This Day, August 31, In Jewish History by Mitchell A and Deb Levin – All #ourCOG News (2024)

August 31

12 CE: Birthdate of Gaius Caligula, Roman Emperor. Caligula was crowned in 37 and murdered in41. Life for Jews during his reign waspart of the downward spiral that would result in three rebellions by the Jewsover the next one hundred years.Caligula was crazy.Unfortunately, his insanity had additional negative impact on the Jews. Caligula thought he was divine and insistedon his statue being placed in the Temple at Jerusalem. His efforts were twice thwarted, and hisuntimely death prevented him from taking vengeance against his Jewish subjects.

38 CE: Riots broke out in Alexandria, Egypt after the Jews spurned anorder by the Roman Prefect Flaccus to place a statue of Emperor Caligula in thelocal synagogue. This was an outgrowth of antagonism between the Jews ofAlexandria and some of their pagan neighbors.The pagans were angered by the Jews celebrating Caligula’s decision torestore Agrippa, a descendant of the Hasmoneans to the Jewish kingship inPalestine. They knew that the Jews couldnot worship a statue so by forcing a statue of Caligula into the synagogue,Apion, the pagan leader knew he was asking for trouble. The violence ended andFlaccus was recalled to Rome. But thiswas not the end of the trouble much of which was rooted in the fact that somepagans begrudged the Jews their commercial success and wished to do away withthem as competitors. This would not bethe last time that those who sought to oust the Jews from commercial venturesdid so under the guise of religion.

161; Birthdate of Commodus, the Roman Emperor who reigned while Judahha-Nasi was compiling and editing the Mishna

1056: Byzantine Empress Theodora becomes ill, dying suddenly a few dayslater, without children to succeed the throne ending the Macedonian dynasty.This was a period of relative calm for the Jews of the Byzantine Empire. The last official persecution had taken placeat the end of the 10th century.Conditions would not seriously deteriorate until the arrival of thewaves of Crusaders that began at the end of the 11th century.

1158: Alfonso VIII, who reportedly hadan affair with a “Jewess of Toledo” began his reign as King of Castile andToledo.

1217: Ferdinand III who 1240 took Lucena which was called by some“Jews’City” because of its large andprosperous Jewish community, from the Moors was crowned King of Castille andToledo today.

1481: Coronation of John II, the Portuguese monarch who employed AbrahamZacuto whose accomplishment included the development of a new type of astrolabeas Royal Astronomer and Historian.

1506: The first printed edition of Lashon Limudim, a Hebrew grammar byDavid ben Yahya was published today in Constantinople.

1644: Writing to Edward Montague, the 2ndEarl of Manacher today, Herman L’Estrange, the author of Americans no Jews, or improbabilitiesthat the Americans are of that Race whichrefuted the theory that the “Indians were the ten lost tribes” who was aRoyalist “spoke of being reconciled to the sense of Parliament” which enabledhim to retire and live out his life in peace during the tempestuous years ofthe English Civil War.

1694:A difference between theJewish and Christian relations with the slave population in the Antilles isevidenced in an act passed today by the Dutch Leeward Council and Assembly.“The act was specifically directed at the Jews and states that it is: 'An Actagainst Jews engrossing Commodities imported in the Leeward Islands, andtrading with the slaves belonging to the inhabitants of the same.’”

1736: Isaac Levy arrived in Savannah today from London.

1764: Jonas Phillips and Rebecca Mendez Machado gave birth to futureSouth Carolinian Zipporah Noah, the wife of Manuel Noa and the mother of Judithand Mordecai Manuel Noah.

1765(14th of Elul, 5525): Parashat Ki Teitzei chanted two daysafter the Sons of Liberty took to the streets of Boston to protest the StampAct which Parliament ha passed in March and turned out to be a step on the roadto the American Revolution.

1774: “Austrian general, Gabriel Freiherr von Spleny entered Czernowitzat the head of his troops” following which he administered the city in such away that “the situation of the Jews basically remained unchanged.”

1792: Birthdate of Louisa Hart, the daughter of Nathan Barnett and thewife of Abraham L. Hart of Abraham Luria Hart whom she married in 1813.

1793(23rd of Elul, 5553): Parshat Nitzavim-Vayeilech and LeilSelichot

1796: In Charleston, SC, David and Priscilla Moses Lopez gave birth to DavidLopez.

1796: In Charleston, SC, David Lopez and his wife gave birth to MosesLopez

1800(10th of Elul, 5560): In Baltimore, Myer S. Solomon theLondon born son of Bilah Myers-Cohen and Joseph Solomon and the husband ofCatherine Bush with whom he had seven children passed away today.

1801: Birthdate of PierreSoulé, a United Statespolitician and diplomat from Louisiana during the mid-19th century. He is bestknown for his role in writing the Ostend Manifesto, which was written in 1854as part of an attempt to annex Cuba to the United States. The Manifesto wasroundly denounced, especially by anti-slavery elements, and Soulé himself cameunder severe attack. According to an article published in the New York Times, Soule was Jewish.

1811(11thof Elul, 5571): Parashat Ke Teitzei on the same day that future President ofthe United States John Quincy Adams wrote to his father John Adams from St.Petersburg challenging the way that the United States acquire what was known asthe Louisiana Purchase.

1834: Birthdate of Simon Kayserling, a German educator and writer; whowas the principal teacher and inspector of the M. M. David'sche Freischule from1861, and taught for several years in the Jewish teachers' seminary in Hanover.

1836: Isaac Kalischer married Rose Marks at the Great Synagogue today.

1836: Henry Worms married Rebecca Nathan at the Great Synagogue today.

1837(30th of Av, 5597): Rosh Chodesh Elul

1837: In Amsterdam, Salomon Bernard Sichel and Fanny Sichel gave birth totheir daughter Henrietta who became Henrietta Montefiore when she marriedJoseph Mayer Montefiore.

1839: Birthdate of Julien Sée the Paris born librarian who made the firsttranslation in French of Joseph ha-Kohen's "'Emeḳ ha-Baka," a historyof the sufferings of the Jewish people from the time of their dispersion to thepresent day.”

1841: Deborah and Israel Lindenthal gave birth to Nathaniel Lindenthal

1842: Birthdate of Adolf Pinner, the German chemist who began hisschooling at the Jewish Theological Seminary at Breslau before attending theUniversity of Berlin where he earned a doctorate in Chemistry in 1867.

1842: In London, George Palmer Putnam and Victorine Haven Palmer gavebirth to Mary Corinna who became Mary Corinna Jacobi when, in 1873, she marriedDr. Abraham Jacobi, the Jewish physician known as the “father of Americanpediatrics.”

1843: In New York City, Hortensia Seixas, the Charleston born daughter ofEsther and Major Myer Moses, and her husband Jacob Levy Seixas gave birth to CamillaTunis, the wife of William E. Tunis and Arthur Tunis.

1843: In New York, Jacob Levy Seixas, the New York born son of Judith andMoses Benjamin Seixas and her husband Hortensia Seixas gave birth to CamillaTunis, the wife of William E. Tunis and the mother of Arthur Tunis.

1847(19th of Elul, 5607): A month after his 63rdbirthday, Jonas Barnet the son of Nathan Barnett who served as a paymaster inthe United States Navy and who married Maria Marks in 1816 passed away today inAllentown, PA.

1850: In New York Elizabeth Cohen the Dutch born daughter of EmanuelLevie Goldsmith and Alijda Joseph Joel Goldsmith and her husband Moses S.Cohen gave birth to Clara Levine, thewife of Julius Levine.

1852: One day after he passed away, “Simcha bar Meir” (Simon Marks) wasburied today at the Brady Street Jewish Cemetery.

1853: Birthdate of Aleksei Brusilov, the Russian General who as Chief ofStaff in 1917 approved the appointment of Jewish Chaplains to serve alongsideOrthodox Priests.

1857: In New York, James and Rosa Seligman gave birth to Eugene Seligman.

1857: In Safed, Yaakov Mordechai Hirsch who had come to Palestine fromPinsk in 1848 and his wife gave birth to Chaim Hirsch the future “Chief Rabbiof Hoboken, NJ.”

1861(25th of Elul, 5621): Parashat Nitzavim-Vayeilech;Selichot

1861: Philadelphian, Corporal Jacob Ullman began serving a four year hitwith Company E of the 75th Regiment.

1862:This afternoon theCongregation Baith Israel dedicated their new synagogue to public worship. Thesynagogue, which is a very handsome brick structure, stands upon the lot at thecorner of State and Boerum streets, Brooklyn, and cost in the neighborhood of$10,000. Rabbis Raphael and Isaacs entered the sanctuary which was packed withcongregants leading a procession that carried the synagogues “sacredscrolls.” They were greeted by BaithIsrael’s spritiual leader, Rabbi Joel Alexander who said or rather intoned the sacred welcome"Boruch habo" -- when the choir, which was composed of severalbeautiful black-eyed Hebrew maidens led by Felix Sanger, and accompanied bySanger's brass band, sang with strange effect one of their quaint and sacredsongs. The procession then marched around the room seven times, the Rabbissuccessively chanting an appropriate song to which the choir responded with theproper chorus. The eternal fire was lighted, the sacred rolls were depositedbehind the altar, the Synagogue was irrevocably dedicated to the worship ofGod, the Father; and after other songs were given, Rabbi Raphael delivered theconsecration sermon. [Editor’s Note - Baith Israel was also known as BaithIsrael Anshei Emes and is now known as the Kane Street Synagogue, , the oldest continually runningsynagogue in Brooklyn. Among the congregations Bar Mitzvah “boys” was AaronCopland.]

1864: In the Ukraine, Heinrich and Julia Zach gave birth to , Max Zach, theorchestra conductor who began his career playing Viola with Boston SymphonyOrchestra before moving on to lead the Boston Pops and husband of Blach Goingwith whom he had three children Leon, Phillip and Eleanor,

1864:The New York Times reviews a new translation of theBook of Job by J.M. Rodwell, “an eminent Oriental scholar who has latelypublished the first readable English version of The Koran, in which thechapters are chronologically arranged, and the poetical portions renderedmetrically.” His translation of the Book of Job, “the most sublime of theHebrews scriptures” follows the same pattern. Instead of following the normalpattern of chapters and verses, Rodwell’s translation “divides the bookaccording to the stages of the narrative, arranging the text in couplets of measuredprose that represent the simple energy of the original.”

1864(29th of Av, 5624): Thirty-nine-year-old FerdinandLassalle died of wounds he sustained while fighting a duel two days ago thathad been precipitated by a star-crossed love affair.

1864: The Union Army under General William T. Sherman began the finalassault on Atlanta. Among those leading the way was Frederick Knefler, animmigrant from Hungary who rose to the rank of Major General in the Army of theCumberland.

1865: In San Francisco, Leopold Seligmann, the son of Fanny and DavidIsaac Seligman and his wife Julia Levi gave birth to Florence Meyer, the wifeof Albert H. Mayer.

1865: A writer who simply signs his letter to the editor of the NewYork Times “A Subscriber” took issue with Max Maretzee’s description of hisdispute with the New York Herald. In defending The Tribune, the unnamed letterwriter accuses Max of using “all the cunning of his Jewish origin.” Max Maretzee probably refers to the Germanborn composer and impresario Max Maretzek

1866: In Kingston, Jamaica, Rosita Abigail Lyon and Isaac H. de Mercadogave birth to Beatrice de Mercado, the wife of Eliot Arthur De Pass and themother of Charles De Pass.

1867: The Detroit Free Presspublished a description of Temple Beth El at Washington Avenue and CliffordStreet.

1868: In Pilsen, Elise Herz, neé Edle von Lämmel, contributed 40,000florins to establish a foundation that would help “respectable craftsman” toset up their own business regardless of their religious affiliation – a caveatthat should not come as a surprise since the benefactor came from a prominentJewish family.

1869: In Schweinfurt, Germany, Philipp Salzer, the son of Maier and SilahSalzer and his wife Lina Fuchs gave birth to Bertha Salzer

1872: Birthdate of Ruth Elen Hyam who lived for less than a year.

1873: Birthdate of Landstuhl, Germany native Abraham Sigmund.

1875: The New York Timespublished a detailed description of Sir Moses Montefiore’s visit to Jerusalemin the last weeks of July, 1875.

1875: Birthdate of New Haven, CT native Alexander Cahn, the Yale educatedengineer who served as “member of the Board of Education in New Haven.”

1876:After only three months onthe throne, Ottoman sultan Murat V is deposed and succeeded by his brotherAbd-ul-Hamid II. During his reign, the Jews celebrate the four hundredthanniversary of their arrival from Spain.Abd-ul-Hamid II is the first Sultan to meet with Herzl. Unfortunately,this meeting does not result in approval for Herzl’s plan to create a Jewishhomeland in Palestine as part of the Ottoman Empire.

1877: In St. Louis, Sarah Suss and Adolph Langsdorf gave birth to WashingtonUniversity and Cornell Universityeducated engineer Alexander S Langsdorf, the Dean of the School of Engineeringand Architecture, the husband of Elsie H. Hirsch “who worked tirelessly for theadvancement of new curricula, expansion of scholarship and loan funds and thedevelopment of engineering graduate programs” at his alma mater for thirtyyears.

1877: The recently re-built synagogue of Washington Hebrew Congregationwas dedicated this evening. PresidentRutherford B. Hayes who was supposed to attend the service sent a messageexpressing his regret that official business kept him from fulfilling hisobligation. Rabbi Benjamin Szold ofBaltimore’s Temple Oheb Shalom preached the sermon at the service. [Rabbi Szoldwas the father of Henrietta Szold.]

1877: “The Life of Midhat Pasha” published today described the rise topower of the leader of “Young Turkey,” the party of reform in the OttomanEmpire. Pasha, who was born in 1822, isthe son of a Bulgarian Jew “who embraced Islam in order to make his fortune.”(Sounds almost like a Turkish Disraeli)

1878: In New York, Judge Van Brunt rejected Lowenthal Cohen’s attempt touse a writ of Habeas Corpus to regain “possession” of his daughter Rebecca whohad married Thomas F. Fallon. The youngcouple had eloped, and the Judge found the marriage to be perfectly legal. Cohen’s real objection to the marriage mayhave stemmed from the fact that Fallon was not Jewish.

1878: As the Yellow Fever Epidemic continues in the Deep South, The YoungMen’s Hebrew Association of New York City has received an appeal for aid fromthose living in New OrleansContributions can be sent to the offices on West 42nd Street.

1878: It was reported today thatthe world’s population includes 8 million Jews.Other reports have placed this number anywhere from 3,500,000 to15,000,000. The claim that there areonly 73,000 Jews living in the United is thought to be low since it commonlyassumed that the U.S. Jewish population is approximately 150,000. The European portion of the Russian Empirehas the largest Jewish population (2,610,179) followed by Austria with1,600,000. Surprisingly, Asia, notcounting Turkey is reported to have a total Jewish population in excess of2,000,000 while Canada has one of the smallest number of Jews ranging anywherebetween 1,500 and 7,000. Spain andScotland are reported to have the fewest number of Jews of all the placessurveyed.

1878: Albert Chapsky who died of Yellow Fever in St. Bernard Parish wasburied today in the Hebrew Cemetery in New Orleans, LA. [In Louisiana, the termParish as used here refers to a county and is not a religious designation.]

1879: Birthdate of Alma Mahler.

1879: William Price died in a freak accident while driving a wagon filledwith the bodies of three children who were to be interred in the HebrewCemetery at Cypress Hills.

1879: It was reported today that Mme. Caroline Bertrand, the daughter ofSamson Bertrand has written a placed called “Le Noveau Juif Errant” or inEnglish, “The New Wandering Jew.”

