The Newark Advocate from Newark, Ohio (2024)

Page 2C The Advocate. Neark, 0., Sun. Sept. 16. 19S4 OB d0 lb ad a if at Baseball College football ASTROS 3, PADRES NL STATISTICS INDIANS.

A iJ run IOuvk kick); Syr FG aAcAuiay 40. Syr-f AtcAuler 12, Syr tail 2 pas from Nor ley ttncAuley kick). A 23, AL STATISTICS TIAMAATTltat San oteco TCA44 SATTING CLEVfUUtO OAKUNO Gary PalCfiTy cf taemeijt) Syr NU First downs 14 Rushes yards 40- 1 4 I St Passing yards 171 14 Return yaros 14 Passes 2M4 Punt 7 At 1 2 Fumbles tat 21 I I Penalties yard 4 57 1 It Timeof Possession 32.14 27 44 HOUSTON atrial abrkt 1110 Oaran 4t 10 402 1 Sattcl 1011 4110 Camera) 2 110 4000 Crtul 401 4( GOmfk 41 I 4Puri 400 (((BMeC 11(1 4t i o-aMa liio IIKBPenass (( 1111 It 10 I I II MScortp 2 110 llll(HMt (((( 1l((Pivrsp 11(0 Bill Totals 1 A I NMIPct am ilk aat IOI IT aS 277 UK Ult Ul aw 2 sm 4D Ma 113) NJ la sei) au 13a wt tat 77 I'M let IM ill a IX eta v) ijct Sit 12 50c W7 iat iu let 41 tm IN SJ) 757 414 12SI 255 4MI Ai 173) 134 141 252 ait sh not ul 2S 4M lil 151 tm 21 atrlk ark) Btmercf ill imar 5 1 1 teato Francos 42lLawra 111 Nearer. Han 1 1 wrm ot 1112 toroma wwertlc (l((n Hit Oeh-wt TKrawdl sill lam. 211 kerneiC Caner ta 4 111 Mas a 2 I iesa Vuncerl 4(2(Omss llll CMwaM TaMrlk 4ll(kerst UK -mmm panose I Merer I I lews emMl I (Vagnerss till Seam F40MI2 llll lrw( llll OeuM Penuns, I OMit llll Cewor keeoalb llltmemrt 21 SarMnar arni I 1 1 1 Pus2i 211 OKea TatMS 17 4 II TMM till rtMl Tmpmiss Lenarp LeHerts Fnnryp tNOtVIOUAL STATISTICS USMNG Syracuse.

Covington 142. Garden lS7 Northwestern. Cummmgs 2 ti. Parson II 2. Scmveb I 23.

PASSING Syracuse), Norley 20 34 171. Nortnweslarn. Scnwao 410-1. RECEIVING Syracuse. Covington 54.

Scnwode 4 54. Siano 2 37. Tart 1-14. Chalk I II. ttorttvwestarn.

Parsons 14. Jackson 1-4. Coates I Saafkeaa Ml It 2 Measm Ml OK lie- 2 Game RSI GOeva (II i-Rren. OP Houston I. LOS Sen lego 1.

Houston 4. Is MScaft. GOavis 18-last. 5 INOtVtOUAL IATTIK latsarawreataatti A I aHMrd IV 511 171 1 JS NATIONAL LEAGUE CAST Ol VISION I M. CMc ago New York II a i44 tv 7 )o iJO II vj LOW 71 tj Montreal 72 IS .40 lrVfc Pittsburg 14 4j WE ST Ol VISION SanDteg 66 JS5 Atlanta 75 ,41 Houston 73 7S .493 Los Angeles 71 77 .80 lli Cincinnati 4) tS .424 H1 San Francisco 4 as -422 20 Saturday's 6hhs Houston 1.

San Diego 2 St. Laws S. Pittsburgh 1 Chicago S. New Vork 4 Lot Angeles Cincinnati I Montreal 4. Philadelphia Atlanta 4, San Francisco 1 Sunday's Games Montreal (Lea 15-11 at Pnitadtiphia (Hudson -H.

lis p.m. San Francisco ILeskey av 121 at Atlanta (Mahler 10-). 2: 10 p.m. Pittsburgh (Rnoden 13 at St. Louis Horton -4) 2 15 m.

Los Angeles (Valenzuel II 15) at Cincinnati (Soto 157). New Vork (Bereflyi II ID at Chicago (Trout 12 2: 20 p.m. San Diego ITnurmond 13 7) at Houston (knepper 14-9), 7 05 p.m. Monday's Games New Vork at Philadelphia. 7:35 a.m.

Los Angeles at Atlanta. San Diego at Cincinnati. 7: 35 m. San Francisco at Houston, 1:35 p.m. Only games sciieduled Cal lat 54 MO a 344 Reynolds 17).

uwynn IMI. S-Louar IP IE S( SO SaaOieoa Mmg NV 540 14 It 22 344 Mwhrf*cks tor 1M17M2 1 17 EMurrwBlt 571 171 Ml 37 12 11 OHIO ST. 41. WASH. ST.

9 atlii4iati Stat OtueSlet IK It Owo tG Spongier 43. 0-atet 3 run (Soangter kick); On Byars I run (Scsangier Otho Dyers pat from TomcM. (kick On.o Wootdriog 11 run iSpengter kick): Ohio Karsatos 4 run ISpaogier CSnaa Oelaney 2 run (Spangier kKk) A a.27 wash otti (Tirstdowns 21 24 usncvyare 35 13 SS Patting yaros 11 174 Return yard 051 Pastes 15151 11190 Ws SU ISO FeanbletrIM 1 7 10 Penalties yard 5-3S 12 TrmeotPostestXM 25 24 34:14 INOIVIOUAL STATISTICS USming Wesn. Si, sum 14 tl. forer to 53, Rye-en SO.

CalvM 34, Reed 218, Teuteiatasi 17, (Mount Imtnut 4. Onto St, Byars 24-US, Vrooiaridge 1 1, tatet 424. Karsatos 1 21, Walker 21, Jaotie HoKand 17, Oelaney 2 14. PASSING wash St. Rypied 14 311 121.

Blount 140 Ohio St. Karsatos 120 Tomczafc S7 55. RECEIVING Wash St Marshall 1 47, Bums 3 23. Chase 21. Leigmon 3 II.

AAavet 2 W. jamet I 19. Br.ia 14, Taylor 14, Carvws 12 Ohio St, Lanese 4 45. Byars 47. Carter 2 12.

STANFORD 34, ILLINOIS 19 minors It 4 tt Stanford MM 14 14 III FG White JO; Stan Harry 12 pass from Pay (Harmon Henley run (Harmon kickl; Hi Williams 5 pass from Trudeeu (White kick); lit FG White 25; Stan Harry 11 pass from Pare (Harmon kick); Stan FG Harmon 57; Stan Park 13 run (Harmon kick); IH Grant 47 pass from Crul (run fails); Stan FG Harmon 34. 1 loner Lewis lJ-4 DENISONC. Ovruaa sea an I OeMeM 2M sw-1 Game winning l. Harare 111. MDevis.

TaMer, waanir OP OaRiand I LOO-cmeian) 7. Gaiiaiw I JO 38 Butler. Heath. atwrpny (Ml. 5-utier (4M, sernaurd ll.

SF Cleveum) IP SO Comer 121 1 3 2 I 2 Ferr 3 1 1 I I Eastrly II I I IMwrW.IO 221 1 1 4 CamecMSJ I I I OWm SurrrsL.00 til 4 4 I 2 Cauor 1 3 2 I H8P Lamord by Comer. Franca by Burr rs WF Sums. 13 W. A 13.520- KALAMAZOO 21 1-1 571 Ryan MScott DSmilK 21 7 i a ti (mill 1 wP-an 2. Lollar.

A-li4Si. BemNXiSt 44. Mount Senarlo eenedKtlne 14. Concordia, Nell 27 Butler 20. Wittenberg Carteton 2.

Auosourg 1 Cent tow44.Nipan Cot Michigan 17, Carolina 1 Cant St. Onio 17, Ferris St Centre I). Withinalon. Mo. V6 CtMcago to.

Peine I Oay ton 74. Otterbem Demon 42. tmK5 21 Doane 54. CoorooCo4 11 Earthamll, nkanctiest II Ifknms 11. NE Missouri 7 Elmnursl la.

BenedKtme.lM. Florida St 42, Kansas 14 rtamlin 24. Concoroia. Moor IS Hanover 45. Defiance 42 Hope 14.

OePeuw 24 Illinois awtlyn 2. Carthage 17 Iowa St 21. Drake 17 Iowa wetlyn 11, Co kanatS4 2. Tennetae Tach 11 Kentucky 4. Indiana 14 Miami, la 24.

Purdue 17 Mo Am Nazerene 14. upper Iowa 7 Muskingum 34. Ohio Northern 14 Nebraska 3. Minnesota 7 Iteoratke Oman 14. Dakota It NE lllinon, 14.

St Joseph, Ind 7 MKlHgan 24. Oulufh 14 NWMo St 14. Grand Valley St Notre Oame 24. MKhigan St. 20 OnwU 11.

Ball St. 17 Olio 54 44. Washington SI Olivet Nazarene 2. Eureka I Penn St 2. Iowa It Syr acuta 11.

Nwtfwettern IJ Taylor 14, Rose Hutman 13 Vetperatto 3. Alma 24 WaoathJ.OIlvt Warfburg 42. Cornell, Iowa 14 Washington 20, Mklngan 11 Wayne, Mich 11, Eventvlllel Wayne, Neb 40. Hatting lllinott 34. S.

Illinois 14 MKIkgan 41. Illinois St 14 William Perm 14. Culver Stockton 122 Wisconsin 15, Mistouri 14 Wis Whitewater 11. Wiv LeCroue 31 Yankton Oana Voungtiownst 27, Cincinnati 2) SOUTHWEST Angela St 21, Cameron 0 Arkansas 14, Mississippi 14, tkt Arkansas St. 72, Tenn.

