier and struck him above, the left eye.
Dr. Draper was called to treat the Iniurv. and now. co 1 1, 1. is wearing a liberal quantity of court piaster aoout tne wound.
"Did Simpkins get any damages, in that assault case?" "Did he? My dear fellow, vou ought to see his face." St. Louis Star. Student III of Typhoid. John Mullen, aged 17 years, a son of D. W.
Mullen, of No. 805 Ven Buren street, who is a patient at the Delaware Hospital suffering from typhoid fever was reported late last night to slightly better. It was said the physicians attending him believe he is now improving. For a time Mullen's condition was regarded as very serious He is a student at Delaware College. i "He's a stingy old curmudgeon sn'i he?" 1 "The worst saw.
Why, he'd haggle over the of building a spite fence." CI '-Record-Herald Freak Stm Cansht. Among the mat ai-e freaks di covered, the prize vas lanrisd on Friday st Penn's Gix hen a fisherman caught a sturgeon that possess both a roe and a melt. The roe was on the right side and the melt on th let. Ths fish measured six fet ir length and weighed 115' pounds. was bought by New York parties.
$400.00 Used Hardman Piano $100.00 $1.15 Crex Bugs, 36x72 inches 75c 75c to $Lo4, Dressed and Undressed Dolls, slightly soiled 35c to $2.50 $4.00 S. C. Special Tennis Rackets $2.90 $2.25 Steamer Chairs now $1.80 $10.00 and $12.00 China Matting special at $7.50 a roll Beds $30.00 $12.50 Felt Mattresses $8.50 $30.00 Single Express Harness $20.75 50c Horse Collar Pads 23c Bist Day at Penn's Gvot. Length of To-day. Sun rises 4.34 a.
seta 7.S4 p. Moon rises 10.13 p. sets 3.05 Moon rises 10.13 p. sets 3 05 III Gi: -TIDE TO-DAY. A.
M. Boys' $1.50 to S2.50 Wash Suits, Russian and Sailor $1.00 English YiMtors at Y. 3T. C. A.
Councillor Charles P. Nailey, of York. England, is a gaestjat the Young Men's Christian Association for a few Jays to stuc some of -the progressive policies of tne association to attract young men, and before returning to EnglanO will study the work that is being carried on by a number of the association; in this country. The English associations ha-sa suffered, owing to the. lack of iuterf st among the young men, an-an effort is being marie to arrive at worciH plan for interesting: them.
Seeing the success with which the in this country have been meeting. English immediately ent their repre sentative to this country to make study of the conditions. m. a. m.
J. M. 10.29 1 2.0 1.24 2. C1 S.11 3. D9 Lewes Kitt's Hammock Bombay Hook Port Penn The banner df.y of the season at Penn's Grove was on Saturday, when nearly 600 people went to the New Jersey resort by way of the steamer t'lrica.
of the New Jersey and Wilmington Ferry Company. The steamer Curried over 950 passengers yeerday. Republican Committee Met. A meeting of the' New Castle County Republican committee was held at the Young Men's Republican Club Saturday afternoon when matters in connection with the coming campaign discussed ..10 04 ,.12.59 1 44 3.54 3.S4 RACKET ST1EET tIGHiH T8eSf mm sirzh HARSCT STREET E1G3T9 STIGET MLEEET SItEtt iirawbridge Clothier Month of Christiana ftlfcuHngton When you want Window and Door Screens made, go to Ytrger's Screen factory, No. 413 Shipley street..