1879: In New York, Judge Van Brunt was satisfied that Rebecca Cohen, a 15-year-oldJewish girl, was legally married to Thomas Fallon, a Roman Catholic and vacatedthe writ of habeas corpus that he had previously issued. The writ had been granted when the girl’sfather, Lowenthal Cohen, came before the court and claimed that his daughterhad been taken against her will or had been deceived into going off withFallon.

1879: At the Essex Market Police Court, Justice Smith decided that HenryO’Brien was justified in hitting Harris Goldstein in the face with a shovel andbreaking his nose. O’Brien had tricked Goldstein into eating a piece of porkand then tried to escape from him by taking refuge in his apartment. The judge felt Goldstein had earned hispunishment for letting his temper get the better of him and for breaking intoO’Brien’s apartment. The judge sent bothof the boys on their way.

1880: Birthdate of Washington, IN native Blanch Beitman Ottenheimer whosettle in Louisville, KY where she was an officer of the National Council ofJewish Women and a member of the Kentucky League of Woman Voters.

1881: In Moscow, Grigorii Ignat'evichGoldberg, a distinguished Colonel (Polkovnik) in the Tsar's military medicalcorps and his wife Olga Moiseevna Grodsenka gave birth to “Israeli physicistand inventor Emanuel Goldberg, the husband of Sophie Posniak, who along with “hisformer teacher and collaborator Robert Luther [de] were instrumental in theacceptance at the International Congress of Photography in Dresden in 1931 ofthe widely adopted German national film speed standard DIN 4512.”

1882: Three days after she had passed away, “Evelina Mocatta the widow ofAbraham Mocatta” was buried at the Balls Pond Road Jewish Cemetery.

1883: In a letter to the Times,Herman Strack, a Christian theologian who was an expert on rabbinic literatureand a supporter of the Jews against the rising tide of anti-Semitism inGermany, provided his evaluation of the recently discovered scroll of the bookof Deuteronomy which he feels is a forgery.

1883: Jacobi Bornstein, the son of Aron and Sara Bornstein and ThelkaBornstein gave birth to Alexander Bornstein1883: It was reported todayanti-Jewish riots are continuing at Egerszeg, Hungary despite the declarationof martial law. After having burned thehomes of Jews and destroyed their crops, the peasants are now threatening toattack their gentile landlords.

1884(10th of Elul, 5644): Daniel Weinberger, a German Jewish peddler wasfound dead in his room on South Halsted Street in Chicago, Illinois.

1885: A fight took place today in Montreal, Canada during the annualmeeting at the German and Polish Synagogue.

1885: Today, the U.S. Secretary of State wrote to the U.S. charged’affairs in Vienna expressing his disgust with the government ofAustria-Hungary’s refusal to accept Anthony M Keiley as the American minister“on the ground of his wife being a Jewess.”

1886: In Hot Springs, AR, Bertha Less and Morris Moscowitz gave birth toNYU trained attorney Grover M. Moscowitz the husband of Miriam H. Greenbaumwith whom she had three children – Grover, Jr, Marion Sue and Marion -- who began serving on the federal bench duringthe Presidency of Calvin Coolidge.

1886(30th of Av, 5646): Rosh Chodesh Elul

1886: It was reported today that the 9 Russian Jews who arrived in theUnited States two days ago and have not found sponsors will probably be sentback to Europe.

1886: An earthquake kills 100 in Charleston, South Carolina. Theearthquake occurred in the same year that members of Sheartih Israel reunitedwith members of Congregation Beth Elohim, Charleston’s (and the nations) oldestcontinually functioning Reform Temple.

1887: The expenses for today’s excursion under the auspices of the Boardof Managers of the Sanitarium for Hebrew Children will be defrayed by the widowand children of the late Edward J. King are doing this to honor his memory.

1887: In Vienna physiologist Joseph Paneth and his wife, both of whomwere Jewish, gave birth to British scientist Friedrich Adolf Paneth who wasraised as a Protestant. Knowing what he did of Hitler’s racial rules and beingopposed to his politics, Paneth did not return from a speaking tour during the1930’s and remained in Britain where he studied and worked.

1888(24th of Elul, 5648): In New Jersey, two Jewish men from New Yorkwere killed when they were struck by Pennsylvania Railroad express train. Louis Greenburg suffered internal injuriesand Israel Cohen was killed instantly.

1889: In St. Louis, “Abraham and Pauline (Schulcart) Ettlinger gave birthto Harvard educated Hyman Joseph Ettlinger, the Associate Professor of PureMathematics at the University of Texas and the husband of Rosebud Segal.

1890: Rabbi Taubenhaus is scheduled to deliver his inaugural sermon atMount Sinai Temple on East 72nd Street.

1892: It was reported from The Hague today that the man who wasidentified as a cholera victim last night was a Jew from Vilna who had arrivedhere from Hamburg.

1893: Birthdate of Lily Aimée Laskine, the Parisian who became one of theleading harpist of the twentieth century

1894(29th of Av, 5654): In his 62nd year, Jacob F.Bamburger the husband of Pauline Bamburger passed away today at his home onWest 56th Street.

1895: During a meeting at the Hebrew Institute, the Street CleaningLeague adopted a resolution dealing with the “pushcart nuisance.

1896: Birthdate of Ukraine native, Sophie Udin, the feminist and Zionistwho married Pinhas Ginguld with whom she had two children – Yehuda and Marcia.

1897(3rd of Elul, 5657): Eight-two-year-old Bavarian nativeLazarus Morgenthau the son of Moses and Brunhilda Morgenthau and the husband ofSeline Babette Morgenthau who was a major cigar manufacturer and the founder ofthe Orphan Dowry Fund passed away in New York City.

1897: Three days after he had passed away, 43-year-old Solomon Rosenthalwas buried at the Plashet Jewish Cemetery in London.

1897: A meeting of the Old Fifth Street School Association will takeplace today in the office of Maurice B. Blumenthal, who is the secretary of theorganization.

1897: In Basel, “Dr.Theodor Herzl…presided at the morning” session of The Zionist Congress. Thedelegates discussed” a plan “to centralize the Zionist Movement” with theformation of Central Committee that would be headquartered in Vienna.” The committee would “consist of twenty-threemembers representing” all of the major Jewish “natural groups” who would beexpected to contribute to a central operating fund.

1898: Major Hubert- Joseph Henry, one of those who was arrested yesterdayon charges of having forged the evidence used against Alfred Dreyfus was founddead in his cell. The assumption wasthat he had committed suicide.

1898:”Boy Kills A Rabbi” published today described the murder of RabbiRosenbloom who was kicked to death by a mob of a half a dozen “young men” ledby seventeen year old John Schlechta whohad been terrorizing the Levi family.

1899: “It was learned” today “that as soon as the State Board ofCharities” approves “the plans of incorporation for the Emanuel Hospital andDispensary of New York, Dr. Maurice J. Burstein will select a site” and beginerect a building.

1899: As a result of his role in creating forgeries during the DreyfusCase, the Minister of War struck Major Esterhazy from the army lists.

1899: “The Degenerates” which premiered in London tonight includes aseries of “well drawn characters” including “the rich Jew who sneers at his ownrace.”

1899: Today’s session of the court martial of Captain Dreyfus “openedbehind closed doors” so that General Deloye and Majors Hartmann and Ducroscould testify about the secret artillery information contained in the documentsthat had been given to the Germans.

1900(6th of Elul, 5660): Eighty-year-old Ferdinand Falkson,the German physician and doctor possibly best known for his three battle tohave his marriage recognized passed away today.

1901(16th of Elul, 5661): Parashat Ki Tavo

1901(16th of Elul, 5661): Seventy-seven-year-old Joseph HertzOppenheim, the Charleston, SC born son of Catherine and Hertz Wolf Oppenheim,and the husband of Hanna Oppenheim passed away today.

1901: It was reported today that “Mme. Bertha Tansman, prima donna fromthe Thalia Theatre; Tillis Hirschman, the leading lady form the People’sTheatre and Harry J. Ginsberg, the best known Jewish tenor in America” havebeen brought to Chicago from New York thanks to the efforts of Ellis Glickman,manager of the Jewish Theatre.

1902: Mrs. Adoph Landenburg introduces the split skirt for ridinghorseback.

1903: Today, “just as the Congress closed, the Ottoman ambassador toBerlin telegrammed his superiors stating that the Zionists objective was toform an independent state in Palestine and that special laws should be broughtin prohibiting the purchase of land by Zionists,”

1903: Herzl's last meeting with German nobleman Grossherzog Friedrich ofBaden on the island of Mainau. Herzl presents his difficult dilemma betweenEast Africa and Palestine. "We would be glad to renounce the good land ofEast Africa for the poor land of Palestine. I in particular would see anhonorable rescue for our poor Jews if this exchange could be made."

1904: In Commercy, France, Ferdinand Ach, the Pierrepont born son ofSameul Ach and Charlotte Abraham gave birth to Andre Ach

1905(30th of Av, 5665): Rosh Chodesh Elul

1905: Birthdate of Dore Schary,American screenwriter, playwright, producer and director. The son of immigrantRussian parents, Schary’s first name came from shortening the original whichwas Isadore. Shary provided the Oscarwinning script for the film “Boys Town.”He also produced another all-American film, “Lassie come Home.” Shary was part of that gaggle of firstgeneration American Jews who created the cinematic version of the AmericanMyth. Shary’s greatest success camelate in his career when he wrote the script for “Sunrise At Campobello” thepopular play and film that focused on FDR’s fight with polio. Shary was active in numerous Jewishorganization including the Anti- Defamation League. He passed away in 1980.

1905: In Brooklyn, the former Bertha Knoepfler and furrier HermannMeisner gave birth to Sanford Meisner, American actor, teacher and creator ofthe Meisner Technique.

1906(10th of Elul, 5666): Edward Rosewater, the founder of theOmaha Bee and unsuccessful candidate for the U.S. Senate from Nebraska passedaway. His son Victor took overleadership of the paper

1907: In Chicago, Illinois, Benjamin T. and Anna (née Bransky) Chon gavebirth to William Shawn the editor of The New Yorker magazine.

1908:First Conference for the Yiddish Language continued for a second day inCzernowitz

1909(14th of Elul, 5669): Joseph Goldberg passed away.

1909: Nobel laureate Paul Ehrlich began the first chemotherapy when withhis assistant Sahachiro Hato, a rabbit infected with syphilis was injected with"Preparation 606." This number marked the 606th chemical devised andtested by Ehrlich's team at his Frankfort laboratory. The compound was sosuccessful that the sores on the rabbit promptly healed. The term"chemotherapy" was coined by Erhlich.

1910: “After prolonged negotiations, Oscar S. Straus, the United StatesAmbassador to Turkey succeeded in obtaining a decision from the Council ofstate approving the act of the council of Ministers by which all foreignreligious, educational and benevolent institutions are exempted from theprovisions of the Ottoman law.”

1911: “Maggie Pepper,” a play written by Charles Klein that includes “thecharacter of a Jewish drummer” who is portrayed as being both “amusing andoccasionally sympathetic” opened this evening at the Harris Theatre in NewYork.

1912(18th of Elul, 5672): Parashat Ki Tavo

1912(18th of Elul, 5672): Sixty-eight-year-old “communalworker” Samuel Hirsch passed away at Niagara Falls, NY.

1913: Birthdate of Helen Levitt, the Brooklyn native “noted for her streetphotography around New York City.

1914: In Berlin, Kurt W. Rosenthal, a flour merchant, and Elsa Rosenthal(née Kirschstein) gave birth to their second son Franz Rosenthal who the LouisM. Rabinowitz professor of Semitic Language at Yale and then the SterlingProfessor Emeritus of Arabic at the same institution.

1914: In response to an appeal by the Yishuv’s leaders and his ownknowledge of the desperate condition of the thousands of Jews living inPalestine Henry Morgenthau, Sr., the U.S. Ambassador to the Ottoman Empire senta cable to Jacob Schiff that read, in part, “PALESTINIAN JEWS FACING TERRIBLECRISIS … BELLIGERENT COUNTRIES STOPPING THEIR ASSISTANCE … SERIOUS DESTRUCTIONTHREATENS THRIVING COLONIES … FIFTY THOUSAND DOLLARS NEEDED.” Within a monththe appeal produced $50, 000 (the equivalent of 1 million dollars in the 21stcentury)

1915: “The Hebrew Sheltering and Immigrant Aid Society of America ofwhich ex-Judge Leon Sanders is President announced today that it hadestablished at its offices, 229 East Broadway, a bureau through which dependentJews in the war zones may be more readily located by their immigrant relativesin this country seeking to render them assistance.”

1915: At Beth Hamidrash Hagadol a synagogue on Norfolk Street, “RabbiIsrael Rosenberg of Paterson presided over a service attended by 25 rabbis and1,000” congregants which he opened the ark and the attendees began singingAvienu Malkenu.

1915: “Resolutions calling for an American-Jewish congress to formulateplans for the unification of the 3,000,000 Jews in the United States wereadopted at a meeting” in Chicago, “tonight of the Lawyers’ Jewish CongressCommittee.”

1915: George Breitman, a native of the Ukraine who was working as alaborer in Australia enlisted in the Australian Imperial Force (AIF).

1916(2nd of Elul, 5676):Composer, Teacher and Pianist JosephPoznanski, the brother violinist Isaac Barrett Poznanski with whom he performedat a “Grand Concert” in 1866 passed away today. (Editor’s note: He is not to beconfused with “second generation Holocaust survivor’ living in Victoria,Australia who composed “music dedicated to Jewish folklore in Poland.’

1916: In the Bronx, “Russian Jewish immigrants, Tillie Godiner andGedaliah Tchornemoretz gave birth to broadcast journalist Daniel Schorr. To the current generation, Schorr is the wildold political voice on NPR. To anearlier generation, he is one of the journalists who made Richard Nixon’sinfamous “Enemies List.” To an evenolder generation, Schorr was the voice of CBS news from Moscow during thecoldest days of the Cold War in the 1950’s.The Soviets finally go disgusted with Schorr that they expelled. This gave Schorr the singular distinction ofantagonizing the Communist Russians and the ant-Communist Nixon.

1917: Birthdate of Henrik, the native of Budapest who gained fame ascommunist politician György Aczél/

1917: In Berlin, premiere of “Hilde Warren Und der Tod” directed andproduced by Joseph Otto Mandel who would be known as Joe May with a screenplayby Fritz Lange and featuring Hermann Picha.

1917: “A deputation of prominent English Jews head by Lord Swaythingvisited the Secretary of War…and urged the abandonment of the title ‘JewishRegiment’ which had been adopted for the new regiment recently organized”because “the 40,000 Jews now serving in the army were fighting not as Jews butas British subjects…”

1917: “It was announced tonight that Rabbi Samuel Greenfield and ReverendEiner Larsen had reached an agreement that would allow the Jews of the IsaiahTemple to temporarily use the quarters of the Swedish Baptist Church forworship services until they can build a sanctuary of their own.

1917: “An Invitation to Soldiers” published today described anannouncement by Simon Franks that Temple Emanu-El in Brooklyn will have “freeseats” for any members of the United States Army and Navy who attend RoshHashana or Yom Kippur Services at this congregation.

1918: Following petition of leading Jews, the Polish Council of Stateabolished existing restrictions respecting the purchase of land by Jews.

1918: For the past 7 months, ending today, Lt. Hugo Gutman, a Jewishofficer serving with Kaiser’s army commanded Adolph Hitler who received theIron Cross First Class thanks to Gutman’s efforts.