Marim 14 Howard Payne 7, Texas Lutheran 7 Oklahoma St. 21, Bowling Green 14 Pan handle St. 21. Sm Host St. Ml Southern u.

10. Texas Southern 3 Texas 15, Auburn 27 Texas Tech 4. Texas-Arlington 1 FAR WEST Arizona 27, Oregon St Brignem Young 3. Tulsa Califormaia. PacifkU 12 Cal Oevts 1, Cal Lutheran Carroll.

Mont 14. Chadron St 11 Cent. Washington 57, E. Oregon 0 Cotorado SI to. Hawaii 1 Ft Lewis 14.

Mesa, Com 7 Nevada RenoOl, Te.asAUM New MeiKO 27, Texas St. 0 Oregon 27, Colorado 20 Stanford 14, Illinois I Terteton St. 21. Colorado Mines 14 Texas Christian 62, Utah St. I UCLA 22, Long Beach St.

17 New Moxko 24, West St. Cofdu 1 Wyoming 24. Air Force 20 Pfitak 14 7 1742 Den Sprlgos TO run (K4ler kkl; Den Spriggs 1 run (Keller kkk); Den Kay 12 run (Keller kick); kal Hewlett 4 run (Mitchell kick). Den Kay 4 run (Keller kkk); Kal Jeffries 3 run (Mitchell kkk); Den Sprigg I run (Keller kKk); kal Jeffries 3 run (Mitchell kick); Den Spriggs 3 run (Keller kick); Den -Mate I run (kkk tailed); Den Mate run (Keller kKk); Den Mas 34 run (Keller kick). A 1.200 CAST Allegheny 2.

Lebanon Vat Army 41. Colgate IS 0lkm4Myg23.LhHeunB uc knM 43. Camrai Atetttn 7 Buffalo 44. Atantf wHt la euffawSt l7.tVsrkportSt Cent Connectkut 21. Cortland St.f Clarion IS, Westmnttr, Pa.

a Coast Guard 24. RPl Pott 71. katgs Point 71, tt Datawares IS. Northeastern Delaware Vat 21. AAVigm airmonf St 17, Waynesoura 12 Fordham 17.

CatholK 21 Frntm 4 AtertMl 30. Ursinus 7 Getfytourg 39, Maryland 7 Grove City to. Cuquene 7 ttoiy Cross rt. Rhode island 0 tnona. Pa 77, motay KeanO, Ramapo.

tnt Lertogn to, ContwctKut 7 Marrtt3.NV Maritime 7 kAercyhvrst 17. Widener 7 Moravian 7. Juniata 25 AtAjnttnberg 4. DKkmsonO New Hansptrwr 21. Lafayette 7 New Haven 24.

Albany, V. 7 Norfolk St 14. Cneyrwy 4 NorwKK JO. Lowell Oklanoma 42. Pittsburgfi M) Pace 41.

Brooklyn Cal Plymouth St Nichols 7 Rutgers 10, Temple Satem. va It. Concord 17 Snepnerd 22. Glenvilie SI. 7 Sttippantburg 10, Kutztown Slippery Rock 17, Millersville 14 Susquehanna 24, Lvcommg 7 Swarthmore 10.

Johns Hopkins 0 Tmel21.St Francis. Pa 4 William A Mary 23. Delaware 31 Worcester Tech 54. itchtturg St. SOUTH Alcorn SI 52.

Alabama St a Bethune Cookmn It, Howard Citadel 23, Presbyterian Tuiene 11 Ft Valley St 14, Morehouse 4 Fur man 34. Carolina St 10 Georgia Southern 42, Cent. Florida 21 Georgia Tech 14. Alabama LSU 47, Wichita St 7 Mars Mill 14, Catawba 13 Marshall 24. Michigan 17 Middle Tenn 77, Jacksonville St II Mississippi Cot 7, SE Louisiana 6 Morris Brown IB, Tuskegee 13 Murray St.

42, SE Missouri 1 Navy 13, Carolina 30 Newberry 22, GrcJrvr Webb 7 NE Louisiana 7, sw Louisiana Richmond 30. Maine 11 51 Paul's 28. Brdgwaler.Va 11 Salisbury 51 14, Randolph Macon 11 S. Carolina St. 44, N.

Carolina AAT 7 Southern Meth 41. Louisville 7 Mississippi 34, Louisiana TechO Troy St. 17, Florida A4.M 3 Vafdosta St. 2. Savannah St.

7 Vanderbilt 23, Maryland 14 Virginia 35, VMI 7 Wake Forest 17, Appalachian St. 11 Georgia 41. Samtord 4 W. Virginia 14, Virginia Tech 7 Winston-Salem 40. Central MIDWEST Augustana, IN.

47. North Park Wisconsin? Scioto Downs AMERICAN LEAGUE EAST DIVISION Pet. 6B Detroit 14 54 .435 Toronto 3 45 J4I 11 Baltimore 79 47 341 14 New Vork 7 4 .537 14'4 Boston 77 70 .524 14'j Cleveland 4 SI .464 26 "a Milwaukee 02 IS .422 31V 504 Ul 25 Jit Sl 11 51 JI7 406 It IJI k) 74 J12 412 51 171 1 34 Jll 537 71 17 22 111 525 HI 11 I 3 34J 4 43 .107 5U 51 157 4 .30 570 lit 24 74 J05 47 10 141 1 41 MS 401 52 121 2 40 302 31 44 OS 13 51 301 K7 152 II 10 307 41 1 71 .300 7f7 111 I JM 305 17 7 41 541 11 14 43 7l SM 112 Ml 27 .24 545 23 71 24 397 Sa IIS 23 791 ss a 14 3 a 523 71 153 1 31 -H3 555 147 22 .22 305 a It 1 4 .22 414 55 142 24 .21 455 1 111 14 52 .22 411 75 ITS 1 71 487 It 141 24 It .20 WEST DIVISION DODGERS 5, REDS 2 LOS ANGELS CINCINNATI aerah) akrkt Minnesota 75 72 74 74 Kal OU First downs 14 1 Rushing yard 321 14 Passing 35-103 140 Passing yards 80 143 Total yards 103 547 PuntsAvo, S740 0 132 0 Fumblestost 11 11 Penaltiesyards 540 74S 72 72 10 Sn2b California KansasCity Chicago Oakland Texas .507 .507 .454 .454 .47 LATE FRIDAY BOXES ANGELS U. WHITE SOX 2 CHICAGO CALIFORNIA akrbb) ear) RlawK 4 I I I Bemoulrf 5111 Bostoncf 411 Scours 10 I Barnes rt 4 110 lyrvtcf 4111 Gwamrlt 4 0 11 Thmasrf 10 0 0 KrmeOh DeCncslb 242 1 Smaller 3b 111 Wntong 110 Fietcnrss 2 I DowmngH llll HaKstnoR ((II Pemscf (III Ovtuiskss I ReJksnoH 4 211 Pactortph I 0 1 1 Gricn 2D 2 111 MHiHc 2 I I Boone 4(12 OMaHypn 1(((Narranc 0 0 0 0 SKinnerc 0 00 0 Scnotudsi 4101 Xrul2b ((( Tews 11 2 1 1 Total! si ll i) 47 I S12Milnerct 4 ll 51 (Rosen 2( 411 Sean 6 010 II 44 ai A I 4t IfU Pet Piaimia sent tin it 21 SanFranuc SW tU M4 St) Moat ant 67 1174 tl SK 25 Ok ami 1308 tit tsi 21 SaDeaa ant 1271 Ml 571 251 hew rtt 494) 4 IM tl Ul HI ajomeel tM S3t sat 251 novrg Soil ill tit ill 751 Sl)M "It 592 1241 tt 554 751 Anama art jjt 1:14 tt sji 21 Pawl St llll hum LHAngtie 4471 504 1172 17 as 24 MOtVtOUAL It TYING atwartatbetsi A tt. 14 Pet SwrwiSO i4 tt i 44 351 HernanatltfV Sut 77 12 95 tt Jt Sanooerg Ch MS Mt 15 tt Jit Cruz 549 171 Jli fix Pit US 64 IK 52 HI CaorkW 42 52 HI 41 Jll LecvP 411 54 129 tt Jll StmrsVOI 57 tt 111 1 54 Jh) PuMHtn 408 59 121 2 49 JO CDemSF tj Tt las 19 tt 301 VHareSPM t7 79 151 14 tl 104 (VennSF 414 70 14 a 71 Jo? LeanaroSF 441 144 21 (2 J02 OmerPM 4K) 34 121 MatmewsCni 461 93 11 12 72 25 GCanerMon S) at IS 25 W2 .21 MupnryHtn 5W 63 I4t I 7 Guerrero LA 41 75 IN 14 55 .289 McRyMdsSO 464 13 140 20 74 289 WasngtonAtl 195 60 114 17 a 29 TPenaPit SI4 la 13 it .28 BrooxSNY S22 56 15 It 72 217 McGeeStL 511 71 146 5 44 26 sCia 141 42 91 I a .21 ParkerCi 5t 67 lit IS 64 14 ScMrwltPni 4tt 89 la 33 M7 284 DeriMrChi 494 86 14 1 11 283 Durham Cni 431 81 122 21 17 .281 GervevSO 578 61 13 I 83 287 MurgnyA.ll 550 86 155 32 at J82 MoreianoChi 44 53 124 IS .281 Henorick StL 441 57 121 at .279 Doranmn 492 It 137 3 a .271 BacxmanNV 419 64 114 1 21 HerrStL 558 67 154 4 49 .276 SamuetPni 636 98 I7S 13 43 275 MWinonNV 5)8 2) 149 I 45 RRamirzAlt 541 45 147 45 272 OoerxiellAtt 324 a 17 I 21 .269 VirgilPft 411 57 112 18 65 .29 osier NY 512 62 137 21 79 .21 OGreenSrL 409 46 lot 14 56 .27 CedentC la 49 IS 41 Wynne Pit 621 23 167 0 37 266 Or sen Mon 140 41 90 12 44 .265 GarnerHm 321 SI 85 4 41 .25 CRenokKHta.