1918: The Polish Council of State adopted a resolution giving authoritiespower to open in existing schools separate classes for Jewish children whichshall be closed on Saturday if a sufficient number of parents apply for such aprivilege and recognizing as private schools all Talmud Torahs and hedarim inwhich the teaching of Polish is to be obligatory and in which instruction inall elementary secular subjects is to be given in Polish.

1918: In Nizhni-Novgorod, authorities arrested seven ringleaders fortheir role in “anti-Jewish riots.”

1918: In Chovol, a Council of Workmen and Soldiers put an end to effortsto start a Pogrom.

1918:The Australian Corps underthe command of Sir John Monash broke the German lines at the Battle of Mont St.Quentin and the Battle of Péronne.

1918: Birthdate of Alan Jay Lerner, American librettist and lyricist forstage and screen. Lerner was yet anotherof a myriad of Jews who created and refined that most original American artform – the Broadway musical. One of hismost famous contributions was “My Fair Lady.” He passed away in 1986

1919: Thirty-five members of the Jewish Defense Organization weredisarmed and shot after the Ukrainian National Army recaptured Kiev from theBolsheviks. As an organized unit, the Jews had played an important role in thedefense of Kiev. This was part of massacre of the Jews at Kiev.

1919(5th of Elul, 5679): Sixty-year-old Austrian born Dr.Joseph Zeisler, the son of Anna and Isaac Leonard Ziesler and husband of“Theresa Freuchtmean” who was recognizedas an expert in the fields “of skin and venereal diseases passed away today

1920: In Boston, three thousand children are scheduled “to gather inFranklin Field” today “for a grand outing and pageant” sponsored by theRecreational Bureau of the Federated Jewish Charities with the assistance ofthe Associated Boston Hebrew Schools,the Bureau of Jewish Religious Schools, the Council of Jewish Juniors,the Home for Jewish Children and the Jewish Welfare Centers.”

1921: Birthdate of Madeline Rochelle Barotz who as Madeline RochelleAmgott was a pioneer in the early days of broadcast television news – a rolemade all the more difficult because was the first and only member of her sex todo this in the 50’s and early 60’s.

1921: Solomon Lowenstein, the ExecutiveDirector of the Federation of Jewish Philanthropic Societies is scheduled toofficiate at the funeral for Nathaniel Myers, President of the Hebrew Schoolfor Girls and the person “who was largely responsible for the formation of theFederation of Jewish Philanthropic Societies in New York City.

1921: “Ilona” a silent film produced by Joe May, with a scriptco-authored by Adolf Lantz was released today in Germany.

1922: “Following the barring of Mrs. Alfred Kann of New York from thefashionable Winthrop Hotel, the Young Men's Hebrew Association and the YoungWomen's Hebrew Association held a joint meeting, retained Attorney Aaron Allenas counsel and declared their intention to expose the discriminatory tacticsexercised by some of the residents” of Boston.

1922: It was reported today that in Philadelphia, Mayor Moore addressed acheering crowd of more than 10,000 people who had gathered to show their joy atthe League of Nations support for the creation of a national homeland inPalestine.

1923: As a result of a search for Henry Ford’s property which resultedfrom a libel suit brought against him and his paper, the Dearborn Independentby Herman Bernstein over states made on connection with a general attack on theJewish people, today in New York City Deputy Sheriff Charles Kramer wasnotified today that Mr. Ford has $115,834 deposited in the Corn Exchange Bank.

1924(1st of Elul, 5684): Rosh Chodesh Elul

1924: Birthdate of actor andcomedian Buddy Hackett.

1925: Abraham Goldberg, Jacob Fishman and Henrietta Szold were among theAmericans elected to the Actions Committee of the World Zionist Organization inVienna.

1925: “After a stormy all-night session the fourteenth Zionist WorldCongress disbanded at 6 o'clock this morning.”

1926: Birthdate of Sochaczew, Poland native and Holocaust survivor CantoDavid Wisnia whose singing ability saved his life.

1926: In Chicago, “Louis and Clara (Ruttenberg) Wolfberg gave birth toAnita Rochelle Wolfberfg who gained famed as independent publisher AnitaMiller. (As reported by Sam Roberts)

1926: Robert and Lillian Mulwitz gave birth to their daughter Ruth atPort Chester New York. The familychanged their name to Roberts and it was as Ruth Roberts that she gained fameas the “songwriter best known for her cheerful and durable baseball anthem‘Meet the Mets.’”

1927:Dr. Leon Motzkin presidedover today's session of the Fifteenth Zionist Congress in Basel.

1928:The Threepenny Opera” withmusic by Kurt Weill was first performedat the Theater am Schiffbauerdamm in Berlin today.

1929(25th of Av, 5689): Parashat Re’eh

1929: Bedouins attacked nearly a dozen Jewish settlements in the northernGalilee pillaging the houses and burning the crops.” According to at least one report, at least 22Jews were wounded in the attacks. “InJerusalem, houses of Georgian Jews located near the Damascus Gat which werereportedly left open by police during their unsuccessful search for weaponswere looted by Arab marauders.

1929:A party of thirty-sevenJewish settlers left for Palestine today on the steamer Carnaro bound forJaffa. Dr. A. Kligler of the Hebrew University on Mount Scopus, Professor Roth,the Palestine labor leader Ben Gurion, Dr. Benzion Mossensohn, director of theHebrew High School at Tel Aviv, and other Palestinian Jewish leaders sailed onthe same steamer.

1930: It was reported today that the Jewish Welfare Board has announcedthat Jewish Community Centers and other organizations affiliated with the boardwould hold exercises in celebration of Constitution Day which falls onSeptember 17 and that the army, navy and Coast Guard would grant furloughs sothat Jewish service men could observed Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur.

1931: The administration of the Zionist Organization in America wasaccused today by Louis Lipsky, former president of the Zionist Organization ofAmerica, of ulterior motives in issuing its appeal last Saturday to “AmericanZionists to lend support to the new World Zionist executive” because he saidthe appeal was merely a decoy to divert public attention from domestic issuesto create the impression that the differences of opinion American Zionistsrelate to the conduct of word Zionist affairs.”

1932(29th of Av, 5692): Seventy-two-year-old Sir SassoonEskell, the first Finance Minister of Iraq passed away today.

1932(29th of Av, 5692): Moyshe-Leyb Halperndied of a heart attack in New York City.Born in 1886, he was a Yiddish-language modernist poet raised in atraditional Jewish household in Zlotshev, Galicia and brought to Vienna at theage of 12 in 1898 to study commercial art. Halpern began writing modernistpoetry n German while living in Vienna. Upon returning to his hometown in 1907,he switched to writing in Yiddish. In 1908, Halpern emigrated to New York Cityin order to avoid the military draft. There he became associated with a groupof Yiddish poets called Di Yunge (The Young Ones). He published hisfirst book of poetry in 1919, Innyu york (In New York). That same year, he married. He had ason in 1923. His second book, Digoldene pave (The Golden Peaco*ck), was published in1924. Halpern also wrote for satirical magazines and Frayhayt (Freedom), a communist Yiddish newspaper.

1933: RabbiJoseph Zvi Dushinsky becomes the Chief Rabbi of the Agudath Israel inJerusalem.

1933: The Jiidische Rundschau is permitted toreappear. The popular Jewish weekly,which had been published since 1902, had been forced to suspend publication forproducing editorials that had challenged Nazi charges against the Zionists. Themagazine would be forced to close in 1938.

1933: Theeighteenth World Zionist Congress adopted a resolution providing for sending acommission to Palestine to investigate charges of terrorism in connection withthe murder of Dr. Chaim Arlosoroff, the Zionist leader who had been killed inTel Aviv.

1933:Professor Selig Brodetsky told members of the World Zionist Congress thatZionist organization has inaugurated conversations with Arab leaders of Syriaand other neighboring lands for the extension of Jewish colonization.

1933: TheCouncil of the Warsaw Jewish Community sends a protest to the Zionist Congressagainst agreements for exchange of goods between Nazi Germany and Palestine.

1933(9th ofElul, 5693): Nazi agents murdered Theodore Lessing in Marienbad,Czechoslovakia. Lessing was an anti-Nazi Jewish philosopher and Zionist who hadtaught at Hanover Technical High School.He had moved to Czechoslovakia because he feared for his safety.

1934: Problemsof international interest to Jews, including the boycott on German goods, willbe discussed at the national encampment of Jewish War Veterans, which openedtonight in New Britain, CT.

1934: “Jewishfur manufacturers and their Jewish employees received permission from the NRAtoday to take time off to celebrate the Jewish holidays” which take placeduring the next four weeks” and that NRA “code regulations will be relaxedsufficiently to permit making up the lost time.

1935(2nd of Elul, 5695): Rabbi Abraham Isaac Kook known as Rav Kookpassed away. Rabbi Kookwas the first Chief RabbiAshkenazicofPalestine, serving from 1921 until his death in 1935. Born in Russia in1865, Kook was a child prodigy and star student at the famed yeshiva inVolozhinHe served as a Rabbi in several communities in Europe beforemoving to Eretz Israel in 1904 where he served as a rabbi in Jaffa as well asfor the new Zionist settlements. "Kook was the outstanding leaderand thinker of the religious Zionist movement at a time when the great majorityopposed of Orthodox Jewry Zionism. He endeared himself to the nonreligiouselements in Israel by sympathy and support for the secular sector, particularlyin the agricultural settlements." He regarded all who made Alyiah,"regardless of their beliefs to be inspired by holy sparks "sincethey were laying the foundation for the ultimate messianic redemption."

1935(2nd of Elul, 5695): Herman Bernstein an American journalist, writer, translator, anddiplomat, passed away. Herman Bernstein was born in 1876, at Vladislavov whichwas on the Russo-German border to David and Marie Bernstein. In 1893, heemigrated to the United States, where he completed his education and marriedSophie Friedman on December 31, 1901. “His first stories were published in1900. He contributed to the New York Evening Post, The Nation, The Independent,and Ainslee's Magazine. He was the founder and editor of The New London Dayand an editor of the Jewish Tribune and of the Jewish Daily Bulletin.As a correspondent of the New York Times, Bernstein regularly travelledto Europe. In 1915, he went to Europe to document the situation of Jews in thewar zones. He documented the Russian Revolution in 1917 for the New YorkHerald, which led him to both Siberia and Japan with the AmericanExpeditionary Forces. He also covered the Paris Peace Conference in 1919 forthe same newspaper. In 1921 Bernstein published a book History of a Lie,an account of the notorious forgery The Protocols of the Elders of Zion.According to GPU agent Pavlovsky (Yakshin), arrested in Germany in 1929,Bernstein worked for both GPU and Comintern, arranging pro-Soviet coverage inAmerican press. One of his main goals was to describe White army and Whiteemigres as anti-Semitic instigators of pogroms and suppress coverage of pogromsby units of the Red Army and other forces allied to Bolsheviks during theRussian civil war. GPU supplied Bernstein with forged documents forpublication. In 1921 Bernstein received 17 000 gold rubles for his services.

1936: “Fear that the future of Jews in Palestine was imperiled by British‘inaction’ was voiced today in a declaration issued at the close of anextraordinary session of the general council of the World Zionist Organization”that was held in Zurich.

1936: In Cincinnati, OH, “Joe and Sarah (Feibel) Mendelsohn” gave birthto Harvard Medical School graduate John Mendelson the husband of researchchemist Anne Charles, who was best known for his work in cancer researchincluding serving as head of the MD Anderson Cancer Center. (As reported by Katie Thomas)

1936: “The problem of uniting the religions of the United States, notunder one banner of dogma or doctrine, but a united front to deal with civic,social and welfare problems of the nation was discussed” at a meeting inAppleton, Wisconsin, tonight by three clergymen of the Protestant, Catholic andJewish faiths” the latter of which was Rabbi L.L. Mann of Sinai Temple inChicago.

1936: Dr. Alexander Rosenfeld, vice president of the Tel Aviv SportsOrganization received a cable today saying that the Maccabees Palestine Soccerteam is scheduled to arrive in New York on September 14.

1937: In Brooklyn Frieda (née Shapkin) and Elias Berlinger, a buildingcontractor gave birth to actor Warren Berlinger whose career includedeverything from appearing in the original Broadway production of “Annie GetYour Gun” to the ever-popular kids’ show “Howdy Doody.”

1937: The violence orchestrated by Arab leaders that was designed to endJewish immigration and land purchases continued with seven Arab attacks on Jewsin Jerusalem, Tel Aviv and Karkur. Three Jews and four Arabs were killed andthere were many wounded. Moshe Goldenberg, the mukhtar (village elder) of BeitAlfa, had a narrow escape when shot at in Beit Shean. (Yes, this isthe sameBeit Shean where the bodies of Saul and his sons were taken asdescribed in the Book of Samuel.)Jewish and Arab leaders weresummoned by district commissioners who appealed for the restoration of law andorder.

1938: Moslem terrorists sought to extend their power by killing otherArabs. “Tewfik Shantin an Arab brokerwas shot dead in the waiting room of an Arab doctor in Jaffa” while an unnamedArab village chieftain was shot to death while walking with a friend in the OldCity of Jerusalem.

1938(4th of Elul, 5698): Mordecai Leznick, a Jewish policeman riding onan Arab owned bus traveling between Lydda and Jaffa was shot to death by anArab passenger.

1938(4th of Elul, 5698): In Tel Aviv Schmuel Weiner died from woundssustained when he was stoned last Friday while riding through Ramleh.

1939: The last day of peace in Europe before the outbreak of World WarII. Everyone waited to see if thePoles would cave into German demands.Every one waited to see if the British would betray the Poles as theyhad the Czechs in 1938. What the worlddid not know was that Hitler issued Directive no.1, 1939 ordering the attack onPoland to begin at dawn the following day. Already, 1,500,000 German troopswere poised to enact Case White, the invasion of Poland, The plan to create a fake attack by Polishtroops on a German transmitter was about to be enacted. By the next “Polish casualties” (actually the corpses of concentration campinmates) would provide Hitler’s proof of Polish perfidy and the Blitz of Polandwould be on its way.

1939: Nazi Germanymounts a staged attack on Gleiwitz radio station giving them an excuse toattack Poland the following day, starting World War II.

1940: From July 9through today, Chiune Sugihara, the Vice Counsel for the Empire of Japan inLithuania issued over 2,000 visas to Polish Jews so that they could escape fromthe Nazis. This does not count the threeto five thousand visas issued to Lithuanian Jews without his government’sapproval that enabled them to escape as well.

1940: The NationalEncampment of the Jewish War Veterans of the United States continued for athird day.

1941: Churchill received 17 reports of the shooting of Jews and Russiansin numbers ranging between 61 and 4,200.These reports covered the two-month period beginning with June, 1941when the Nazis invaded the Soviet Union and the special Killing Squads begantheir work.

1941: In response to a Jewish reprisal raid on a German patrol, all Jewswere confined to their homes. That evening the "action" commenced.The entire Jewish section of Vilna was raided.As a result, 2,019 women, 864 men, and 817 children were taken away topits in Ponar forests and all shot dead. This event is notable for two reasons.First it is unusual because it includes the report of Jewish resistance. Secondit is unusual because the Nazis supplied a specific reason for killing Jewsother than their usual anti-Semitic drivel.

1941: As the month came to a close, “the Vichy Government of France hadenacted laws that discriminated against Moroccan Jews” by setting quotas on thenumber of Jewish doctors and lawyers, which forced many Jews living in theEuropean quarters to move to the mellahs.

1942: One day after he had passed away funeral services are scheduled tobe held this afternoon at the Park West Memorial Chapel for fifty-two-year-oldNissim Joseph Ovadia, the Turkish born chief rabbi of Vienna and Paris who cameto the United States after the French surrendered to the Nazis

1942: A story headlined "Jewish Children Interned by Vichy"appeared in today’s Chicago Sun.