489 58 129 I 56 264 Ream Cm 171 tl tt I 22 MarsneilLA 457 62 119 21 42 .20 CnmotiSsAtt 382 48 99 9 40 259 DeJesusPni 428 40 111 0 35 259 LanorXLA 198 33 103 11 40 259 JOav.sCN 414 54 123 It 90 .251 Wallach Mo 529 S3 136 II 4t .257 loSnvth SM 462 71 111 tS 255 Maolocx Pit 398 37 V0I 4 44 .254 TemoietnSO 454 33 IIS 2 .251 JTnoosonPtt 497 55 125 17 it .252 'Wiggins SO 554 98 139 1 12 .351 VongbKMS 46 59 117 10 51 .351 OSmirnStl 364 45 91 I 37 250 TrilloSF 360 42 90 4 32 .230 AnoesonLA HI 46 15 3 38 .240 Dawson Mon 484 68 119 14 II .144 VanSlykeStL 119 42 21 4 43 .25 Fitzgerald NY 332 19 II 1 31 24 MtHWrCm 101 41 7) 1 17 244 StrewbryNV 480 65 117 21 71 .244 tester Cm 495 il 1 10 it .141 GWilson Phi 328 28 79 I 30 241 Martinez SO 441 58 106 I 61 .240 ConceoconCi 412 a IIS 4 49 2 FlynnMon 361 23 86 0 14 236 Cey Clu 40 68 109 25 9t .217 Hubbard Atl 397 S3 93 43 234 Kennedy SO 492 52 IIS 11 52 .234 BerraPit 413 30 96 49 .232 San LA Sll 55 118 I 13 .231 Porter StL 384 49 88 tt .229 NemesSD 364 53 81 43 223 knight NY 339 20 75 2 31 221 BowaCni 362 28 78 0 215 LeMaster SF 418 46 90 4 11 21S Bailey Htn 330 36 70 7 32 212 EsaskyCM 110 59 44 7:22. A 43.795. Seattle 44 02 .444 Ml Stan Late Game Not Included 24 22 Andesnlb Lanarxrf Guerrercf AUrvtim Sciosciac Bream lb BRusselss Rivera 3b rleKhisrp .290 .290 289 2 11 Parkerrf 4 0 1 IIIICMWOII 4((( 4(12 Krcllck3b 4 I 2 0 01 Cncpcnss 1 4 0 11 Knclevc 2 10 1 ((((Oesterlb 4 0 0 9 1110 RRobnsnp 110 0 First downs Rushes-yards Passing yaras Return yards Passes Punts Funwtes-tost Penalties-yards 41-144 2tS 45 1130 21 12 7 SO 2117 371 27 31 52 3 4 27 10 440 MUSKINGUM 34. ONU 14 Muskingum 14 11 714 Oh Northern 14 14 MUS Greene 14 run (Heller kKk); MUS Greene run (Heller kKk); MUS Hazell 41 pass from Puroy (Heller kKk); MUS Burks 31 run (kick failed); MUS Morris 19 pass from Puroy (Sudduth kkk); ON Eicher I run (Kaplan kick); ON John 4 pass from Eicher (Kaplan kick). A 3000.

sa 74 55t 4 142 12 SOS 51 144 18 401 77 17S 5 S3 81 12 33t 7 11 47 57 134 14 44! 12 131 22 111 it lit I 533 82 ISI 10 434 57 123 4 331 41 I 412 72 110 M. 500 57 140 IS 5'3 70 143 24 321 44 105 II 543 58 1S7 315 40 88 11 Time Possession 34-44 33 14 Owclunkp 0000 Paslorep 0 0 0 0 Foley pl 1110 Totiverp 0 9 0 0 Walter pn 1000 tiumep 0 0 0 0 15 511 I 7 Mi IS 20 2 52 INDIVIDUAL LEADERS -280 .281 284 286 .284 .241 283 282 281 .281 280 379 .27 .279 .279 .279 ctwaoo til i Calitonia in Ml Ma- ll Game Winning RBI ReJackson (10). Boston 2, Sconiers. DP Chicago California LOBChicaoo 5, California S. JBFietcner, Ghch.

3B RLaw. HR Re Jackson (21), Gricn (II), Lnn (73). DeCinces Totals LesAaeewt IN 122 HO I Cmcniiuti Ml HI- 2 Game WlnMno RBt-SRiHsell (4). Sax. DP Los Angeles 2, Cincinnati 2.

LOB Los Angeles II, Cincinnati 4. 2B Sax, Sciescia, Krencnicki. SB Scioscis (i), Anderson (HI. Saturday's Games Boston 4, New York 3 Mi hwaukee 7, Baltimore 0 California 1 1, Chicago 2 Detroit 2, Toronto 1 Cleveland 4. Oakland 3 Minnesota 1, Texas 0 Kansas City at Seattle (n) Sunday's Games Toronto (Lamp -7 at Detroit (Petry 17 (), Boston (Boyd 10 10) at New Vork asmussen 8-5), 2 p.

m. Baltimore (Davis 13 7) at Mi iwaukee Sutton 13-11). 2 10 p.m. Minnesota (Viola 14-12) at Texa (Stewart 513), 3:05 p.m. Kansas City (Lelbrandt y-7) at Seattle (Barojas 9-5), 3:05 p.m.

Chicago (Dotson 13-13) at California (Romanick 10-12), 3 :07 p.m. Cleveland (Schuize 3-5) at Oakland Langf ord 0-0) 4 35 m. Monday's Games Milwaukee at Detroit, 7:35 p.m. Boston at Toronto, 7:35 p.m. Baltimore at New Vork, 8 p.m.

Chicago at Minnesota, Kansas City at California, 10:30 p.m. Cleveland at Seattle, 10:35 p.m. Texas at Oakland, 10:35 p.m. RED SOX 4, YANKEES 3 IP ER II SO 4 2-3 4 7 7 3 1 0 11110 213 6 1 3 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 Chtcato SeaverL.1410 Nieman GNeison Aooslo California Wittw.U 11 541 92 ISI II S93 85 1S 21 309 41 it 7 498 13 138 14 SF Guerrero, Kntcely- CAPITAL 34, MARIETTA 21 Capital -1 7 1 7 14 Marietta 14 721 CapPalm 3 run (Stver kkk); Cap FG Styer 47; Mar Burton 4 run (Candel kkk); Cap Tec ken 13 run (Styer kkk); Mar Phillips pass from Fizer (Candel kkk); Cap Palm 1 run (Styer kkk); Cap FG Styer 30; Mar Burton 40 run pass from Adams; Cap flaenszel 24 run (Styer kkk). A 1400.

SM (4 14 It LSanchez RUSHING Illinois, Rooks 92, Wilson 11-49, Johnson. 11, Trudeeu 7 5. Stanford, Henley 1352, Park 14 42, Morris 6-32, Paye 4-13, Gill I S. PASSING Illinois. Trudeau 24-40 3 724.

Crux 1 12145. Stanford, Paye 19 33 0 295. RECEIVING Illinois, Grant 4114, Williams 7 72, Boso 3 53, Boatright 5 30. Johnson 2 28. Brown 1-22, Wilson 3 20, Mauck 2 It, Passmor I t.

Stanford, Henley KMS1. James 2 41, Baty 1 35. Park ll. Harry 29, Westerfiefd t. PENN ST.

20, IOWA 17 Perm Stat II 7 tawa 17 217 Ntchot 24; PSU FG Gan-cltano 21; PSU FG Gancrtano 15; PSU: Bellamy 34 pass from Strang (Gencitano kick); tow Harmon IS run (Nrchol kick); PSU Strang I run (Gancitano kKk); IOW Long 1 run 3S3 It 97 542 tl 141 LosAngeles IP ER BB SO Hersniserw.M 2 2 Cincinnati RRooinsonUI 5111 6 1 Owcninko 0 1000 Pastors. 2-3 0 0 0 0 Toliver I 0 0 0 1 0 Hume 1 2 000 Nieman prtched to 2 batters the Sth. 479 it 13) 513 72 140 394 42 10) 17S 45 Ml 424 S4 114 SATURDAY'S RESULTS Boogsosa Bom Tex Barren Bs Easier Bsn Trammh Oet Onakan RiQKen Bit Wmonkan CofimsTor Johnson tor BarfiesChi Carew Cat VekevtctiCie kempNY LansWdOak DwEvansBsft GBen lor after Chi Wt RanooKXINV LAParisnlex WcRaekan PuckenMin RHenowOak Franc Cle KGiosonDet posnawlor Yount Mil OBrienTex Garcia Tor Perconte Sea Brenkan Money Kan LynnCai abler CM Wtntaker Det SnerieaftKan JamesMil Lemon Del Cowens Sea ADavis Sea Buckner Bsn CoooerMii DHeosonSea MoseoyTor Rice Bsn Sunooerg Mil Kingman Oak Thornton CI Griffey NY Ward Tex Downing Cat TeufelMm Wynegar NV HernaonDet White Kan DeCinces Cal EngieMin Gaetti Mm Hargrove CK Jacooy Cie Geoman But SiaugntKan Armas Bsn Butler Cle Gutierrez Bsn Brunansky Min Ogiivie Mil Bumory Bit BochteOak (etcher Cni Phillips Oak VLawCm Par. torek Chi OWoreno NY GrtcnCal MurpnyOak Baylor NY Bonnell Sea Owen Sea Dauer Bit Meacham NY Sample lex Heath Oak MK Young Bit Morgan Oak Romero Mil RLaw Chi Manning Mil HJonnsonDet WilkersonTex LuzinskiChi DaEvansDet GWrignt Tex BarboniKan LN Parish Oet Griffin lor Kearney Sea ReJaksonCaf Fisk Cni Pettis Cat Simmons Mil Berntrd Cle TotlesonTex MDavisOak Kittle cm Gross Bit SmalleyChi JCruzCbi Smgieton Bit Shelby Bit Boone Cal Scnofieid CM Owcnlnko pitched to 1 batter in 6th. HBP-Rose bv Hershisw.

488 70 111 HANOVER 45, DEFIANCE 42 390 St 104 3 11 7 1445 532 44 141 112 42 18 438 41 lit BRAVES 4, GIANTS I 391 45 KS 21 (Nic hoi kKk). A 44,145. Defiance 7 ti 4 14 41 Det Finfrock 21 pass from Jenkins (Weisenberger kick); Han FG arisen 25; Han Aorell to pass from PliwtKk (Bartsch kKk); Han-Perry 18 pass from PirmKk (Bartsch kick); Det mfrock 44 pass from Jenkins (Weisenberger kick); Han Perry 5 pass from Plnnick (Bartsch kkk); 348 42 97 3 591 92 153 37 SSI tt Mi 2 390 49 102 2 MARINERS 2. ROYALS I KANSAS CITY SEATTLE abrkbi abrbbi Wilsoncf 4 0 1 0 Percontlb 2 00 Jones rf 4 0 PBradlycf 40 10 Motley If 4 0 0 0 ADavis lb 4 111 McRaedh lOOOCowensrf 3110 Wamanpr 0 0 0 0 20 10 White 1 DHedsndri 3 000 Baiooni lb 1(11 Presley lb 2 0 0 0 Slaugntc 4 0 0 0 Kearneyc 10 0 0 PrvorM KOOOwenst 10 0 0 Cncpcnss 2 0 0 0 Totals 3 I 5 I Totals 27 2 I Kansas City M0 100 MO 1 Seattle M0 Ml HI 2 One out when winning run scored. Game Winning I ADavis 121 Langston DP Kansas City 2, Seattle 1.

LOB-Kansas Cify t. Seattle 3. 2BBlboni, Cowens. HR ADavis (241. SB White IS).

508 tt 132 31 454 48 118 PS Iowa 16 25 47-170 44-10 157 189 54 40 11 272 M-271 7 40 5 4) 20 43 143 7 5 3121 2:37 oet Jenkins run (pass); Finfrock 6 run (run at led abrkbi 3 110 3(00 3 100 4 14 2 3 122 4 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 40 10 3 000 First downs Rushes yards Passing yards Return yards Passes Punts Fumbles lost Penalties-yards Time of Possession NEW YORK abrttbi 40 10 Mecbmss 40 12 Griffey If 4 0 0 0 Wtngry lb 3 12 1 WmfieWrf 1 0 0 0 Kemp 40 0 0 Wynegarc 4 13 0 PglruloJb 4 110 OWorencf 4 111 HudlerTo 4 0 2 0 Gamble pit Foh 2b It 11 4 Totals BOSTON Bootts Jb DwEvnsrf Rice If Armas cf Miller cf Easier tin Bucknr lb Gedmanc Barrett 2b Gutirrzss Totals Aorell 10 pass from Plnnick (Bartsch abrkbi 5 0 2 0 llll 5 0 10 5 0 3 0 5 0 0 0 5 0 00 30 10 4 110 2 110 1000 00 0 0 30 1 12 1 SAN FRAN Wellmnss TriitoTb CDaviscf Leonard If Brentyc SThpsnlb Sancneirf Brown 3b Krukowp Lacey Richrdspft Garreltsp kuiperpn Calvert Totals ATLANTA ll 3 0 0 0 MThmpSrf 4 0 10 RRmrzss 4 12 0 Komnsk rf 4 0 2 1 Murphy cf 4(10 Perry lb 3 0 0 0 Jobnson3b 3 0 0 0 Runge2b 3 0 10 Trevinoc 1 0 0 0 Carnpp 0 0 0 0 10(0 0 0 0 0 1000 0 0 0 0 11 I 7 I Totals 310 37 80 440 SO 113 408 42 105 416 Si Ml 4 SS 113 332 32 304 34 78 312 S4 79 50t 82 128 44 80 117 338 3) 85 SOS 66 126 361 27 90 .278 .271 .277 .277 22S 2'S 3)3 273 .222 29 .269 268 27 .263 2ti .265 .264 .264 .263 .261 .262 .20 20 .258 257 257 ,257 257 256 .255 253 253 252 251 250 .24 249 .249 248 .248 .248 .248 247 244 .244 .244 .243 .239 239 J37 237 .233 .232 .232 .230 .228 .223 .222 .222 .218 217 .214 .214 .209 .206 .19 5 White. INOIVIOUAL STATISTICS RUSHING Penn St. Mumford 1479, Clark 1115; Iowa Gill It 56. Harmon 4. PASSING Penn St.

Strang 11 27 2 157; Iowa Long 16 27-1 189. RECEIVING Penn St. Hamilton 3 15. DiNidio 3 47, Bellamy 2 19; Iowa Hapoel 3 51, Hayes 3 42, Heiverson 331. tlTRIFECTA (1-H) S1.4S7.M S4 BOX 11.721 HI SIXTH 13,000 Conditioned Pec.

Florida Kash (Walters) 7 20, 4 ao. 3 0, Helads Ben Hur (Lendon) 20. 60; Cervantes Osbonr (Irvine Jr 3 00 Time I S9 1. ALSO RACED Wildwood streak, Armbro Century. Ps Skipper, My Little Rascal, Kandiman Good Show Tim.

S3 PERFECTA (40) S326 SO SEVENTH S4. 000 Conditioned Pace Skipper Dale Marx (Rau) $9 TO. 4 40, 3 20; Moms Woe (Simon) 6 20, 1 20. Balance The Books (Riegiel 240 Time 1:58 3. ALSO RACED Wildwood Eagle, Brets Speed, Iron Will, Rambling Buck, Sweefpea Tree.

Scratched Ann Happy Boy SI PERPdCTA (4-4) 19. I EIGHTH 13.800 Conditioned Pace. Inspector General (Riegle) St 40, 3 60, 3 20; Tahoe Bob (Walters) 3 40. 3 20, Lennys Fireball (Rich) 6 40. Time 1:58 4.

ALSO RACED double Nickel, Bowers Hanover, Lucky Elwood, Dancers Woe, Guy Skipper, Champ Byrd, Noble Delightful 12TRIFECTAIH 31 St BOX 11.10 NINTH 110,000 INVITATIONAL PACE. Kansas Almahurst (Brandt) S6 40, 4 20. 2 60; Magnum (Allen) 7 60. 140; Willow Bowl (Riegle) 160. Time 1:5.

1 ALSO RACED Osbornes Ace. Gypsy Ben. TENTH $2,700 Claiming Pace. Fritz Cracker (Rummel) 117.60. (60, 7 Hartys Miracle (Rankin) 1400, 4 60; Blazing Jerry (Long Jr.) 6 80.

Time 2:02 ALSO RACED Bills Gypsy. Independent Bret, Surprise Champ. Vkkie Deer, Winter Light-ning, Romey Regent. S2TRIFECTA St BOX $1,15591 30 4 1 1 IP ft ER IB SO 111 4 2 2 2 4 FIRST Claiming Pace. Midnight Rider (Miller) 19 80, 80.

60. Breton Time (Lovely) 62 20, 19 00; Steady Barjac (Long) 5 40. Time 2 02 2. ALSO RACED Dales Miss Creed, Georgias Promise, Byrd, Pats Comet, Gemini Ranger, Bewitching Ginger, Family Reunion, S2TRIFECTA (1-9 10) Sl.697.20 St BOX SI, 144 40 SECOND S1.5O0 Claiming Pace. Sir Melvin (Paver Jr.) StO 20, 480, 360; Chats Deal (Irvine Jr I 4 40, 3 60; Glacier Valley (Bookmyer) 2 60.

Time 2:00 2. ALSO RACED Magnum Bret, Barnabys Song, Ideal VKtory. steamin Beats, Js immy. Double Dimension. SIOUINELLA THIRD S4, 200 Claiming Pace.

Bullet Bret (Long) S9 00, 5 20. 160; Witdwood Rock (Johnson) 9 00, 4 80; Mark Me Oft (Brinkerhoff I 5 20. Time-2 00.4. ALSO RACED Sweetest Ore, Crimson Glory, East-bound, Cagey Governor. ScratchedBaron Skipper, Macho.

S3 FOURTH 13,000 Conditioned Pace. Hillbilly Hill (Owens) SI680, 1040, 4 Starpar Bret (Hamlet) 12 SO, 4 40; Dodys Woe (Paver Jr 2 60. Time 1:59 2 ALSO RACED A Littlebit. Ideal Jerry, Pennet Hill, Mac Pher son, winsome Willie 8, Acey Deuce. SIOUINELLA (4-7) I17S.S FIFTH S2.200 Conditioned Pace.

Bustout Bull (Cautela) 157 60. 15.80, 1) 20; Blackhawk Jockey (Burnett) 660, 5.60, Barry (Paver Jr. I 5.60. Time 2:004. ALSO RACED Force, Treasures Playboy, Yankee Bye Bye, Angels Devil, First Addition, Cookies Choice, Peppy Lepew.

kkk); Det Finfrock 2 run IWeisen-berger kkk); Det Pinfrock 9 pass from Jenkins (Weisenberger kKk); Han Perry 7 pass from Pinmck (run failed); Han Abretl IS pass from Pinmck (Heyden pass from Pinnkkl.A 2.400 ALBION 20. OWU 10 Ohio Wesley an 7 31 Albwn 1 14 31 Alb FG Haul 31; Alb Truss 2 pass from' Goodman (Haut kKk); Alb Ourren recovered blocked punt in end zone (Haut kkk); OW Hill 22 pass from Hood (Abrahams kick); OW-FG Abrahams 39; Alb FG Haut 43. A 2,000. KansasCity Seattle Boston 110 030 000 I New York Ml Ml MO- 1 Game Winning RBI Barrett 131. DP Boston 1, New York 1.