1942: By the end of August SS officer Kurt Gerstein has failed in hisattempt to publicize his knowledge of the mass gassings of Jews. He is rebuffedin his approach to the German papal nuncio, Cesare Orsenigo

1942: In Ternopil,western Ukraine, at 4.30 am, German SS organize the first deportation of Jewsfrom Ternopil ghetto to death camp in Belzec, about 5,000 Jews were deported toface death in Belzec. When the Germans captured Ternopil, about 18,000 Jews livedin the city.

1943(30th ofAv, 5703): Rosh Chodesh Elul

1943:Vice Chancellor John O. Bigelow today ordered an audit of the first accountingof the estate of Abraham Wolff of Morristown, N.J., who was a partner in theNew York banking firm of Kuhn, Loeb Co.

1943: The Swedishambassador in Copenhagen was given clearance by the Chief Legal Officer GöstaEngzell to issue Swedish passports in order to "rescue Danish Jews andbringing them here".

1943: The USS Drum, anAmerican submarine, with Maurice Rindskopf serving as Executive Officer sank aJapanese cargo ship while patrolling off New Georgia

1943: During itsmeeting at the Waldorf-Astoria the “American Jewish Conference adopted aresolution accusing the American Council for Judaism of an ‘attempt to sabotagethe collective Jewish will to achieve a unified program’ by its statement madepublic” yesterday “in Philadelphia opposing the creation of a Jewish state.”

1943: By the end of August,47 Jewish women and 50 Jewish men areexecuted after being discovered in the "Aryan" section of Warsaw.

1943: “Vice ChancellorJohn O. Bigelow ordered an audit of the first accounting of the estate ofAbraham Wolff of Morristown, NJ who was a partner in Kuhn, Loeb & Co.

1943: In Toronto, theGroup on Racial Relations presented a report today in which “Christians werecalled up to accept Jews as members of the community on a basis of completeequality and to take drastic action in opposing discrimination” in both thepersonal and social interactions.

1943: “Zionists inEngland have exceeded the £250,000 goal set for this year’s PalestineFoundation Fund campaign, Mrs. Archibald Silverman reported today at a luncheonin her honor held at the Belmont Plaza Hotel by the Palestine Fund and theJewish National Fund.”

1943: In Halifax the Army Show which had first been seen by “an allservice audience” starring the comedy team of Frank Shuster and Johnny Waynewho came to be known simply as Wayne & Shuster was seen by a civilianaudience for the first time tonight.

1944(12th of Elul,5704): Fifty-three-year-old Yiddish actor Ludwig Satz passed away today.

1944: Jews liberated from the Novaki labor camp joined the battle forBanska Bystrica. Four weeks later Eichmann exacted revenge for the SlovakUprising by deporting 8,975 Slovak Jews to Birkenau where most met theirdeaths.

1944: Over the next four daysJews formerly interned at the Novákylabor camp fight in a Slovakian uprising against the Germans. In all, more than1500 Jews join 16,000 Slovak soldiers and partisans. One partisan battalioncommander, a Jewish woman named Edita Katz, covers the retreat of her men witha machine gun and hand grenades until she is killed by Germans and the HlinkaGuard. Another Jewish partisan, Tibor Cifea, is shot by Germans and lefthanging for three days.

1944: A photograph wastaken of a small group of survivors from the Kovno, a town in Lithuania thathad been liberated on August 1. At thestart of the war there were approximately 40,000 Jews living there. There wereonly 2,000 still alive at when the Soviets liberated the city.

1945: The Liberal Partyof Australia is founded by Robert Menzies. During the Parliamentary electionsin August, 2010, The Liberal Party sought the support of the Jewish communityby picturing itself as being a better friend of Israel than the Labor Party.

1945: President Trumanendorsed a proposal for 100,000 Jews to be immediately admitted to Palestineand so informed the British Prime Minister.Mr. Atlee was, to say the least, not pleased.

1945: Birthdate of Itzhak Perlman. Born in Tel Aviv, Perlman was strickenwith polio. He triumphed over the adversity to become one of the world’sgreatest violinists.

1945: Lt. Col. Louis Geffen, a judge advocate in the US Army who wassailing across the Pacific to his new duty station was allowed to use an areaon the bow of the ship for Kabbalat Shabbat services.

1946: “Edward M.M. Warburg, chairman of the Joint Distribution Committee,270 Madison Avenue, announced today that allocations of the Committee to datethis year for the relief, rehabilitation and emigration of Jewish survivorsoverseas had soared to $38,140,210 --a figure greater than the Committee'sappropriations for all of 1945.”

1947: UNSCOP, the United Nations Special Committee on Palestine,published its report. Under the plan,Palestine was to be partitioned into two states, one Jewish and one Arab. Jerusalem was to be a demilitarized, neutralcity governed as an international trusteeship under the United Nations.

1948: Tonight, Sigmund Romberg, born Siegmund Rosenberg to Hungarian JewsAda and Clara Rosenberg, performed forthe last time on “An Evening Romberg” on NBC.

1948: In New York City,Jean (née Farber) and Irving Ganz, an arts supply executive gave birth toscreenwriter Lowell Ganz

1948: Birthdate ofSteve Soboroff, successful businessman, Republican political leader andexecutive for the Los Angeles Dodgers.

1949: “The AmericanCommittee of Jewish Writers, Artists and Scientists today labeled as"fantastic" a memorandum submitted to the United Nations last monthby the Jewish League against Communism in which “the latter charged that400,000 Jews had been uprooted from their homes by the Soviet Government andexiled to Siberia.

1950: Birthdate ofDavid Bedein, a journalist who established the Israel Resource News Agency and“serves as Director of the Center for Near East Policy Research.”

1950: “Summer Stock,” acorny musical produced by Joe Pasternak, based on a story by Sy Gomberg forwhich he won an Oscar and with songs by Harold Arlen was released today in theUnited States.

1950: Business leaders,Cabinets members and leading representatives from the Knesset held an all-daysession to discuss Israel’s worsening economic conditions. “The economic troubles stem mainly from thefact that the expansion of production is unable to keep up with the growth ofthe population, which increased in 27 months from 655,000 to 1,125,000.”

1951(29th ofAv, 5711): Ninety-one-year-old Abraham Cahan the socialist newspaper editorwhose name is synonymous with the Jewish Daily Forward passed away today.

1952: IN MonmouthCounty, Sidney Goldman, Justice of the Superior Court of New Jersey was theprinciple speaker at the cornerstone laying for Temple Beth Miriam’s newfacility.

1952: The final draft of the Reparations Agreement signed at The Haguewas sent to Bonn. It was still waiting for the West German government's formalapproval. The UN submitted to Bonn for special consideration a list of morethan 380 survivors of the Nazi scientific experiments conducted inconcentration camps. More than 200 such victims were still living in Germany.

1954: In the Bronx, Ethel Pearl Fox and AbrahamRosenberg gave birth to Queens College graduate and artistic director &conductor Richard Mark Rosenberg the husband of Laura Julianne Schnayer who in 1994 began serving as the conductor of MiamiCity Ballet/Naples (Florida) Philharmonic Orchestra.

Richard Rosenberg – National Music Festival

1954: Operation Binyamin 2 led by Ariel Sharon and Meir Har-Zion came toan end with the capture of 3 Jordanian soldiers.

1955:In response to repeated attacks from Fedayeen (the term forterrorists at this time) forces under the command of Mordechai “Motta” Gur andRafael “Raful” Eitan led an attack which destroyed the military installationsat Khan Yunis in what was known as Operation Elkayanm.

1956(24th of Elul, 5716): Austria native andneuropsychiatrist Dr. Moses Keshner, the holder of degrees from CCNY, ColumbiaMedical School and New York Law School who was a Clinical Professor ofNeurology at Columbia and raised four children – Myron, Sidney, Harold andHortense – with his wife Dorothea passed away today.

1956: Birthdate of Baltimore native Jonathan I Rosenblatt, the JohnsHopkins and Columbia University trained modern American Orthodox Rabbi andhusband of Tzipporah Rosneblatt.

1958(15th of Elul, 5718): Forty-nine-year-old Boston born Suffolk LawSchool trained attorney, George Fingold, the Attorney General of Massachusettsand Republican candidate for Governor of Massachusetts, the wife of EvelynFingold and the son of Hyman Fingold, passed away today.

1959: Premiere of “Middle of the Night” a drama featuring a May toDecember romance deftly told in a script by Paddy Chayefsky which features“future Oscar winners Martin Balsam and Lee Grant.

1961: Those “sons of Moses,” the Sherry brothers, combined their effortsto give the Dodgers a 5 to 2 victory over the Cubs. Norm Sherry hit a two-runhomer for the Los Angeles Dodgers today and Larry Sherry pitched well enough inrelief to get credit for the “save.”

1961(19th of Elul, 5721): Seventy-eight-year-old Baltimorenative and close associate of Henrietta Szold, Mrs. Florence Robinson Brodie,the wife of attorney Israel B. Brodie who was a member of the national board ofHadassah passed away today in Hamptons Bay, Long Island.

1962(1st of Elul, 5722): Rosh Chodesh Elul

1962: Seventy-year-old Henrikas Rabinavicius, “the only Jew to haveserved in the Lithuanian diplomatic corps” after it gained its independencefollowing World War I, and the husband of the former “Ethel Edna Kabat, passedaway today in New York.

1962: In Egypt Alaa al-Zayat “a prominent doctor and professor ofmedicine” and his wife gave birth to Ahmed Zayat who gained fame as EphraimDavid Zayet the American businessman whoowns 2015 Triple Crown Winner “American Pharoah.”

1962: Trinidad and Tobago becomeindependent. The Jewish community dates back to the 18thcentury. At the time of independencethere were approximately 700 Jews living in the two islands.

1964:Seymour Halpern was one of thirteen Republicans in the House ofRepresentatives to support the Food Stamp Act of 1964 that became effectivetoday.

1967(25th of Av, 5727): Ilya Ehrenberg, Soviet author, journalist,apologist and political survivor par excellence, passed away.

1967(25th of Av, 5721): Haydée Tamara Bunke Bider, known asTania the Guerillera, a German-Jewish guerrilla fighter in the NationalLiberation Army of Bolivia, led by Che Guevara was killed today by the BolivianArmy.

1968: Birthdate of Yossef (Joseph) Cedar the native of New York who “grewup in the Bayit VeGan neighborhood in Jerusalem” and became an award-winningdirector and screenwriter best known for the 2011 tale of clash betweenacademics and fathers and sons – “Footnote.”

1972: Paul Stanley and Gene Simmons, both of whom were Jewish “answeredthe advertisem*nt of Peter Criss in RollingStone that would lead to the formation of KISS.

1972(21st of Elul, 5732): Seventy-six-year-old David AbrahamJessurun Cardozo, the Dutch born, English educated Sephardic rabbi who was theassistant rabbi at New York’s prestigious Spanish and Protuguese Synagogue andthe first Rabbi to led Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur services in Spain since the1492 Expulsion passed away today.

1973(3rd of Elul, 5733): Seventy-two-year-old Dr. Gregory Razran,professor emeritus of psychology at Queens College and a leading authority onRussian psychological research was drowned tofay while swimming off St.Petersburg Beach, Fla.”

1974(13th of Elul, 5735): Parashat Ki Teitzei

1974(13th of Elul, 5735): Eighty-seven-year-old Etta EisemanSteinberg, the St. Louis born daughter of David and Aurelia Stix Eisman, thewife of Mark Charles Steinberg and Florence S. Steinberg Weil passed away afterwhich she was buried at the New Mount Sinai Cemetery in Affton, MO.

1975(17th of Elul, 5735): Seventy-eight-year-old “Max Artz,the vice chancellor of the Jewish Theological Seminary passed away today.

1976(5th of Elul, 5736): Ninety-three-year-old non-communistRussian revolutionary and Time magazine’s expert on Soviet affairs MarkVishniak passed away today.

1977: “You Light Up My Life” a romantic comedy written, directed andproduced by Joseph Brooks who also composed the score and starring Didi Connwas released in the United States today by Columbia Pictures.

1977: US Undersecretary of State Philip Habib assured Israeli AmbassadorSimcha Dinitz that the US would block any Arab attempt to change UN SecurityCouncil Resolution 242. This UN Resolution included a guaranteed of theright of Israel to exist and was part of the diplomatic efforts surrounding theSix Day War. Various Arab leaders have erroneously claimed that thisresolution required Israel to return to the truce lines that existed in June,1967.

1979(8th of Elu. 5739): Eighty-four-year-old Ida Tobolowsky,the daughter of Samuel and Temmie Wyll Tobolowsky, the wife of Jacob FrankLeventhal and mother of Grace Jean Leventhal Goodman passed away today afterwhich she was buried at the Shearith Israel Memorial Park in Dallas, TX.

1979: “Time After Time” a sci-fi film directed by Nicholas Meyer who alsowrote the screenplay was released today in the United States.

1980: In Ganei Yehuda, Galia and Muki Zamir gave birth to MK Asaf Zamir,the former Deputy Mayor of Tel Aviv, Minister of Tourism and Consul General innew Yok until March of 2023

1981(1st of Elul, 5741): Rosh Chodesh Elul

1981(1st of Elul, 5741): Prof.Elias J. Bickerman, a historian and authority on the influence of the Greeks inthe Middle East at the time of Jesus and before, died today in Tel Aviv, wherehe was on vacation. He was 85 years old and lived in Manhattan.

1981(1st of Elul, 5741): Eighty-two-year-old businessman andphilanthropist Joseph Hirschhorn whose name became famous because of the artmuseum of which he was “the founder and benefactor” passed away today. (Asreported by John Russell)

1981: Today, at the United Nations, Israel denounced the PLO’s attack onVienna Synagogue on Shabbat (August 29, 1981) as part of “a ruthless murdercampaign” aimed at “Jews and the Jewish people everywhere.”

1983: Flight 007, among whose passengers were 23-year-old AliceEphraimson-Abt, the daughter of Hans Ephraimson-Abt completed “a refueling stopin Alaska” and “took off for Seoul.”

1987: “On the occasion of a meeting in Rome today of representatives ofthe Holy See's Commission for Religious Relations with the Jews and of theInternational Jewish Committee on Interreligious Consultations, the thenPresident of the Holy See's Commission for Religious Relations with the Jews,Cardinal Johannes Willebrands, announced the intention of the Commission toprepare an official Catholic document on the Shoah.”

1988(18th of Elul, 5748): Seventy-five-year-old Lin Jaldati,the Dutch born Holocaust who brought Yiddish music Communist controlledcountries in Asia passed away today.

1989(30th of Av, 5749): Rosh Chodesh Elul

1989(30th of Av, 5749): Eighty-nine Morris Barney Dalitz, thegangster known as Moe Dalitz passed away today.

1990: Rabbi BonnieKoppell, the first female Jewish chaplain in the U.S. military, was profiled inthe Omaha "Jewish Press"

1994(24th of Elul,5754): Harry Rosenblatt, one of the last survivors of the Jewish Legion ofWorld War I, which fought with the British against the Turks in Palestine,passed away. He was 101 years old. Anative of Rovno, Ukraine, he came to New York at the age of 17. He joined the British Army after hearing aspeech in Union Square by Vladimir Jabotinsky in 1916 in which the Zionistleader called for volunteers to join in the fight to help the British wrestcontrol of the Palestine from the Ottoman Empire. “Mr. Rosenblatt was among the troops enteringthe city, and his picture and biography are on display in the Museum of theIsraeli Defense Forces.” After the war,“he returned to New York, became a U.S. citizen and opened a tailor shop whichhe kept open until he turned 90.”