LOB Boston i. New York 12. 2B Meacnam, rludler, Barrett, Armas, OMoreno, Winfield. HR Armas 138), Griffey (6). 317 S3 79 469 04 117 439 46 109 LangstonW.15 0 5 11 1 I TEAM PITCHING ERA ER BB SOShOSA Pittsburgh 3 111718 465 457 884 11 29 Los Angeles 216 1251 466 462 924 15 24 Montreal 127 1210 473 432 766 41 Houston 3 34 1210 481 448 850 1 37 Philadelphia 3 S5 1256 19 395 795 4 35 SanDiego 3 56 1202 520 507 727 IS 43 NewYork 362 1255 S28 508 til IS 46 Atlanta 3 63 1259 525 477 756 7 44 StLouis 3 63 1306 531 448 741 48 Chicago 569 1335 536 414 76 I 48 Cincinnati 4 30 1311 4)0 S14 857 31 Sn Francisco 4361405 630 495 772 31 HBP Perconte by Jackson.

WP-DJatkson. T-2: H. 326 45 81 San Francisco 000 000 Ml- I Atlanta 102 010 Mi-4 Game Winning RBI Murpby (12). Brenly. DP Atlanta 3.

LOB San Francisco 4, Atlanta 7. 2B Murphy 2, Trillo, CBrown. HR-Perry (5). SB MThompson2 (7). San FranclscolP NRERBBSO 151 48 87 Boston ER BB SO 3 3 2 8 0 0 IP 813 12 21 WASHINGTON 20, MICHIGAN 11 Nipper 10-5 Stanley S.2I New York MntefscoLJl INDIANS 6, As 1 KrukowUlOtll 306 27 76 450 62 111 338 52 83 340 39 81 450 43 IK) 404 47 98 376 57 90 327 35 78 723 113 4 23 13 2 I Righefti Lacey Garrelts Calvert Atlanta HBP Griffey by Nipper, Hudter by Nipper.

7 1114 WP-Nipper. A 24,069. BREWERS 7, ORIOLES 0 Washington 17 1 -2 Michigan 3 -ll Wash FG Jaeger 25; MKtt FG Bergeron 52; Wastv Fenney 2 run. (Jaeger kkk); wash Pattison 73 pass from Millen (Jaeger kKk); Wash FG Jaeger 31; Mkh Bean 7 pass from Harbaugh (Garrett run). A 103.072.

180 51 90 BK-Camp. T-2: 14. EXPOS 4, PHILLIES 3 CMU 17. E. CAROL 12 C.

Carolina 7 512 Cent.MKtl 717 ECU Welden 67 pass from Bartlett (Heath kkk); CMU FG Flower 24; CMU Adams 1 run. (Flower kkk); ECU FG Heath 40, CMU Hollern 4 pass from DeMerco (Flower kkk); ECU Safety, team. CMU Roberts ran out of end zone. A 23,249. W.

MICH. 41, ILL. ST. 14 CLEVELANO OAKLAND abrbbi abrbbi Butler cf 4 114 RHndsn If 3 0 0 0 Francoss 5 1 1 0 Lanstrd 3b 4 130 HallH 4 111 Wagner3b 100 0 CCastillph OOOOHancckph 10 00 Hargrvlb 1 0 0 0 Morgan Jb 20 10 Thrnfndh 4 0 3 0 Phillips 2b 30 10 Carter lb 5 0 3 1 Kngmndh 30 11 Vukvchrf 40IOMurphycf 30 10 Tabler3b 4 1 1 0 Heath rf 40 10 Bendoc 3 110 Almon 3 0 0 0 Fischlin2b 3 100DHillss 2 0 0 0 Kieferss 20 10 Bochfe lb 2 0 0 0 Terttetonc 2 0 10 Meyerph 1000 Essianc 0 0 0 0 Totals 17 11 Totals 14 1 14 I Wash Mkh First downs 13 22 Rushesyards 47-111 42 167 Passing yards 167 183 Return yards 9 46 Passes 13 160 17-37 3 Punts 7 39 3 52 Fumbleslost 20 32 Penalties-yards 5 37 3 Time of Possession 31:45 28:15 531 71 126 29 386 46 90 4 404 40 94 7 466 56 108 20 3 51 78 377 57 86 2 493 44 110 4 436 42 97 2 325 33 72 0 357 40 78 8 419 62 91 29 3K) 49 67 20 322 29 69 11 378 80 5 335 25 70 345 41 71 404 31 80 3 355 69 I abrbbi abrbbi 3 0 2 0 Younldh 3 12 4 300 0 Gantnr2b 4 0 00 400 0 Cooper lb 3 1 1 2 0 0 0 Brouhrd It 4 110 3 00 0 RCIarkcf 3 0 00 3 0 0 0 Sundbrgc 3 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 Lozadolb 4 112 3 0 0 0 Romeross 3 2 3 1 3 00 0 CMoorerf 10 0 0 Lomanrf 2 10 0 21021 Totals 30 7 7 7 BumbryH Shelby cf Ripken ss EMurrylb MKYngrt Dwverdh Gross 3b Dauer2b Rayiordc Totals 714 IIHnoisSI. 7 W.

Mkhioan 14 17 MONTREAL PHILA abrbbi abrkbi Rainescf 4 113 Samuel 2b 4 110 Lawless 2b 0 0 0 Stone rt 4010 FlynnJb 0 0 0 0 VHayescf 4 0 0 1 Dawson rf 4 0 2 0 Sctimdt 3b 32 11 GCarterc 4 0 0 0 Corcorn rf 3 0 0 0 WoMfrdtf 3 12 0 Virgilc 4 0 10 Venablelf (OOOAguayopr 0 0 0 0 Wallactilb 4 12 0 GGrosslb 2 0 11 Shines lb 3 0 0 1 De Jesus sj 0 0 0 0 Gonzlsss 4 110 Leicanph 10 0 0 Gulkksnp 40 10Jeitzss 2 0 00 Jamesp 0 0 0 0 Melndz lb 2 0 2 0 Koosmn 2 0 0 0 Wcknfspn 10 0 0 Andersnp 0 0 0 0 GWilsn ph 10 0 0 Totals 34 4 0 4 Totals 31 1 7 1 19 .194 Cleveland 140 MO MO Oakland 100 OM MO- 1 Game Wlmsg (4). Morgan, RHenderson. DP Cleveland 3, Oakland 2. LOB Cleveland Oakland II. SB-franco.

HR-Butler-(2), Hall (7). SF Baltimore 000 000 00- 0 Milwaukee Ml Mi 7 Game Winning RBI Romero (31. LOB Baltimore 7, Milwaukee 4. 2B Lozado, Yount. HR-Romero (1), Yount (11).

Shelby, RCIark. TEAM PITCHING ERA ER BS SOShOSA Detroit 3.57 1252 527 432 827 6 45 WMU Cheathem 6 run (Pr indie kick); WMU Cheathem- 1 run (Prindle kkk); WMU Dillon I pass from Hoffman (Prindle kick); WMU Reed 17 pass from Hoffman (Prindle kick); ISU Federico 15 run (Polltl kkk); WMU FG Prindle 42; WMU FG Prindle 21; WMU Cheathem 3 run (Prindle kkk); ISU Garrett 42 pass from Coppens (Politi kick). A ER BB SO Baltimore IP 523 13 2 Flanagan SStewarl Pclla Milwaukee Kingman. Cleveland IP ER BB SO HeatonW.lO-U 5 8 112 1 Waddell 2 2 0 0 2 1 Camacho 2 0 0 0 (2 Oakland Codiroli L.3-4 123 i 4 1 I Sorensen 31-3 2 0 0 I 1 Warren 113 2 1110 Ulcer 11-110 0 10 JJones 1111 0 0 1 0 WP-Sorensen. 2:51.

2057 HOUSTON 30. MIAMI 17 BGibson Montreal M0 041 (00 4 Philadelphia 010 Ml Ml-1 Game Winning RBI Raines 112). DP Montreal I. LOB Montreal 5, Philadelphia 4. 2B Wallach, Stone, Dawson.

3B wohlford, Samuel. HR-Raines II), Schmidt (14). Denison report DU field hockey team rolls on DELAWARE, Ohio The Denison field hockey team racked up its fourth victory and fourth shutout of the year with a 6-0 victory over Kenyon Saturday to win the championship of the Great Lakes Colleges Association tournament at Ohio Wesleyan. Meg Filoon scored three goals for the Big Red, giving her eight for the season. Kristen Hall added two goals, while Tara Maloney scored the other Denison goal.

Coach Janine Hathorn's Big Red had advanced to Saturday's final by shutting out Albion 5-0 and DePauw 8-0 in Friday's action. Denison outshot Kenyon 32-9 as goalkeeper Randi Lake only needed to make three saves. Lady booters settle for tie DAYTON, Ohio Despite outshooting Dayton 29-5, the Denison women's soccer team had to settle for a scoreless tie with the host Flyers in the season opener for both teams. Denison put the ball into the net once, but that goal was called back because of an offsides penalty. It was the closest either team got to scoring.

Denison goalie Kendall Cameron chalked up Baltimore 3.59 1218 512 452 641 12 NewYork 2 68 1322 541 465 987 12 Toronto 3.69 1266 542 477 789 10 Minnesota 3 80 1299 547 405 637 7 Texas 3 95 1291 570 463 772 4 California 3 96 1352 570 437 658 I KanssCity 4.01 1303 578 378 636 7 Milwaukee 4.07 1185 584 415 694 5 Chicago 4.11 1266 595 432 742 I Boston 4 20 1350 601 454 804 11 Cleveland 4 24 mi til 497 72S 4 Seattle 4.40 1362 638 556 870 4 Oakland 4.47 1404 645 546 616 6 INDIVIDUAL PITCHING INOIVIOUAL STATISTICS RUSHING Washington. Robmson 15-45, R. Jackson 14-34, Fenney 27, Hunt 4-11, Defeo 3 1, Millen 4 Michigan, White 173, Morris 757, Harbaugh 10 13, Per-ryman 4-13, Rogers 2-5. Garrett 1-6. PASSING Washington.