1995: Ninety-four-year-oldGertrude Luckner, a Christian social worker who resisted the Nazis and providedfood and assistance to Jews during the Shoah passed for which was named as arighteous among the nations by Yad Vashem passed away today.

1996(16th ofElul, 5756): Parashat Ki Tavo

1996(16th ofElul, 5756): Seventy-seven Helen A. Karsh Weinstock, the daughter of Louis andRose Karsh and the wife of Isadore Weinstock passed away today after which shewas buried in the Rose Hill Cemetery in Commerce City, CO.

1997: The New York Times featured a review ofPrivate Matters: In Defense of thePersonal Life by Janna Malamud Smith the daughter of BernardMalamud.

2000(30th of Av, 5760):Rosh Chodesh Elul

2000: Gravesideservices for Gertrude Schaefler, the widow of the late Leon Schaefler were heldtoday.

2000: “In the PenalColony,” an opera composed by Philip Glass, based on a story by Franz Kafka,premiered today in Seattle, Washington.

2001: Adel Mughrabipurchased the MV Karine A so that thePalestinian Authority could use it to smuggle a large shipment of arms toterrorists

2001: Stanley “Stan”Fischer completed his term as First Deputy Managing Director of theInternational Monetary Fund.

2001: “Children of aVanish World” an exhibition of photographs by Roman Vishniac is scheduled tocome to a close at the Spertus Museum in Chicago.

2001(12th of Elul,5761): Seventy-five-year-old Lord Hamlyn, the son of refugees from Hitler’sGermany and became a publishing mogul passed away today.

2001(12th ofElul, 5761: Seventy-nine year old child prodigy violinist Jacob MorrisKramalnick, who served as concert master with several orchestras passed awaytoday.

2001: An exhibitionentitled “Moritz Daniel Oppenheim: Jewish Identity in 19th-CenturyArt” comes to a close at Yeshiva University Museum in Manhattan. Oppenheim was one of the first Jewish artiststo become successful in the 19th century. His “chief claim to fame was as a portraitistto the Rothschild family. He was called‘the painter of the Rothschilds, and the Rothschild of painters.’” In thefollowing article entitled “Out of the Jewish Ghetto and Into the Mainstream,”Grace Glueck reviews the exhibition while providing an interesting portrait ofthis Jewish artist.

For complex reasons,you can count on the fingers of one hand the number of Jewish artists who madeit in Europe in the early 19th century. One of the first was Moritz DanielOppenheim (1800-82), whose chief claim to fame was as a portraitist to the Rothschildfamily. (He was called ''the painter of Rothschilds, and the Rothschild ofpainters.'') He was also known for his biblical paintings and narrative scenesof 19th-century Jewish life. Born in the ghetto of Hanau, Germany, Oppenheimstudied in Munich, Paris and Rome as a youth. In 1825 he settled permanently inFrankfurt, where he built a thriving career and became a pillar of the city'sartistic and intellectual community. What was unusual about his path was thatfrom the Middle Ages Jewish artists had been confined to the ghetto, kept fromstudying in professional art schools or with prominent artists. They could workonly in their own Jewish communities. Thanks in part to the gradualliberalization of German ethnic laws (although Oppenheim could not become acitizen of Frankfurt until 1852), and also to his own skills at painting andpoliticking, Oppenheim was the first Jewish artist to be in touch withmainstream currents of his own era. Born a generation earlier than thebetter-known Dutch Jewish artist Josef Israéls, Oppenheim is said to have beenthe first Jewish painter to receive major academic training, and the first tomake his Jewishness a subject of his work. Although his name has largely beenforgotten in Germany, in recent years his hometown museum in Hanau has begun tobuild up a substantial Oppenheim collection. And to celebrate the 200thanniversary of his birth, it collaborated with the Jewish Museum of Frankfurtlast year to mount an Oppenheim retrospective in Frankfurt. A rich slice ofthat show, unlyrically titled ''Moritz Daniel Oppenheim: Jewish Identity in19th-Century Art,'' is now on view at the Yeshiva University Museum (whichmoved last June from the campus of Yeshiva University to handsome new quartersat the Center for Jewish History on 16th Street). The exhibition includes morethan 90 paintings and 14 works on paper, many of them confiscated by the Nazisbut recovered after World War II. A talented painter with solid grounding intechnical skills, Oppenheim was by no means an innovator. More important to himthan style was the content of his work, and artistic movements and trendspassed him by. He identified with the upper classes, wanting to assert himselfon several fronts: as an artist, a citizen and a Jew. Much of his work depictedrepresentatives of the up-and-coming Jewish bourgeoisie: intellectuals,politicians, businessmen and artists. Rooted in Jewish tradition but challengedby political emancipation, they claimed their right to full participation inGerman society. One of Oppenheim's first self-portraits, done at the age of 16,shows a self-confident youth in elegant clothes with a kerchief around hisneck, holding a palette in one hand and a mahlstick in the other. Two yearslater, at the Munich Academy, he asserted his Jewishness by doing a powerfullife-size portrait of Moses in a toga, holding the Tablets of the Law, hisfirst ''invented'' painting aside from portraiture. Later, studying in Rome,Oppenheim gravitated, oddly, to the Nazarenes, a brotherhood of Austrian andGerman artists centered in Italy whose goal was to restore meaning and vitalityto Christian art. He admired their color-drenched Pre-Raphaelite romanticism.But although he also did New Testament subjects like ''The Virgin and St. Annein the Garden'' (1821-22), he concentrated on Jewish themes, among them''Abraham and His Family'' (1821-22; shown in this exhibition as an oil sketchbecause of the loss of the original painting). By 1825, Oppenheim hadestablished himself as a freelance painter in Frankfurt and was beginning toturn out portraits, genre scenes and landscapes for the well-heeled families ofthe city. One of his major early efforts on view is ''Mary Stuart andElizabeth'' (1829), a dramatically painted episode from a popular play by Schiller,in which Queen Elizabeth arrogantly rejects her cousin, the Scottish queen, whokneels at her feet in a plea for reconciliation. The painting was probablycommissioned by the du Fays, a prominent merchant family in Frankfurt.Considered lost, it came to light when its current owners attended theFrankfurt retrospective last year and told curators of its existence.Oppenheim's efforts to obtain portrait commissions from the Rothschild family,rooted in Frankfurt, began early; in 1821 he succeeded in painting a portraitof James de Rothschild in Paris. During his stay in Italy, three of hisreligious tableaux were bought by Carl Mayer von Rothschild, who directed thefamily banking operation in Naples. Von Rothschild's commissioning of a fourthpainting, ''Susanna and the Elders,'' gave a real boost to the artist'sreputation. His success at portraiture in Frankfurt (his sitters included thepoet Heinrich Heine, for whom he had unflattering words) brought moreRothschild commissions. His likenesses of the five sons of the bankingfortune's founder, Mayer Amschel Rothschild, done from 1836 on, helped create apublic image for the family bank. Of the number of works on view here of thesons and their sons, the most engaging is that of Nathan Mayer (1836), founderof the London branch. In a black suit and proper white cravat, his bald headgleaming, he wears a knowing, slightly amused smile, befitting a man owed bythe crowned heads of Europe. In 1836 Oppenheim also painted a pair of elegantbut warm portraits of a Rothschild bridal couple: Lionel Nathan de Rothschild,who was the son of Nathan Mayer and also the first Jewish member of the BritishParliament, and his cousin Charlotte, whom he married when she was 17. Each isseated in a lavish fantasy landscape. During World War II, the paintings weretaken by the Gestapo from a home for the elderly in Frankfurt that Rothschildsfounded and were not reclaimed until after the war. Although his subjects wereby no means restricted to Jewish life, Oppenheim repeatedly returned to thetheme as his career developed, producing works like ''The Return of theVolunteer'' (1833-34). It depicts a young soldier in the Wars of Liberationagainst Napoleon who has defied Sabbath travel prohibitions to visit hisfamily. Showing the emancipated son as he clasps the hand of histradition-observing father, Oppenheim touches on the conflict between thedemands of religion versus new responsibilities of Jews as citizens.Oppenheim's most popular work, begun in his later years, was a lithograph cycleof scenes from traditional Jewish life. Probably suggested to the artist by abook publisher or a rabbi, they were modeled on the well-loved genre scenes ofother ethnic groups then current in Europe. Because color reproduction was notyet technically available, Oppenheim painted the works in grisaille (gray andwhite). The first edition of six was received enthusiastically when it appearedin 1866, and it sparked additional works and further editions. In 1882,''Scenes From Traditional Jewish Family Life'' was issued as a bound volumewith 20 plates, a number of which are shown here. Depicting such rites andoccasions as Passover, a wedding, a Purim celebration, Sabbath observances andso on, they are schmaltzy souvenirs through which an increasingly emancipatedJewish public could hang on to the good old days.

2002: The IsraeliDefense Minister, Binyamin Ben-Eliezer, issued a statement expressing"regret" over "harming" civilians in Tubas when an Israelihelicopter fire four missiles at a car in which the local leader of the al-Aqsabrigade was thought to be riding but which actually contained five civilians,and one teenager accused of being part of the terrorist organization

2003: Luis Sandoval andtwo unidentified co-conspirators went to Cafe Bazel, a chic restaurant popularwith expatriate Israeli artists in the Encino area, and fatally shot a mansuspected of stealing 76 kilograms of Ecstasy tablets from Moshe Malul and ItzhikAbergil. This hit appears to have been the high point of the Israelis'collaboration with the Vineland crew.

2003: The Sunday New York Times book sectionincludes a review of Off With TheirHeads:
Traitors, Crooks and Obstructionists in American Politics, Media and Business
by Jewish political consultant Dick Morris.

2004(14th of Elul,5764): Hamas suicide bombers blew up two buses in Beersheba, Israel, killing 16passengers and wounding 100’s more. Thedead included Shoshana Amos, 64; Aviel Atash, 3; Vitaly Brodsky, 52; Tamara Dibrashvilli,70; Raisa Forer, 55; Larisa Gomanenko, 48; Denise Hadad, 50; TatianaKortchenko, 49; Rosita Lehman, 45;Karine Malka, 23; NargizOstrovsky, 54; Maria Sokolov, 57; RomanSokolovsky, 53; Tiroayent Takala, 33; Eliyahu Uzan, 58 and Emmanuel Yosef(Yosefov), 28 all from Beersheba.

2004: The Philadelphia Inquirer featured areview of a biography of Jewish born violinist Efrem Zimbalist entitled EfremZimbalist: A Life by Roy Malan.

2005(26th of Av,5765): Sir Joseph Rotblat passed away atthe age of 96. The physicist was theonly scientist who quit working on the development of the atomic bomb for“moral reasons.” The Polish bornscientist awarded the Nobel Peace Prize to him and the Pugwash conferences in1995 for their work in trying to limit and ultimately eliminate nuclearweapons.

2005: “The ConstantGardner” a movie version of the novel by the same name starring Rachel Weiszwas released today in the United States.

2005: MikhailKhodorkovsky, Russian born Jewish oligarch and businessman, announced that hewould run for parliament.

2006: A mass rallycalling for the release of the three kidnapped IDF soldiers, Gilad Shalit,Eldad Regev and Ehud Goldwasser attracted thousands to Tel Aviv Rabin's Square.

2006(7th of Elul,5766): Bernard J. Wohl passed away at the age of 76. An advocate for New York’spoor and homeless; he served as Executive Director of the Goddard RiversideCommunity Center for 26 years.

2006(7th ofElul, 5766): Sixty-two-year-old Tikva Frymer-Kensky, Ph.D. the Professor at theUniversity of Chicago Divinity School and award winning author whose worksincluded Reading the Women of the Bible passed away today.

2007: In Jerusalem, clarinetist Karl-Heinz Steffens joinsmembers of the Jazz Faculty of the Israel Conservatory of Music for a JazzConcert.

2007: The ZF conferenceentitled “Israel at 60” opens in London.

2007: In an addressgiven at the annual meeting of the Islamic Society of North America Rabbi EricYoffee, president of the Union for Reform Judaism “pleaded with AmericanMuslims to transcend the differences that have their people for decades andJoin Jews to confront the extremist factions and prejudice that plague bothreligious traditions.”

2007: Today, Rabbi Israel Rubin took his students on an unusualfield trip. They went to Barn 70 on the backside of Saratoga Race Course onFriday morning to see a trainer about a horse. The trainer was Bob Baffert, andthe horse, Maimonides, was a fast one, who just may capture the Kentucky Derbynext May. Maimonides cost $4.6 million at last year’s Keeneland September Sale,and last month he appeared as if he was worth every penny when he won his debutby 11 ½ lengths. He is one of the favorites Monday to win the Grade I $250,000Hopeful Stakes, a seven-furlong sprint for 2-year-olds. None of that, however,interested Rubin or his charges. He does not attend horse races or gamble. Infact, upon hearing about the colt, Rubin thought long and hard before arrangingto take his students here. “Some may think this is sacrilegious,” he said.Ultimately, however, the rabbi and his students were drawn here from theMaimonides Hebrew Day School in Albany for what is in a name. The school andthe colt are named for Moses Maimonides, who lived more than 800 years ago andis considered among the greatest Jewish philosophers. He was the chief rabbi ofCairo and the physician to the sultan of Egypt.“He blended religious study and intellect with worldly manners to healthe sick and guide the healthy,” Rubin said.“He was respected and honored by both Jews and Arabs. This is especiallyrelevant now in our life and times.” Maimonides is owned and was named by AhmedZayat, an Egyptian now living in New Jersey. He did not know about Rubin’svisit, and, indeed, was flying back from San Diego and Del Mar on Fridaymorning. When told of the smiles of the youngsters petting the nose of hisexpensive colt, however, Zayat was beyond gratified. He is a Muslim who grew upin a suburb of Cairo and had put much time and effort into bestowing the nameMaimonides on his prize purchase.“ He was a very special man who was highlyregarded by all people, regardless of faith,” Zayat said of Maimonides. “Whathas happened with Sept. 11, Iraq, and what’s going on in the region is contraryto the way I grew up. If this horse was going to be a superstar, I wanted anappropriate name. I wanted to say something with the tool I had, which was ahorse. I wanted it to be pro-peace, and about loving your neighbor.” When Zayattried to register the name Maimonides with the Jockey Club, however, hediscovered that it had been reserved for more than nine years by Earle I. Mack,a New York real estate investor and a former ambassador to Finland. In 1997, Mack,then the chairman of the board for the Benjamin N. Cardozo School of Law atYeshiva University, was instrumental in bringing King Juan Carlos I of Spain toNew York to accept the school’s Democracy Award. Mack had been moved by theking’s remarks about how much Spain’s culture had lost when the countryexpelled its Jews in 1492 as part of the Inquisition. The king mentionedMaimonides, who was born in Córdoba, Spain, in 1135, and who, with his family,was forced out of the country while Spain was ruled by Muslims. “I was justwaiting for a horse good enough to deserve the name,” Mack said. He has ownedand bred horses for more than 40 years, and knew that Zayat’s colt, a son ofVindication, was bred to be special. Each also understood the other’s good intentions.Zayat donated $100,000 to Cardozo to commemorate the king’s visit there, and topromote tolerance. Mack released his claim to the name Maimonides. “He had theright horse, and the right motives,” Mack said. “We are all after the samething: to touch people across cultures.” Zayat and Mack know that horse racingis an unpredictable business, and a thoughtfully named horse hardly guaranteesfuture fame and fortune. When Eli O’Brien, 14, patted Maimonides between theears and promised to say some prayers for him, Baffert nodded enthusiastically.“We’ll take anything you can give us,” Baffert said.