Millen 13 16 0-165. Michigan, Harbaugh 17 37 3 183. RECEIVING Washington, Pattison 3-88, Hunt 3-22, R. Jones 3-18, Fenney 2-24. Wroten 1 11, Greene 12.

Michigan, Bean 560, Jokisch 218, Morris 2 25, Kattus 2 14, Nelson 211, Rogers 19, White 16. Harbaugh 1-4. NOTRE DAME 24, MSU 20 Notre Dam 0 3 7 1424 Michigan St. 17 0 1 0-20 MSU Butler 15 run (kick failed); MSU Butler 23 run (Ingram pass from Yaremo); MSU FG Moisie-ienko 34; NO FG Carney 42; NO Pinkett 40 pass from Beuerlein (Carney kkk); MSU FG Moisie-tenko 43; NO Jackson pass from Beuerlein (Carney kick); ND Pinkett run (Carney kick). TIGERS 2, BLUE JAYS 1 SB Schmidt (S).

SF Shines. IP Montreal ER BB SO 3 3 11 823 7 1-3 0 James Philadelphia KoosmanL.14-13 Miami (Oh) 10 1417 Houston 11 14 210 MIA FG Gussman 25; HOU Landry 1 run (Clendenen kick); HOU Simmons 4 pass from Landry (kkk blocked); HOU Shepherd I pass from Landry (Clendenen kick); HOU Tate I run (Clendenen kick); Ml A Rollins 10 run (Gussman kKk); MIA Arthur 29 pass from Rollins (Gussman kick); HOU FG Clendenen 22. A 21.750. Bowling INDIVIDUAL PITCHING (Dor more decisions) IP 68 SOW ERA SufTerSfL 116 102 21 72 5 6 1 47 DawleyHm 81 72 30. 41 I 4 2 00 Denny Phi 133 103 20 79 7 6 2K BedrosnAtl 83 65 31 81 I 2 40 SchtzorMon 123 97 31 77 7 2 41 APena LA 195 ISO 45 131 12 6 2 44 HershiserLA 141 133 43 135 I I 2 52 SutcliffeChi 137 112 38 138 IS 1 2 63 McWIImsPit 709 201 72 136 K) K) 2 71 C-oooenNY 202 149 72 351 I 2.72 CandtriaPit 169 166 31 120 11 10 2 72 OroscoNY 80 56 31 71 280 RncoenPit 214 198 57 170 13 1 181 LeaMon 220 193 66 119 15 1 2 82 NiekroHtn 223 191 9O116 14I0 2 86 HoneyctlLA 182 179 51 75 2 87 Power Cin 99 85 41 71 I 1 190 TekUtvePit 77 77 32 Tt 2 2.92 Mahler Ah 191 176 58 to 2 96 GossageSD 93 61 30 74 9 5 2 99 Koosman Phi 203 206 55 123 14 12 302 ValenzlaLA 238 203 96 212 12 15 303 BSmithMon 169 166 50 93 11 12 3 03 Thurmond SO loO 154 J9 54 13 7 3 03 DraveckySD 139 117 46 62 8 8 3 11 EckerstevChi 141137 34 73 8 7 1.12 SandrsnCW 124 129 20 67 7 4 1.12 RyanHtn 182 142 67 194 12 10 3.12 KnepoerHtn 210199 48 12014 9 3.12 Reaction Mon 78 65 36 66 5 7 3.13 AnduiarStL 237 203 63 116 19 12 3 30 Holland Phi 98 80 30 61 5 10 3 32 Stoddard Chi 87 70 52 85 10 5 3 32 Terrell NY 198 210 72 108 10 12 3 36 GullcksnMon 199 199 32 93 W7 3.39 Horton SiL 124 136 39 76 9 4 3 40 Campbell Phi 79 63 34 52 4 5 3.40 WhitsonSO 168 160 40 91 13 8 3.42 Trout Cni 171 186 58 77 12 6 3.43 Tudor Pit 194 190 52 100 9 )) 3 47 Soto Cm 204 IS) 71 IH IS 7 1.41 SnowSD 193 166 86 93 14 9 3.50 DiPinoHfn 59 67 32 61 4 9 2 52 Darling NY 191 165 95 128 12 7 3.53 Allen StL 117 103 49 66 9 3.54 PPerezAff 185 173 42 128 12 I 3.59 Camp Atl 113 121 59 62 6 6 2 60 Carlton PW 221 206 77 155 12 7 3.62 JDLeonPit 1 179 136 87 143 6 13 3 8 LeSmifhChi 93 (8 32 75 9 6 3 68 RawleyPni M3 97 21 52 9 4 3.68 James Mon 87 84 41 83 6 5 3.71 WeicbLA 161 172 54 111 11 13 381 LollarSO 178 149 94 122 10 12 3 84 MmtonSF 117 126 54 45 4 9 384 Barker Alt 126 120 38 95 7 I 3 85 LaCoss Htn 125 121 49 81 7 4 3 88 LaPointSfL 173 185 71 125 H) H) 4 06 Falcone AH 119 114 56 51 5 7 4 16 KGrossPhi 121 111 41 73 8 5 4.18 JRussellCin 171 175 59 90 6 17 4.21 JRobinson SF 164 174 49 98 7 14 4 23 RaineyChi 88 102 38 45 7 4.78 HudsonPnr 149 159 47 76 9 429 Price Cm 159 161 17 120 7 11 411 LasxeySF 187 200 46 67 1 12 4.3 Cox StL 133 154 50 St 1 10 439 Lynch MY 114 153 24 SI 8 I 4.42 KrukowSF 174 206 67 126 9 4.45 McMurtryAtl 162 166 93 78 9 IS 4 62 frerenyi NY 153 158 83 121 11 11 4.65 RogersMon 154 158 73 57 6 14 4 68 Hawkins SO 134 13S 67 71 7 4.78 MScott Htn 133 158 3 72 5 11 4 91 RuttwenChi 114 139 37 48 5 10 5 04 MDavisSF 158 185 53 112 514 S.S1 Hume Cm 101116 It 51 411 5 42 PasloceCm 91 110 40 51 1 I 6.54 Andersen (Hot more decisions) WP Koosman, James.

2:30. A 20,831. abrbbi 4010 2 110 4 0 10 30 11 0 0 0 0 2 111 3010 4010 4 0 0 0 3(10 TORONTO Garcia 7b Collins If Mosebycf Upshaw lb GBellrf Mullnkslb (org 3b Aikensdh CJhnsnph Whittc BMartnzc Griffin ss Barfildpll Totals DETROIT abrbbi 4 0 10 WhitakrTb 4 0 0 0 Tramml ss 4 0 10 KGibsonrf 4 0 0 0 DaEvns3b llll Brokns3b 2 00 0 Jones If 1 00 0 Grubbdh 1 0 0 0 Lemoncf 1 0 0 0 Bergmnlb 2 0 0 0 Lowryc 1000 2 0 0 0 1 000 Mill Totals CUBS 5, METS4 High school A Will N.CATHOLIC40, five saves. The Big Red travels to Wilmington Wednesday then WATKINS 0 returns home Saturday to play Xavier. abrbbi 3 12 1 3 100 3 111 0 000 4010 1112 1000 3 0 10 2 100 2 00 0 0 000 NO MSU First downs 18 15 Rushesyards 415 47-197 Passing yards 142 149 Return yards 55 49 Passes 1221-1 y-17-2 Punts 546 634 Fumbleslost 33 42 Penalties-yards 3- 21 4- 61 Time of Possession 30 17 29:43 740 Newark Catholic 13 i Watkins Memorial NEW YORK CHICAGO abrbbi Bckmn2b 4 111 Oerniercf MWilsncf 10 12 SndbrgTb Hrimdzlb 4(00 MatthwsH Strwbryrt 4 0 0 0 Colto It Fostertf 40 0 0 Morelndrf Brooks ss 4 0 0 0 Cey3b Knight3b 4 13 0 JDavisc Chpmn pr 0 0 0 0 Durhm lb Fitzgerldc 4 110 Bowass Frndezp 10 0 1 Sandrsnp Gardner 0 0 0 LeSmithp Heeppn 10 00 Sctiridi 0 0 0 0 Hodges pn 0 0 0 0 Oquend pr 0 10 0 Oroscop 0 0 0 0 Totals 31 4 I 4 Totals I NC TO, Musselman 2 (93 kkkoff return.

18 run, 7 run); Montgomery (2 run); Parker ()9 run); Bell (2 run). PAT Montgomery (2 kicks); Backlund(2kkks). 28 514 INDIVIDUAL STATISTICS RUSHING Notre Dame, Miller 113, Pinkett 22 60, Smith 4-13, Beuerlein, I (18), Jefferson )l-0. Brooks, 3 19. Mkh.

Gates 24, Butler 29 142, Yarema 4( 22), Roberts 310, Morse 1-2, Whites 24. PASSING Notre Dame, Beuerlein, 12 21 142 I. Mich. Yarema, 17-149-2. RECEIVING Notre Dame, Brown 3 30, Bevaro 4-37, Pinkett 1 62, Jackson 2 13 Mich.

Belk 116, Butler 16. Gates 2-18, Morse 1(1), Ingram 3-103, White 1-7. NC WM First downs 17 I Rushing yard 196 76 Passing 5 1 11-32 Passing yards 85 47 Total yards 281 123 PuntsAvg, 139 0 342 0 Fumbleslost 00 44 Penaltiesyards 450 870 New York 002 (00 020- 4 Chicago 100 Game Winning RBI-Matthews (III. DP New York 3 LOB New York 4, Chicago 4 2B Cey, Fitzgerald, Dernier, Backman. SB-Dernier (43), MWilson (44).