2008: The Sunday New York Times featuredreviews of books by Jewish authors and/or of special interest to Jewish readersincluding g Still Alive! A TemporaryCondition: A Memoir by Herbert Gold and two books by AdamKrisch; Invasions and TheModern Element: Essays on Contemporary Poetry.

2008: The Washington Post featured reviews ofbooks by Jewish authors and/or of special interest to Jewish readers including Manin the Dark by Paul Auster, Dough: A Memoir by Mort Zachter, issued in paperbackand Norman Mailer's Miami and the Siege of Chicago, now reissued for the40th anniversary of those groundbreaking 1968 presidential conventions.

2008: At YeshivaUniversity Museum, an exhibition entitled “The Six Day War Series: Painting byIra Moskowitz” comes to an end.

2008: Dr. Andrew G.Bostom, author of The Legacy of Islamic Antisemitism: From Sacred Texts toSolemn History a book that describes what it was like living as Jew underMoslem rule, was interviewed on Israel National Radio's Tamar Yonah Show.

2009(11TH ofElul, 5769): Fifty-five-year-old documentary film maker Elliot Berlin who made“Paperclips” one of the best Holocaust related movies ever passed away today.

2009: Opening night ofthe Jerusalem International Chamber Music Festival.

2009 The EducationMinistry announced this evening that an agreement to enroll Ethiopian studentsinitially banned from some of the city's schools had been reached following ameeting between Petah Tikva Mayor Yitzhak Ohayon, Education Minister Gideon Sa'ar(Likud) and other Education Ministry officials.

2009: The stock ofAfrica Israel investments, a real estate firm owned by Lev Leviev “fell another13.7 percent today as the firm floated the idea of renegotiating the terms ofits debts with bond holders and banks.” (As reported by Marcy Oster)

2010: An exhibition,The Works of Mordechai Rosenstein, on display at the Fine Family Art Galleryand the Katz Family Mainstreet Gallery of the MJCCA is scheduled to come aclose today in Atlanta, GA.

2010: Prime MinisterBinyamin Netanyahu and his negotiating team took off for Washington thismorning, ahead of the relaunch of peace talks with the Palestinians..

2010(21st ofElul, 5770): Sixty-five-year-old Gail Koff a partner in Jacoby & Meyers,passed away. (As reported by Dennis Hevesi)

2010(21st ofElul, 5770): Four Israelis were shot dead in their car today near the West Banksettlement of Kiryat Arba less than a day before Israeli and Palestinianleaders meet in Washington for a summit to announce the resumption of directpeace talks. The attack, for which Hamas has claimed responsibility, shatteredyears of relative calm in the West Bank. The victims are a couple from thesettlement of Beit Hagai and two residents of Kiryat Arba. One of the dead wasa woman believed to have been pregnant. The Beit Hagai couple has beenidentified as Yitzhak and Tali Ames, 45 and 47. They are survived by sixchildren, the oldest 24 and the youngest 5.

2011(1st ofElul, 5771): Rosh Chodesh Elul

2011: Rami Feinstein,“a widely popular Israeli artist who has developed a diverse and devotedfollowing over the last seven years” is scheduled to perform at the Bitter Endin New York City

2011: Today, the headof the government-appointed committee on socioeconomic change in Israel, Prof.Manuel Trajtenberg, defended the recent criticism cast upon the leaders of thesocial protest, and explained they were simply "inexperienced." Todaymarked the committee's last meeting with representatives from the public, whichincluded the participation of 17 representatives from tent encampments fromacross the country.

2011: Summer rainfalltook Israelis by surprise today when slight showers were felt in Hadera,Netanya, and even Tel Aviv.

2011:The Israel Air Force deployed a third battery of the Iron Dome rocket defensesystem outside the southern city of Ashdod today in the face of continuedrocket fire from the Gaza Strip.

2011:Over 20,000 are expected to attend the 7th Annual Jerusalem Beer Festivaltonight and tomorrow night at the Old Train Station in Jerusalem

2012:Israel responded bitterly today to comments by the chairman of the US JointChiefs of Staff, Gen. Martin Dempsey, who said yesterday that he did not want“to be complicit” if Israel were to strike at Iran’s nuclear facilities.Dempsey’s comments were “strange” and characterized the failure of the UnitedStates to take a determined position against Iran’s nuclear drive, a source inJerusalem was quoted as saying

2012:The White House today dismissed statements made by Republican presidentialcandidate Mitt Romney yesterday that the Obama administration had “thrownallies like Israel under the bus” regarding Iran’s nuclear weapons program.“Cooperation with Israel between our military and intelligence communities hasnever been closer” under the Obama administration, White House Press SecretaryJay Carney told reporters.

2012:The Fifteenth Jerusalem Chamber Music Festival is scheduled to open today.

2012:After premiering at the Sundance Film Festiva.“For a Good Time, Call” a comedy starring Ari Graynor and Lauren Miller,who co-authored the screenplay was released today in the United States.

2012: In Leesburg, VA, Congregation Sha'are Shalomis scheduled to greet the Sabbath Queen with a Musical Shabbat and Ice CreamSocial

2012:“Labor on the Bimah” is scheduled to begin Erev Shabbat.

2012(13thof Elul, 5772): Seventy-nine-year-old British composer whose family wasmurdered at Auschwitz and “a world authority on the Dreyfus Affair” who credthe Dreyfus Centenary in 1994 passed away today.

2013:At the Rose and Crown Theatre the curtain came down on a London production“Little Me,” a Neil Simon musical

2013:Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg officiated at the wedding of Michael Kaiser andJohn Roberts “in what was the first-ever instance of a U.S. Supreme CourtJustice performing a same-sex marriage.”2013: An exhibit celebrating the 100thanniversary of the Columbus (Ohio) Jewish Center which was developed by theColumbus Jewish Historical Society is scheduled to come to an end today.

2013:The Tel Aviv Woodwind Quintet is scheduled to play Ligeti’s “6 Bagatelles ForWind Quintet” at the Jerusalem International Chamber Music Festival.

2013:In Cedar Rapids, Iowa Temple Judah marks Selichot a study session, services andthe Changing of the Torah Covers ceremony.

2013:“Ivri Lider, one of the most successful Israeli musicians of his generation” isscheduled to perform at the Budapest Music Center.

2013:Israeli communications company Spacecom has successfully launched a state-of-the-artsatellite to space tonight from the Zenit launching pad in Baikonur,Kazakhstan.

2013:Labor MK Omer Bar-Lev today criticized Knesset Foreign Affairs and DefenseCommittee chairman Avigdor Liberman for refusing to call a meeting of thecommittee to discuss a possible US strike on Syria and its implications onIsrael.

2014:The New York Times featured reviewsof books by Jewish authors and/or of special interest to Jewish readers includingSuspicious Minds: How Culture Shapes Madness by Joel Gold and Ian Gold anda Q & A with Rick Pearlstein whose most recent work is The InvisibleBridge: The Fall Nixon and the Rise of Reagan.

2014:Dr. Judith Rosenbaum is scheduled to succeed Dr. Gail Reimer as ExecutiveDirector of the Jewish Women’s Archives.

2014(5thof Elul, 5774): Twenty year old Paratrooper Shahar Shalev passed way today as aresult of wounds suffered from an IED explosion four and a half weeks ago thattook place while he was working to locate and destroy the Hamas terror tunnelsduring Operation Protective Edge. (“In life he was loved and admired; he wasswifter than eagles and stronger than lions.”)

2014:“The Israeli Air Force downed an unmanned drone (UAV) over the Golan Heights asit attempted to enter Israeli airspace from Syria.” At this time, the IDF doesnot know who launched the drone or if it was weaponized. (As reported by UziBaruch)

2014:Tenth anniversary of the Beersheba Bus Bombings.

2015:A Classical Trio Concert featuring Gabriel Chouraki - violinist and Eyal Heiman- cellist is scheduled to take place at Migdalei haYam haTichon in Jerusalem.

2015:In Coralville, Iowa, Hebrew School is scheduled to begin today.

2015:The Toronto Blue Jays announced that Mark Shapiro would become their newpresident and chief executive officer (CEO) at the end of the 2015 season

2015:After a weeklong trial, jurors deliberated for about two hours beforeconvicting Frazier Glenn Miller Jr., 74, a former Ku Klux Klan leader with ahistory of racist and anti-Semitic actions in the shooting deaths of threepeople a year ago at a Jewish community center and an assisted living facilityin suburban Kansas City.

2015:The Jewish Historical Society of Great Washington is scheduled to co-sponsorscreening “Rosenwald” “the documentary by Aviva Kempner” that “tells theincredible story of how businessman and philanthropist Julius Rosenwald (whomade his fortune at the helm of Sears, Roebuck and Co) joined with Booker T.Washington andAfrican-American communities in the South to build schoolsduring the early part of the 20th century.”

2016:“The improbable story of the man who won history’s ‘biggest murder trial’ atNuremberg” published today tells the tale of Ben Ferencz, “the last survivingprosecutor from the Nuremberg trials.”

2016:Today, “a U.S. appeals court threw out a $655.5 million verdict against thePalestinian Authority and the Palestine Liberation Organization for damagessuffered by American families from terrorist attacks in Israel.”

2016(27thof Av, 5776): Eight-six year old photographer Nathan Lyons passed away today.

2016:In Memphis, TN, The Temple Israel Chazak Campaign is scheduled to come to aclose.

2017:Esther Hugenholtz, the Congregation Agudas Achim’s new rabbi is scheduled toarrive this evening at the Eastern Iowa Airport.

2017:Today, “Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin” declined to endorse a plan thatwould have Harriet Tubman replace Andrew Jackson as the face of the twentydollar bill.

2017:“Energy Department official William Bradford who is Jewish and was appointed byPresident Trump to lead the Office of Indian Energy and who made disparagingremarks about President Barack Obama’s Kenyan ancestry and called Facebookfounder Marc Zuckerberg a “self-hating Jew” resigned today. (CJN)

2017:The Diver Festival, three weekends of modern dance in and around Jaffa and TelAviv is scheduled to begin today.

2018The U.S. State Department announced today that “Special Reprsentatives forSyria Engagement James Jeffrey and Special Envoy for Syria “will meet withsenior Israeli officials to discuss ‘maintaining Israel’s security whilecountering Iran’s destabilizing activity throughout the region…’”

2017:JW3 is scheduled to host the two final screenings in London of “Alone inBerlin,” a haunting tale about a German husband and wife who were guillotinedfor mounting an anti-Hitler postcard campaign.

2018:“As a Blue Star Museum, the Illinois Holocaust Museum” is scheduled to beginoffering “free admission to active-duty military personnel and up to five oftheir family members” today which will continue through Labor Day Monday.

2018:Starting at 6 pm the Ayalon Highway Company was scheduled to close the AyalonHighway for twenty-four hours in the first of six weekend closures so the“construction of a pedestrian and cycling bridge” could be completed untilTransportation Minister Yisrael Katz order a halt in response to threats from“Haredi parties.” (As reported by Roi Rubinstein, Moran Azulay)

2018:The Jerusalem Centre for the Performing Arts is scheduled to host screenings of“Her Love Boils Bathwater” and “Transit.”

2018:In what has become a weekly ritual, thousands of Palestinians protested alongthe border between Gaza in Israel.

2018(20 Elul): Yahrzeit of Dr. Jacob Levin, of blessed memory,beloved husband of Betty, loving father of Michael (Gigi Cohen) Levin, Stephen(Dian Garton) Levin, Sharon (Philip) Wein and Lawrence (Sandra Morrison) Levinand proud Zaide to a whole tribe of grandchildren. To his brotherJoe, he was the incomparable “Yaenkel” and to me his was my wonderful UncleJack – living proof that good guys finish first.

2019: As part of its “Survivor Talks” series the IllinoisHolocaust Memorial is scheduled to host Kurt Gutfreund as he talks aboutsurviving the Holocaust as a seven year old interred at Terezin.

2019: In Great Barrington, MA, the Triplex Cinema is scheduledto host a screening of “The Spy Behind Home Plate” followed by a Q and A with“consultant Neil Goldstein.”

2019(30th of Av, 5779): Parashat Re’eh; Rosh ChodeshElul

2020: With the virus spreading quickly in Gaza, Israel and thePalestinian militant group Hamas agreed tonight to ease up on bombarding eachother” and “Israel agreed to let fuel flow back to Gaza’s power station, and acash infusion from Qatar helped seal the deal.

2021: The Streicker Center is scheduled to host David Grossman,“one of the world’s leading wrters on the legacy of war and the courage tolove.

2021: Chabad of Peabody, MA, is scheduled to present a “Women’sHoney Cake Bake.”

2021: In Sun Valley, ID, The Alturas Institute is scheduled tohost Judy Batalion who “will participate in the IN PERSON “Conversations withExceptional Women” Conference.

2021:Boston-area challah guru Mandy Silverman of Mandylicious and 18Doors’ MollyKazin Marshall are scheduled to host a virtual challah-making class.

2021:Based on court and cabinet decisions reached last night, as of today the GreenPass Mandate now includes the teaching staff and teachers must wear a facemaskor be barred from teaching students in person.

2022:In Belvedere Tiburon, CA, Chabad of Tiburon is scheduled to present “KosherWine Tasting Kabbalah,” an educational event with winemaker Jonathan Hajdu, atasting of kosher wines and a presentation on the “Kabbalah” (mystique andpower) of wine.

2022:One day before schools in Israel are scheduled to open, students do not know ifthey will return to class because teachers are threatening to strike onSeptember 1.

2023:Lockdown University is scheduled to host a lecture by Trudy Gold on “The SimonWiesenthal Story.”

2023:The Illinois Holocaust Museum is scheduled to host a lecture by Robert Wolf theson of Holocaust survivors author of Not a Real Enemy, that tells “about hisfamily’s story of cloak-and-dagger adventures, daring escape in the dead ofnight, terrifying oppression, tragedy, and triumph.”

2023:The Museum at Eldridge Street is scheduled to host a walking tour of the JewishLower East Side which “saw unparalleled growth as waves of immigrants settled,prayed, played, worked, shopped, and attended school in this neighborhood asthey built their new lives in a new land.”

2023:JCC East Bay, Keshet and A Great Good Place for Books are scheduled to presenta lecture by Hilary Zaid as she discusses her new tech thriller, about a queersingle mother and aspiring artist who finds herself in the thick of a plot tooverthrow Big Data, with Alex Green, editor in chief of Stereo Embers Magazine.

2023:Temple Emanuel of Newton is scheduled to present “Kvetch, Kvell, Ice Cream asWell” for those who are tired of only hearing about people like Kanye West andthe rising tide of anti-Semitism.

2024:“Re-Creation: Judaica by Moroccan Muslim Artisans” an exhibition presented by TheAmerican Sephardi Federation and Mimouna Association’s Rebuilding Our HomesProject is scheduled to come to an end at the Center for Jewish History.

2024(27thof Av, 5784): Parashat Re-eh; for more see

2024:The exhibition “Creating Connections: Make Your Own Museum Display” isscheduled to come to an end today at the Jewish Museum in London.

2024:As of today, over seven hundred members of the IDF have made the ultimatesacrifice in defense of the Jewish people.

2024:Convergence: Arabic, Hebrew, and Persian Calligraphy in Conversation, an exhibitionpresented by The American Sephardi Federation is scheduled to come to a closetoday at the Leon Levy Gallery.

2024:In Jerusalem, the Eden Tamir Center is scheduled to host “A Special concert inmemory of Prof. Alexander Tamir the founder and Director of the Eden TamirMusic Center

2024:After davening this morning. Joel Haber the author of the e-cookbook, Chulent& Hamin: The Ultimate Jewish Comfort Food is scheduled to give a lecture atthe Central Square Minyan in London.

2024:As August 31st begins in Israel, anunprecedented wave of anti-Semitism that has included Hamas supporters callingfor Zionist passengers on a New York subway to raise their hands, sweeps theUnited States and the Hamas held hostages begin day 330 in captivity. (Editor’s note: this situation is too fluidfor this blog to cover so we are just providing a snapshot as of the posting atmidnight Israeli time)

August 31

12 CE: Birthdate of Gaius Caligula, Roman Emperor. Caligula was crowned in 37 and murdered in41. Life for Jews during his reign waspart of the downward spiral that would result in three rebellions by the Jewsover the next one hundred years.Caligula was crazy.Unfortunately, his insanity had additional negative impact on the Jews. Caligula thought he was divine and insistedon his statue being placed in the Temple at Jerusalem. His efforts were twice thwarted, and hisuntimely death prevented him from taking vengeance against his Jewish subjects.

38 CE: Riots broke out in Alexandria, Egypt after the Jews spurned anorder by the Roman Prefect Flaccus to place a statue of Emperor Caligula in thelocal synagogue. This was an outgrowth of antagonism between the Jews ofAlexandria and some of their pagan neighbors.The pagans were angered by the Jews celebrating Caligula’s decision torestore Agrippa, a descendant of the Hasmoneans to the Jewish kingship inPalestine. They knew that the Jews couldnot worship a statue so by forcing a statue of Caligula into the synagogue,Apion, the pagan leader knew he was asking for trouble. The violence ended andFlaccus was recalled to Rome. But thiswas not the end of the trouble much of which was rooted in the fact that somepagans begrudged the Jews their commercial success and wished to do away withthem as competitors. This would not bethe last time that those who sought to oust the Jews from commercial venturesdid so under the guise of religion.

161; Birthdate of Commodus, the Roman Emperor who reigned while Judahha-Nasi was compiling and editing the Mishna

1056: Byzantine Empress Theodora becomes ill, dying suddenly a few dayslater, without children to succeed the throne ending the Macedonian dynasty.This was a period of relative calm for the Jews of the Byzantine Empire. The last official persecution had taken placeat the end of the 10th century.Conditions would not seriously deteriorate until the arrival of thewaves of Crusaders that began at the end of the 11th century.

1158: Alfonso VIII, who reportedly had an affair with a “Jewess ofToledo” began his reign as King of Castile and Toledo.

1217: Ferdinand III who 1240 took Lucena which was called by some“Jews’City” because of its large andprosperous Jewish community, from the Moors was crowned King of Castille andToledo today.

1481: Coronation of John II, the Portuguese monarch who employed AbrahamZacuto whose accomplishment included the development of a new type of astrolabeas Royal Astronomer and Historian.

1506: The first printed edition of Lashon Limudim, a Hebrew grammar byDavid ben Yahya was published today in Constantinople.

1644: Writing to Edward Montague, the 2ndEarl of Manacher today, Herman L’Estrange, the author of Americans no Jews, or improbabilitiesthat the Americans are of that Race whichrefuted the theory that the “Indians were the ten lost tribes” who was aRoyalist “spoke of being reconciled to the sense of Parliament” which enabledhim to retire and live out his life in peace during the tempestuous years ofthe English Civil War.

1694:A difference between theJewish and Christian relations with the slave population in the Antilles isevidenced in an act passed today by the Dutch Leeward Council and Assembly.“The act was specifically directed at the Jews and states that it is: 'An Actagainst Jews ingrossing Commodities imported in the Leeward Islands, andtrading with the slaves belonging to the inhabitants of the same.’”

1736: Isaac Levy arrived in Savannah today from London.

1764: Jonas Phillips and Rebecca Mendez Machado gave birth to futureSouth Carolinian Zipporah Noah, the wife of Manuel Noa and the mother of Judithand Mordecai Manuel Noah.

1765(14th of Elul, 5525): Parashat Ki Teitzei chanted two daysafter the Sons of Liberty took to the streets of Boston to protest the StampAct which Parliament ha passed in March and turned out to be a step on the roadto the American Revolution.

1774: “Austrian general, Gabriel Freiherr von Spleny entered Czernowitzat the head of his troops” following which he administered the city in such away that “the situation of the Jews basically remained unchanged.”

1792: Birthdate of Louisa Hart, the daughter of Nathan Barnett and thewife of Abraham L. Hart of Abraham Luria Hart whom she married in 1813.

1793(23rd of Elul, 5553): Parshat Nitzavim-Vayeilech and LeilSelichot

1796: In Charleston, SC, David and Priscilla Moses Lopez gave birth to DavidLopez.

1796: In Charleston, SC, David Lopez and his wife gave birth to MosesLopez

1800(10th of Elul, 5560): In Baltimore, Myer S. Solomon theLondon born son of Bilah Myers-Cohen and Joseph Solomon and the husband ofCatherine Bush with whom he had seven children passed away today.

1801: Birthdate of PierreSoulé, a United Statespolitician and diplomat from Louisiana during the mid-19th century. He is bestknown for his role in writing the Ostend Manifesto, which was written in 1854as part of an attempt to annex Cuba to the United States. The Manifesto wasroundly denounced, especially by anti-slavery elements, and Soulé himself cameunder severe attack. According to an article published in the New York Times, Soule was Jewish.

1811(11thof Elul, 5571): Parashat Ke Teitzei on the same day that future President ofthe United States John Quincy Adams wrote to his father John Adams from St.Petersburg challenging the way that the United States acquire what was known asthe Louisiana Purchase.

1834: Birthdate of Simon Kayserling, a German educator and writer; whowas the principal teacher and inspector of the M. M. David'sche Freischule from1861, and taught for several years in the Jewish teachers' seminary in Hanover.

1836: Isaac Kalischer married Rose Marks at the Great Synagogue today.

1836: Henry Worms married Rebecca Nathan at the Great Synagogue today.

1837(30th of Av, 5597): Rosh Chodesh Elul

1837: In Amsterdam, Salomon Bernard Sichel and Fanny Sichel gave birth totheir daughter Henrietta who became Henrietta Montefiore when she marriedJoseph Mayer Montefiore.

1839: Birthdate of Julien Sée the Paris born librarian who made the firsttranslation in French of Joseph ha-Kohen's "'Emeḳ ha-Baka," a historyof the sufferings of the Jewish people from the time of their dispersion to thepresent day.”

1841: Deborah and Israel Lindenthal gave birth to Nathaniel Lindenthal

1842: Birthdate of Adolf Pinner, the German chemist who began hisschooling at the Jewish Theological Seminary at Breslau before attending theUniversity of Berlin where he earned a doctorate in Chemistry in 1867.

1842: In London, George Palmer Putnam and Victorine Haven Palmer gavebirth to Mary Corinna who became Mary Corinna Jacobi when, in 1873, she marriedDr. Abraham Jacobi, the Jewish physician known as the “father of Americanpediatrics.”

1843: In New York City, Hortensia Seixas, the Charleston born daughter ofEsther and Major Myer Moses, and her husband Jacob Levy Seixas gave birth to CamillaTunis, the wife of William E. Tunis and Arthur Tunis.

1843: In New York, Jacob Levy Seixas, the New York born son of Judith andMoses Benjamin Seixas and her husband Hortensia Seixas gave birth to CamillaTunis, the wife of William E. Tunis and the mother of Arthur Tunis.

1847(19th of Elul, 5607): A month after his 63rdbirthday, Jonas Barnet the son of Nathan Barnett who served as a paymaster inthe United States Navy and who married Maria Marks in 1816 passed away today inAllentown, PA.

1850: In New York Elizabeth Cohen the Dutch born daughter of EmanuelLevie Goldsmith and Alijda Joseph Joel Goldsmith and her husband Moses S.Cohen gave birth to Clara Levine, thewife of Julius Levine.

1852: One day after he passed away, “Simcha bar Meir” (Simon Marks) wasburied today at the Brady Street Jewish Cemetery.

1853: Birthdate of Aleksei Brusilov, the Russian General who as Chief ofStaff in 1917 approved the appointment of Jewish Chaplains to serve alongsideOrthodox Priests.

1857: In New York, James and Rosa Seligman gave birth to Eugene Seligman.

1857: In Safed, Yaakov Mordechai Hirsch who had come to Palestine fromPinsk in 1848 and his wife gave birth to Chaim Hirsch the future “Chief Rabbiof Hoboken, NJ.”

1861(25th of Elul, 5621): Parashat Nitzavim-Vayeilech;Selichot

1861: Philadelphian, Corporal Jacob Ullman began serving a four year hitwith Company E of the 75th Regiment.

1862:This afternoon theCongregation Baith Israel dedicated their new synagogue to public worship. Thesynagogue, which is a very handsome brick structure, stands upon the lot at thecorner of State and Boerum streets, Brooklyn, and cost in the neighborhood of$10,000. Rabbis Raphael and Isaacs entered the sanctuary which was packed withcongregants leading a procession that carried the synagogues “sacredscrolls.” They were greeted by BaithIsrael’s spritiual leader, Rabbi Joel Alexander who said or rather intoned the sacred welcome"Boruch habo" -- when the choir, which was composed of severalbeautiful black-eyed Hebrew maidens led by Felix Sanger, and accompanied bySanger's brass band, sang with strange effect one of their quaint and sacredsongs. The procession then marched around the room seven times, the Rabbissuccessively chanting an appropriate song to which the choir responded with theproper chorus. The eternal fire was lighted, the sacred rolls were depositedbehind the altar, the Synagogue was irrevocably dedicated to the worship ofGod, the Father; and after other songs were given, Rabbi Raphael delivered theconsecration sermon. [Editor’s Note - Baith Israel was also known as BaithIsrael Anshei Emes and is now known as the Kane Street Synagogue, , the oldest continually runningsynagogue in Brooklyn. Among the congregations Bar Mitzvah “boys” was AaronCopland.]

1864: In the Ukraine, Heinrich and Julia Zach gave birth to , Max Zach, theorchestra conductor who began his career playing Viola with Boston SymphonyOrchestra before moving on to lead the Boston Pops and husband of Blach Goingwith whom he had three children Leon, Phillip and Eleanor,

1864:The New York Times reviews a new translation of theBook of Job by J.M. Rodwell, “an eminent Oriental scholar who has latelypublished the first readable English version of The Koran, in which thechapters are chronologically arranged, and the poetical portions renderedmetrically.” His translation of the Book of Job, “the most sublime of theHebrews scriptures” follows the same pattern. Instead of following the normalpattern of chapters and verses, Rodwell’s translation “divides the bookaccording to the stages of the narrative, arranging the text in couplets of measuredprose that represent the simple energy of the original.”

1864(29th of Av, 5624): Thirty-nine-year-old FerdinandLassalle died of wounds he sustained while fighting a duel two days ago thathad been precipitated by a star-crossed love affair.

1864: The Union Army under General William T. Sherman began the finalassault on Atlanta. Among those leading the way was Frederick Knefler, animmigrant from Hungary who rose to the rank of Major General in the Army of theCumberland.

1865: In San Francisco, Leopold Seligmann, the son of Fanny and DavidIsaac Seligman and his wife Julia Levi gave birth to Florence Meyer, the wifeof Albert H. Mayer.

1865: A writer who simply signs his letter to the editor of the NewYork Times “A Subscriber” took issue with Max Maretzee’s description of hisdispute with the New York Herald. In defending The Tribune, the unnamed letterwriter accuses Max of using “all the cunning of his Jewish origin.” Max Maretzee probably refers to the Germanborn composer and impresario Max Maretzek

1866: In Kingston, Jamaica, Rosita Abigail Lyon and Isaac H. de Mercadogave birth to Beatrice de Mercado, the wife of Eliot Arthur De Pass and themother of Charles De Pass.

1867: The Detroit Free Presspublished a description Temple Beth El at Washington Avenue and CliffordStreet.

1868: In Pilsen, Elise Herz, neé Edle von Lämmel, contributed 40,000florins to establish a foundation that would help “respectable craftsman” toset up their own business regardless of their religious affiliation – a caveatthat should not come as a surprise since the benefactor came from a prominentJewish family.

1869: In Schweinfurt, Germany, Philipp Salzer, the son of Maier and SilahSalzer and his wife Lina Fuchs gave birth to Bertha Salzer

1872: Birthdate of Ruth Elen Hyam who lived for less than a year.

1873: Birthdate of Landstuhl, Germany native Abraham Sigmund.

1875: The New York Timespublished a detailed description of Sir Moses Montefiore’s visit to Jerusalemin the last weeks of July, 1875.

1875: Birthdate of New Haven, CT native Alexander Cahn, the Yale educatedengineer who served as “member of the Board of Education in New Haven.”

1876:After only three months onthe throne, Ottoman sultan Murat V is deposed and succeeded by his brotherAbd-ul-Hamid II. During his reign, the Jews celebrate the four hundredthanniversary of their arrival from Spain.Abd-ul-Hamid II is the first Sultan to meet with Herzl. Unfortunately,this meeting does not result in approval for Herzl’s plan to create a Jewishhomeland in Palestine as part of the Ottoman Empire.

1877: In St. Louis, Sarah Suss and Adolph Langsdorf gave birth to WashingtonUniversity and Cornell Universityeducated engineer Alexander S Langsdorf, the Dean of the School of Engineeringand Architecture, the husband of Elsie H. Hirsch “who worked tirelessly for theadvancement of new curricula, expansion of scholarship and loan funds and thedevelopment of engineering graduate programs” at his alma mater for thirtyyears.

1877: The recently re-built synagogue of Washington Hebrew Congregationwas dedicated this evening. PresidentRutherford B. Hayes who was supposed to attend the service sent a messageexpressing his regret that official business kept him from fulfilling hisobligation. Rabbi Benjamin Szold ofBaltimore’s Temple Oheb Shalom preached the sermon at the service. [Rabbi Szoldwas the father of Henrietta Szold.]

1877: “The Life of Midhat Pasha” published today described the rise topower of the leader of “Young Turkey,” the party of reform in the OttomanEmpire. Pasha, who was born in 1822, isthe son of a Bulgarian Jew “who embraced Islam in order to make his fortune.”(Sounds almost like a Turkish Disraeli)

1878: In New York, Judge Van Brunt rejected Lowenthal Cohen’s attempt touse a writ of Habeas Corpus to regain “possession” of his daughter Rebecca whohad married Thomas F. Fallon. The youngcouple had eloped and the Judge found the marriage to be perfectly legal. Cohen’s real objection to the marriage mayhave stemmed from the fact that Fallon was not Jewish.

1878: As the Yellow Fever Epidemic continues in the Deep South, The YoungMen’s Hebrew Association of New York City has received an appeal for aid fromthose living in New OrleansContributions can be sent to the offices on West 42nd Street.

1878: It was reported today thatthe world’s population includes 8 million Jews.Other reports have placed this number anywhere from 3,500,000 to15,000,000. The claim that there areonly 73,000 Jews living in the United is thought to be low since it commonlyassumed that the U.S. Jewish population is approximately 150,000. The European portion of the Russian Empirehas the largest Jewish population (2,610,179) followed by Austria with1,600,000. Surprisingly, Asia, notcounting Turkey is reported to have a total Jewish population in excess of2,000,000 while Canada has one of the smallest number of Jews ranging anywherebetween 1,500 and 7,000. Spain andScotland are reported to have the fewest number of Jews of all the placessurveyed.

1878: Albert Chapsky who died of Yellow Fever in St. Bernard Parish wasburied today in the Hebrew Cemetery in New Orleans, LA. [In Louisiana, the termParish as used here refers to a county and is not a religious designation.]

1879: Birthdate of Alma Mahler.