S- Sanderson. Toronto III 000 MO I Detroit IM 160 Mi- 2 Game Winning. RBI-RJones (61. DP Toronto 1. LOB Toronto 3, Detroit 9.

2B Trammell. HR GBell (24), Jones (12). SB-KGibson 128, Garcia (451. Toronto IP ER BB SO 7 I 7 2 2 5 0 Detroit Wilcox W.17-7 7 11111 Hernandz 2 2 0 0 0 2 WP-Stieb. A-44449.

ANGELS 11, WHITE SOX 2 CHICAGO CALIFORNIA abrbbi abrbbi RLawlf 4 110 Beniquz rf 50 10 Bostoncf 4 0 11 Sconirs lb 5 0 10 Barnes rf 4 0 10 Lynncf 4 111 GWalkrlb 40 10Thmasrf 1000 Kittledh 3 0 0 0 DeCncslb 2 4 2 1 Smalleylb 1)00 Witfong2b 1000 Fietcnrss 2 0 10 Downing II 1110 Hair sin on 0 0 0 0 Penis cl 0 10 0 Dybziskss OOOOReJksndh 4 2 3 1 Paciorkpn lOOOGrichlb 1131 MHillc 20 10 Boone 4(12 OMallypb lOOONarronc 0 0 0 0 Skinner 0 0 0 0 Schotildss 410 1 JCruzlb 2 0 0 0 Totals 11 1 6 I Totals 14 11 11 11 Chicago IM 010 000-2 California 111 341 ll Game Winning RBI ReJackson (10). Boston 2, Sconiers. DP Chicago California 2. LOB Chicago 5, California S. 2B-F letcher, Grich.

3B-RLw. HR ReJackson 111), Grich (11), Lynn (23), DeCinceslW. NEBRASKA 38. MINNESOTA 7 New York IP ER BB SO FrndezLO 123 3 5 5 5 4 Gardner 13 0 0 0 0 0 SchrkH 3 2 0 0 1 0 Orosco 1 10 0(1 Chicago 11! 3 3 3 2 3 123 3 1 1 0 2 WP Fernandez, LeSmitti. 2:52.

A Golf IP BB SOW ERA HernendzOet 129 85 33 109 9 2 I 89 JHowellNY 95 76 30 102 I 4 2 36 Camacho CM 91 71 32 37 4 9 2.37 StiebTor 237 179 70 173 14 8 2 51 SchmidtTex 70 49 20 44 6 254 BoddickerBIt 235 185 77 117 18 10 2.72 LSanchez Cal 79 73 33 55 9 6 2 75 NiekroNY 212 211 72 136 16 8 2 81 CaudiHOak 86 67 28 77 9 7 2 81 BlylevenCW 211171 68 MS 17 6 2 to BurrisOak 189 V67 81 81 13 7 291 Davis Bit 203 182 60 99 13 7 2.93 VkHaMM 226 200 62 131 16 l2 ButcherMin 202 212 48 '74 12 8 3.11 AlenandrTor 227 208 51 117 14 5 3.18 LangstonSea 209 174 WS 186 15 9 1.19 TananaTex 224 209 74 128 15 13 3 21 Black Kan 234 212 56 12115 )1 3 27 ZahnCal 179 177 45 57 11 9 3 27 Mason Tex 175 147 48 106 9 17 3 29 RLJcksonTor 83 67 31 59 1 7 3 36 Flanagan Bil 211194 73 108 12 12 3.38 Nipper Bsn 159 )49 43 66 9 5 3 40 Petry Det 218 222 63 130 17 8 3.42 DotsonChi 221 191 94 102 13 13 3 54 LebrndtKan 129 142 32 48 7 3 55 HouqhTex 250 237 90 159 16 12 3 64 BeameSea 190 189 66 105 11 IS 3 65 Sutton Mil 195 200 44 1291311 3 65 Berenour Oet 152 136 68 110 8 10 3.66 SeaverCm 205183 4911614 9 168 Stanley Bsn 99 104 20 47 8 10 3 74 Witt Cal 216 208 81 171 12 11 3.75 SmirhsonMin 224 224 50 126 14 17 3.77 Lamp Tor 76 82 34 43 8 7 3 77 MorrisDet 221 208 76 138 17 11 3 78 GubiczaKan 176 156 68 H8 10 12 3 78 TMartnezBIt 88 84 48 71 4 9 3 78 Leaf Tor 214 206 75 131 11 7 1 79 OoilTor W4 88 48 67 7 6 3 10 Rozema Oet 99 109 18 47 7 6 1 82 SabrngnKan 139 126 31 62 8 10 3 83 FontenofNY 148 163 54 71 7 I 3B3 BeckwrttiKan 87 85 20 66 8 1 3 84 Romanick Cal 210 218 57 78 10 12 3 85 Hurst Bsn 202 713 79 128 1110 3 88 McGregr Bit 196 216 54 67 15 12 1 94 Oieda Bsn 195 192 86 124 11 11 4 02 CYoungOak 96 106 23 32 I 402 CocanowrMil 172 185 76 65 (IS 4 03 BaroiasSea 122 122 53 53 9 5 4 06 Wilcox Oet 176 173 37 106 16 7 4 08 GuidryNY 184 704 41 119 10 9 411 Haas Mil 173 190 a 81 910 4.12 Darwin Tex 199 224 48106 810 412 McClureMil 121 129 43 62 4 7 4.30 HoytChi 217 217 42 114 12 16 4.31 Clemens Bsn 133 146 29 126 4 4 32 SchromMin 121 137 34 41 4 4.33 AthertonOak 95 99 36 53 5 437 DMartnezBIt 134 131 34 75 I 7 4 42 John Cal 170 20S 51 43 7 12 449 Boyd Bsn 176 46 115 )0 10 4 53 RasmusnNV 129 108 51 96 I 5 4.66 Caldwell Mil 121 1S5 20 29 6 13 4.69 FBamstrCni 199 190 73 140 12 10 4.76 SorensenOa 179230 4J 61 511 4 78 VandBergSea 129161 71 112 411 McCattyOak 177 203 71 61 7 14 412 Davis Mm 73 71 34 64 6 483 FarrCle 101101 41 76 111 4.81 Clancy Tor 202 227 81 105 12 14 4.86 SlatonCal 141 172 49 59 7 7 4.96 Burns Cni 101 113 39 74 3 11 5.08 GuraKan 166171 44 67 1 ll MMOoreSea 191 216 78 141 5 16 5.13 KrueoerOak 123 140 71 56 1 10 5 14 HtatonCtt 111 111 67 71 14 512 DStewarfTt 166 175 79 106 511 5.32 LaddMil 89 93 71 4 9 5 34 Comer CW 114 Ml 31 17 4 I 5 45 Young Sea 83119 49 50 4 I 7.27 38453. VALLEY LANES Friday Night Live Myrna O'Reilly 216 509; Randy Dusenberry 246; Smurfs2458. Fibergias Ladies Nancy Ougan 233 574, Team No. 5 821-2244; Donna Flack 504; Dottl Sensabaugh 501; EllieMcGeeSuO. Valley Classic Esther Flowers 213; Rita Resek 213-597; Beckhoft Painting til 1918; Gail Lindman 201; Millie Hoskinson 516; Esther Buchanan 548; Marilyn Aten 585; Charlotte Powell 532; Bene Barber 518; Myrlie Cass 546, Terri Hutchinson 524, Pam Wilson 539.

Owens Corning Friday Morning Independent Steve Schmidt 233; George Smith 654; Scalpers 941; Fork Machine 2694. The Old Timers Betty Canale 143 418; Wayne Clark 212 550; Ralph Smith 530. Harry Mason 530 Friday Morning Shift Robert Kayhx 234; Clarence McCutcheon 605, Junk Yard Five 1077-303. Fibergias Women Sherry Hull 221; Margie Wintermute 546; All hi the Family 469- 1871; Georgeanna Shirkey 525; Jay Glickler 523; Loni Halblaub 522; Sandy Downs 512. Whiz Bangs Steve DeLawder 246; Sandy Pease 25 607; Larry Aten 639; Team No.

10 881-2416; Cindy Friend 525, Gloria Bell 520. Friday Business Roltie West 268-752; Bob Jones Pro Shop 966 2712; Doug Cass (Sub.) 619; Lew Lamson 608. Dow G.R.C. Kirk Paisley 203 505; Vickie Pound 168, Elaine Keeler 470; Hillbillies603; Kageesl769. Central Grange Don Shelling 242; Terri Renner 225; Rick Deskins 661; Donna Morse 591; Enforcers 944 2633; Terri Renner 577; Frances Ballinger 334; Donna Veyon (sub.) 500.

PARK LANES Rollie Ford Mixed Dale Hoskinson 343-627; Lucy Poorman 191; Kim Tyson 485; Park Lanes Pro Shop 804; Bucks and Does 2297; Belinda Shaef-fer (sub.) 508; Jim Nevrbauer 2)4; H. O. Poorman 224, Park Laners Sheila Crane 196 565; Team NO. 6 703; EMCORP 2019; Donna Sunkle 530; Jean Jones 525; Lisa McDonald 501. Rockwell Ron Grady 242; Bill Porter 622; Leo's Boys 972; Grady's B0YS27B7; Ron Grady 614.

Friday Night Mlxed-Ups Jerry Lawrence 257-585; Dot Hoy 178-487; Linda Martina 178; Bowl Shifters 817; New Yorkers 2409. Friday Senior Citizens Earl Lewis 238; Lucy Smith 175 85; Chester Newman 598; Bo Differ 531; Fred Ricketts 551; Roe Garrabrant 511; Earl Lewis 584; Bela Hegedus 501; John Cordle 506; Harry Crist 535; Walter Frances 583; Buck Weaver SIS; Bill Green 525; Fred Smith 522; Russell Prince 513; Vince Becker 542. Hebron SS Plus Ed Rennk 202-510; Eileen Stalter 183 451. Minnesota 177 Nebraska 21 HI 73 Neb-Smith, 13 run (Livingston kkk); Neb Porter, 26 run (Livingston kKk); Neb-Hiemer, 2 pass from Sundberg (Livingston kkk); Neb-FG, Livingston 22; Neb-Thompson, 7 pass from Sundberg (Livingston kkk); Min Baylor, 63 pass from Foggie (Lobmiiter kkk); Neb-DuBose, 11 run (Klein kkk). A 74,077.

Wabash, Oberlin harriers win GRANVILLE Wabash College won the men's title in the Great Lakes Colleges Association cross country championship at Denison University, while Oberlin took the honors in the women's competition. Coach Phil Torrens' Denison learn finished tied for seventh with Ohio Wesleyan in the 10-team field, but Denison's women did not have enough competitors to be figured into the team standings. David Gaspari led the DU men with a ninth-place finish with a 26:04 time, less than a minute off the winning pace of Earlham's David Dean Kathy Andrews of Oberlin was the women's leader with a time of 17:59. The Big Red's Bill Dowling was 32nd while Newarkite Kevin Wheeler was 33rd. Suzanne Hunt finished ninth to lead the Denison women, finishing in 18:56.

Linda Partee placed 18th for the Big Red and Ann Dinneen was 29th. Big Red spikers split pair DELAWARE, Ohio Laura Finch and Amy Hoke sparkled as the Denison volleyball team defeated Kenyon 9-15, 15-11, 15-11 at Ohio Wesleyan. The Big Red, however, bowed later in the day to the Bishops 15-4, 15-12. Finch scored seven straight points in the third and deciding game of the Kenyon match, while Hoke served the final three points in each of the second and third games against the Lords. Denison (1-5) travels to the Ohio Northern Invitational Tournament next Saturday.

DU soccer team blanks Gators LYNCHBURG, Va. The Denison men's soccer team turned in its best offensive showing of the season as the Big Red cruised past the Allegheny Gators 4-0 in the consolation game of the Blue Ridge Soccer Tournament. The win boosted Denison's record to 4-1-1 and set the stage for next Friday's North Coast Athletic Conference showdown that pairs the Big Red against Ohio Wesleyan in Delaware. Denison finished last year with a 16-4-1 mark while the Bishops were 16-5-1. DU blanked Ohio Wesleyan 3-0 in the regular season as the Big Red won the Ohio Conference Southern Division title, but Wesleyan defeated Denison in the NCAA Regional, outscoring DU 5-3 in a shootout after the two teams were still tied at the end of two overtimes.

Min Neb 9 2 377 116 2 722-2 Chicago 61-405 161 I4S 10-I4-0 346 4 First downs Rushes yards Passing yards Return yards Passes Punts Fumbles-lost Penalties-yards Time of Possession CARDINALS 8, PIRATES 3 PITTSBURGH STLOUIS abrbW abrbbi Wynne cf 4 0 0 0 Me Gee cf 5 2 2 0 Lacyrf 4 12 2 Herr2b 0 00 0 Ray 2b 4 110 Lyons 3 2 10 Morrisn3b 4 0 1 0 Pndltn3b 3 123 TPenac 30 10DGreenlb 4112 Mayc 1 0 0 0 LoSmithK 2 110 BHarpertf 4(11 VanSlykrf 0 00 0 Vargas lb 3 0 0 0 Landrmrf 3111 Gnzlezss 3 10 0 Nietoc 3 0 0 0 Candlrlap (OOOBraunph (0 00 Wotuspb tOIOAHoweph (0 00 Pulidop 0 0 0 0 Brummrc 0 0 0 0 Mazzilliph 1 (0 0 JGonzlzss 40 12 Wlnnp OIIOLaPointp 1000 Scurry 0 0 00 Totals 31 1 7 1 Tolall 2 1 1 1 IP ER BB SO 423 I 7 7 1 1 0 11110 2111 3 3 I 0 1 0 0(01 11 46 1-0 220 26:30 Seaver L.14-10 Nieman GNeison Agosto California WittW.ll-ll FOOTBALL SATURDAY'S SCORES Newark Cain. 40, Watkins Memorial 0 Akron Buchtel 12, Walsh Jesuit 12 Amelia 35, Batavia 13 Beachwood 14, Lutheran W. 8 Berea21, Nordonia6 Caldwell 20, Conotton Val 0 Canton Cath. 16, Canton Timken 12 Collins W. Reserve 16, Lakeside 6 On.

Moeller 35, Lancaster 7 Cln. Bacon 16, Hamilton BadinO Cin. Summit 12, Clinton Massie 8 Cm. St. ita 27, Tennessee Deaf 6 Canal Fulton NW 14, Fairless Cle.

St. Ignatius 6, Cle. Hts. 0 Cle. university 23, Cle.

Cent. Cath. 7 Cin. Country Day 26, Xenia Wilson Day. Dunbar 20, Col.

Linden 19 Hudson WRA 24, Gilmour Acad. 13 Kansas Lakota 14, Fostorle. St.Wendelin 13 Lorain Cath. 4, Lorain Clearview 3 Lorain Southvlew 28, Lorain Brookside 8 Locklend 21, Cin. Landmark 0 Lucasville Val.

37, Zane Trace 1 McDermott NW 7, Ports. East 0 Monroevil(e21, Sandusky St. Mary 20 Mineral Ridge 4, Southington 6, tie Mingo 7, Buckeye N. 6 Niles McKinley 12, Campbell-Memorial 0 Oregon Strltch 21. Sylvanla Northview Parma Holy Nam 22, Parma Parma Valley Forge 7, Brecksvllle Poland Seminary 21, Petersburg Spring.

I Pymatuning valley 7, Lakeview, 3 ktimond Hts. 21, Cuyahoga Hts. 7 Shaker His. 23. Cle.

South 0 Steubenville Cath. 28, E. Liverpool 0 Warren W. Reserve Young. Rayen 0 Young Mooney 2.

CM). St. Joseph. 9 Zanes. Rosecrens 14, E.

Kno 0 6-70 33:30 LSanchez toman pitched to 2 batten in the 5th. MILWAUKEE OPEN MILWAUKEE (AP) Third round scores Saturday in the 5300,000 Greater Milwaukee Open Golf Tournament: 24 MarkOMeara47 68 69. 207 Tom Watson 68-69-70; Dan Pohl 65 71-71. 20Keith Fergus 68 72 68; Jim Nelford 68-70-70. 209 Gary Pinns 49 72 -60, Mark McCumber 69-71 49.

210 Loren Roberts 70 70 70; Brad Faxon 68 70-72; Bill KratierT 67-71-72; Howard Twitty 71 66 73. 211 Clarence Rose 71-70 70; Payne Stewart 68-72 71; Larry Mize 69-71-71; Bill Sander 68 70-73. 212 Jay Haas 70-71-71; Gary Hallberg 66-75-71; Jim Kane 69-70 73; Paul Azinger 68-71-73; Joey Sindelar 49-69-74; Donnie Hammond 67-71-74; George Archer 67-71-74. SAFECO LPGA KENT, Wash. (AP) Third round Scores in the Safeco LPGA golf tournament Saturday at the 4.212 yard, par 36 3672 Meridian Valley Country Club (a denotes amateur): 209 KathyWhlfworthW-75-45.

212 Vicki Alvarez 74-74-44; Mart Figueras Dotti 66 73-73; Janet Anderson 72-71-49; Sherrl Turner 73-69-70. Transactions Pittsburgh III (01 MO-l StLouls 000 420 (2-l Game Wlrmln RBI-DGreen (). OP StLouls 2. LOB-Pittsburgh 4, StLouis 6. 2B Pendleton 2, BHarper.

HR Lacy (10) SB-LoSmlth 2 (4SI, Lyons (1). INDIVIDUAL STATISTICS RUSHING Minnesota. Hunter -28, Small -23, Foggie 4-17. Nebraska. Smith 24-183, Porter 7 50, PASSING Minnesota, Sadek 5-10-1 52, Foggie 2 8 1 64, Ford 0 2 0 0.

Nebraska, Sundberg 8-10 0 134, Turner 2-4-0 29. RECEIVING Minnesota, Baylor 1 63, Starks 1-31. Nebraska, Hitmer 121, Frain 3-42, Gamble 2-25. SYRACUSE 13, NORTHWESTERN 12 Syracuse 111 11 Northwestern I I I (12 NU FG Dwlc 35; NU Safety Fox tackled in end ion; NU Parsons 7 Candelarla, La Point. SF Landrum.

ER BB SO IP Pittsburgh 4 4 11 BASKETBALL National Basketball Association PHILADELPHIA 7ers Traded Leo Rautins, forward, to the Indiana Pacers for future considerations. COLLEGE MARQUETTE Announced the resignation of Dan Jones, wrestling coach. Named Fred Rideout interim wrestling coach and Perry Raines assistant women's basketball coach. 4 2 I CandlnaL.12-1! Pultdo Wirai Scurry StLouis 2 1 LaPolnttV.llt Winn pitched to two batters in 1th. WP UPoinl.

PB-Nieto. 2:31. A I7J5..

The Newark Advocate from Newark, Ohio (2024)


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Name: Corie Satterfield

Birthday: 1992-08-19

Address: 850 Benjamin Bridge, Dickinsonchester, CO 68572-0542

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Job: Sales Manager

Hobby: Table tennis, Soapmaking, Flower arranging, amateur radio, Rock climbing, scrapbook, Horseback riding

Introduction: My name is Corie Satterfield, I am a fancy, perfect, spotless, quaint, fantastic, funny, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.