1879: William Price died in a freak accident while driving a wagon filledwith the bodies of three children who were to be interred in the HebrewCemetery at Cypress Hills.

1879: It was reported today that Mme. Caroline Bertrand, the daughter ofSamson Bertrand has written a placed called “Le Noveau Juif Errant” or inEnglish, “The New Wandering Jew.”

1879: In New York, Judge Van Brunt was satisfied that Rebecca Cohen, a 15-year-oldJewish girl, was legally married to Thomas Fallon, a Roman Catholic and vacatedthe writ of habeas corpus that he had previously issued. The writ had been granted when the girl’sfather, Lowenthal Cohen, came before the court and claimed that his daughterhad been taken against her will or had been deceived into going off withFallon.

1879: At the Essex Market Police Court, Justice Smith decided that HenryO’Brien was justified in hitting Harris Goldstein in the face with a shovel andbreaking his nose. O’Brien had tricked Goldstein into eating a piece of porkand then tried to escape from him by taking refuge in his apartment. The judge felt Goldstein had earned hispunishment for letting his temper get the better of him and for breaking intoO’Brien’s apartment. The judge sent bothof the boys on their way.

1880: Birthdate of Washington, IN native Blanch Beitman Ottenheimer whosettle in Louisville, KY where she was an officer of the National Council ofJewish Women and a member of the Kentucky League of Woman Voters.

1881: In Moscow, Grigorii Ignat'evich Goldberg, a distinguished Colonel(Polkovnik) in the Tsar's military medical corps and his wife Olga MoiseevnaGrodsenka gave birth to “Israeli physicist and inventor Emanuel Goldberg, thehusband of Sophie Posniak, who along with “his former teacher and collaboratorRobert Luther [de] were instrumental in the acceptance at the InternationalCongress of Photography in Dresden in 1931 of the widely adopted Germannational film speed standard DIN 4512.”

1882: Three days after she had passed away, “Evelina Mocatta the widow ofAbraham Mocatta” was buried at the Balls Pond Road Jewish Cemetery.

1883: In a letter to the Times,Herman Strack, a Christian theologian who was an expert on rabbinic literatureand a supporter of the Jews against the rising tide of anti-Semitism inGermany, provided his evaluation of the recently discovered scroll of the bookof Deuteronomy which he feels is a forgery.

1883: Jacobi Bornstein, the son of Aron and Sara Bornstein and ThelkaBornstein gave birth to Alexander Bornstein1883: It was reported todayanti-Jewish riots are continuing at Egerszeg, Hungary despite the declarationof martial law. After having burned thehomes of Jews and destroyed their crops, the peasants are now threatening toattack their gentile landlords.

1884(10th of Elul, 5644): Daniel Weinberger, a German Jewish peddler wasfound dead in his room on South Halsted Street in Chicago, Illinois.

1885: A fight took place today in Montreal, Canada during the annualmeeting at the German and Polish Synagogue.

1885: Today, the U.S. Secretary of State wrote to the U.S. charged’affairs in Vienna expressing his disgust with the government ofAustria-Hungary’s refusal to accept Anthony M Keiley as the American minister“on the ground of his wife being a Jewess.”

1886: In Hot Springs, AR, Bertha Less and Morris Moscowitz gave birth toNYU trained attorney Grover M. Moscowitz the husband of Miriam H. Greenbaumwith whom she had three children – Grover, Jr, Marion Sue and Marion -- who began serving on the federal bench duringthe Presidency of Calvin Coolidge.

1886(30th of Av, 5646): Rosh Chodesh Elul

1886: It was reported today that the 9 Russian Jews who arrived in theUnited States two days ago and have not found sponsors will probably be sentback to Europe.

1886: An earthquake kills 100 in Charleston, South Carolina. Theearthquake occurred in the same year that members of Sheartih Israel reunitedwith members of Congregation Beth Elohim, Charleston’s (and the nations) oldestcontinually functioning Reform Temple.

1887: The expenses for today’s excursion under the auspices of the Boardof Managers of the Sanitarium for Hebrew Children will be defrayed by the widowand children of the late Edward J. King are doing this to honor his memory.

1887: In Vienna physiologist Joseph Paneth and his wife, both of whomwere Jewish, gave birth to British scientist Friedrich Adolf Paneth who wasraised as a Protestant. Knowing what he did of Hitler’s racial rules and beingopposed to his politics, Paneth did not return from a speaking tour during the1930’s and remained in Britain where he studied and worked.

1888(24th of Elul, 5648): In New Jersey, two Jewish men from New Yorkwere killed when they were struck by Pennsylvania Railroad express train. Louis Greenburg suffered internal injuriesand Israel Cohen was killed instantly.

1889: In St. Louis, “Abraham and Pauline (Schulcart) Ettlinger gave birthto Harvard educated Hyman Joseph Ettlinger, the Associate Professor of PureMathematics at the University of Texas and the husband of Rosebud Segal.

1890: Rabbi Taubenhaus is scheduled to deliver his inaugural sermon atMount Sinai Temple on East 72nd Street.

1892: It was reported from The Hague today that the man who wasidentified as a cholera victim last night was a Jew from Vilna who had arrivedhere from Hamburg.

1893: Birthdate of Lily Aimée Laskine, the Parisian who became one of theleading harpist of the twentieth century

1894(29th of Av, 5654): In his 62nd year, Jacob F.Bamburger the husband of Pauline Bamburger passed away today at his home onWest 56th Street.

1895: During a meeting at the Hebrew Institute, the Street CleaningLeague adopted a resolution dealing with the “pushcart nuisance.

1896: Birthdate of Ukraine native, Sophie Udin, the feminist and Zionistwho married Pinhas Ginguld with whom she had two children – Yehuda and Marcia.

1897(3rd of Elul, 5657): Eight-two-year-old Bavarian nativeLazarus Morgenthau the son of Moses and Brunhilda Morgenthau and the husband ofSeline Babette Morgenthau who was a major cigar manufacturer and the founder ofthe Orphan Dowry Fund passed away in New York City.

1897: Three days after he had passed away, 43-year-old Solomon Rosenthalwas buried at the Plashet Jewish Cemetery in London.

1897: A meeting of the Old Fifth Street School Association will takeplace today in the office of Maurice B. Blumenthal, who is the secretary of theorganization.

1897: In Basel, “Dr.Theodor Herzl…presided at the morning” session of The Zionist Congress. Thedelegates discussed” a plan “to centralize the Zionist Movement” with theformation of Central Committee that would be headquartered in Vienna.” The committee would “consist of twenty-threemembers representing” all of the major Jewish “natural groups” who would beexpected to contribute to a central operating fund.

1898: Major Hubert- Joseph Henry, one of those who was arrested yesterdayon charges of having forged the evidence used against Alfred Dreyfus was founddead in his cell. The assumption wasthat he had committed suicide.

1898:”Boy Kills A Rabbi” published today described the murder of RabbiRosenbloom who was kicked to death by a mob of a half a dozen “young men” ledby seventeen year old John Schlechta whohad been terrorizing the Levi family.

1899: “It was learned” today “that as soon as the State Board ofCharities” approves “the plans of incorporation for the Emanuel Hospital andDispensary of New York, Dr. Maurice J. Burstein will select a site” and beginerect a building.

1899: As a result of his role in creating forgeries during the DreyfusCase, the Minister of War struck Major Esterhazy from the army lists.

1899: “The Degenerates” which premiered in London tonight includes aseries of “well drawn characters” including “the rich Jew who sneers at his ownrace.”

1899: Today’s session of the courtmartial of Captain Dreyfus “openedbehind closed doors” so that General Deloye and Majors Hartmann and Ducroscould testify about the secret artillery information contained in the documentsthat had been given to the Germans.

1900(6th of Elul, 5660): Eighty-year-old Ferdinand Falkson,the German physician and doctor possibly best known for his three battle tohave his marriage recognized passed away today.

1901(16th of Elul, 5661): Parashat Ki Tavo

1901(16th of Elul, 5661): Seventy-seven-year-old Joseph HertzOppenheim, the Charleston, SC born son of Catherine and Hertz Wolf Oppenheim,and the husband of Hanna Oppenheim passed away today.

1901: It was reported today that “Mme. Bertha Tansman, prima donna fromthe Thalia Theatre; Tillis Hirschman, the leading lady form the People’sTheatre and Harry J. Ginsberg, the best known Jewish tenor in America” havebeen brought to Chicago from New York thanks to the efforts of Ellis Glickman,manager of the Jewish Theatre.

1902: Mrs. Adoph Landenburg introduces the split skirt for ridinghorseback.

1903: Today, “just as the Congress closed, the Ottoman ambassador toBerlin telegrammed his superiors stating that the Zionists objective was toform an independent state in Palestine and that special laws should be broughtin prohibiting the purchase of land by Zionists,”

1903: Herzl's last meeting with German nobleman Grossherzog Friedrich ofBaden on the island of Mainau. Herzl presents his difficult dilemma betweenEast Africa and Palestine. "We would be glad to renounce the good land ofEast Africa for the poor land of Palestine. I in particular would see anhonorable rescue for our poor Jews if this exchange could be made."

1904: In Commercy, France, Ferdinand Ach, the Pierrepont born son ofSameul Ach and Charlotte Abraham gave birth to Andre Ach

1905(30th of Av, 5665): Rosh Chodesh Elul

1905: Birthdate of Dore Schary,American screenwriter, playwright, producer and director. The son of immigrantRussian parents, Schary’s first name came from shortening the original whichwas Isadore. Shary provided the Oscarwinning script for the film “Boys Town.”He also produced another all-American film, “Lassie come Home.” Shary was part of that gaggle of firstgeneration American Jews who created the cinematic version of the AmericanMyth. Shary’s greatest success camelate in his career when he wrote the script for “Sunrise At Campobello” thepopular play and film that focused on FDR’s fight with polio. Shary was active in numerous Jewishorganization including the Anti- Defamation League. He passed away in 1980.

1905: In Brooklyn, the former Bertha Knoepfler and furrier HermannMeisner gave birth to Sanford Meisner, American actor, teacher and creator ofthe Meisner Technique.

1906(10th of Elul, 5666): Edward Rosewater, the founder of theOmaha Bee and unsuccessful candidate for the U.S. Senate from Nebraska passedaway. His son Victor took overleadership of the paper

1907: In Chicago, Illinois, Benjamin T. and Anna (née Bransky) Chon gavebirth to William Shawn the editor of The New Yorker magazine.

1908: First Conferencefor the Yiddish Language continued for a second day in Czernowitz

1909(14th of Elul, 5669): Joseph Goldberg passed away.

1909: Nobel laureate Paul Ehrlich began the first chemotherapy when withhis assistant Sahachiro Hato, a rabbit infected with syphilis was injected with"Preparation 606." This number marked the 606th chemical devised andtested by Ehrlich's team at his Frankfort laboratory. The compound was sosuccessful that the sores on the rabbit promptly healed. The term"chemotherapy" was coined by Erhlich.

1910: “After prolonger negotiations, Oscar S. Straus, the United StatesAmbassador to Turkey succeeded in obtaining a decision from the Council ofstate approving the act of the council of Ministers by which all foreignreligious, educational and benevolent institutions are exempted from theprovisions of the Ottoman law.”

1911: “Maggie Pepper,” a play written by Charles Klein that includes “thecharacter of a Jewish drummer” who is portrayed as being both “amusing andoccasionally sympathetic” opened this evening at the Harris Theatre in NewYork.

1912(18th of Elul, 5672): Parashat Ki Tavo

1912(18th of Elul, 5672): Sixty-eight-year-old “communalworker” Samuel Hirsch passed away at Niagara Falls, NY.

1913: Birthdate of Helen Levitt, the Brooklyn native “noted for her streetphotography around New York City.

1914: In Berlin, Kurt W. Rosenthal, a flour merchant, and Elsa Rosenthal(née Kirschstein) gave birth to their second son Franz Rosenthal who the LouisM. Rabinowitz professor of Semitic Language at Yale and then the SterlingProfessor Emeritus of Arabic at the same institution.

1914: In response to an appeal by the Yishuv’s leaders and his ownknowledge of the desperate condition of the thousands of Jews living inPalestine Henry Morgenthau, Sr., the U.S. Ambassador to the Ottoman Empire senta cable to Jacob Schiff that read, in part, “PALESTINIAN JEWS FACING TERRIBLECRISIS … BELLIGERENT COUNTRIES STOPPING THEIR ASSISTANCE … SERIOUS DESTRUCTIONTHREATENS THRIVING COLONIES … FIFTY THOUSAND DOLLARS NEEDED.” Within a monththe appeal produced $50, 000 (the equivalent of 1 million dollars in the 21stcentury)

1915: “The Hebrew Sheltering and Immigrant Aid Society of America ofwhich ex-Judge Leon Sanders is President announced today that it hadestablished at its offices, 229 East Broadway, a bureau through which dependentJews in the war zones may be more readily located by their immigrant relativesin this country seeking to render them assistance.”

1915: At Beth Hamidrash Hagadol a synagogue on Norfolk Street, “RabbiIsrael Rosenberg of Paterson presided over a service attended by 25 rabbis and1,000” congregants which he opened the ark and the attendees began singingAvienu Malkenu.

1915: “Resolutions calling for an American-Jewish congress to formulateplans for the unification of the 3,000,000 Jews in the United States wereadopted at a meeting” in Chicago, “tonight of the Lawyers’ Jewish CongressCommittee.”

1915: George Breitman, a native of the Ukraine who was working as alaborer in Australia enlisted in the Australian Imperial Force (AIF).

1916(2nd of Elul, 5676):Composer, Teacher and Pianist JosephPoznanski, the brother violinist Isaac Barrett Poznanski with whom he performedat a “Grand Concert” in 1866 passed away today. (Editor’s note: He is not to beconfused with “second generation Holocaust survivor’ living in Victoria,Australia who composed “music dedicated to Jewish folklore in Poland.’

1916: In the Bronx, “Russian Jewish immigrants, Tillie Godiner andGedaliah Tchornemoretz gave birth to broadcast journalist Daniel Schorr. To the current generation, Schorr is the wildold political voice on NPR. To anearlier generation, he is one of the journalists who made Richard Nixon’sinfamous “Enemies List.” To an evenolder generation, Schorr was the voice of CBS news from Moscow during thecoldest days of the Cold War in the 1950’s.The Soviets finally go disgusted with Schorr that they expelled. This gave Schorr the singular distinction ofantagonizing the Communist Russians and the ant-Communist Nixon.

1917: Birthdate of Henrik, the native of Budapest who gained fame ascommunist politician György Aczél/

1917: In Berlin, premiere of “Hilde Warren Und der Tod” directed andproduced by Joseph Otto Mandel who would be known as Joe May with a screenplayby Fritz Lange and featuring Hermann Picha.

1917: “A deputation of prominent English Jews head by Lord Swaythingvisited the Secretary of War…and urged the abandonment of the title ‘JewishRegiment’ which had been adopted for the new regiment recently organized”because “the 40,000 Jews now serving in the army were fighting not as Jews butas British subjects…”

1917: “It was announced tonight that Rabbi Samuel Greenfield and ReverendEiner Larsen had reached an agreement that would allow the Jews of the IsaiahTemple to temporarily use the quarters of the Swedish Baptist Church forworship services until they can build a sanctuary of their own.

1917: “An Invitation to Soldiers” published today described anannouncement by Simon Franks that Temple Emanu-El in Brooklyn will have “freeseats” for any members of the United States Army and Navy who attend RoshHashana or Yom Kippur Services at this congregation.

1918: Following petition of leading Jews, the Polish Council of Stateabolished existing restrictions respecting the purchase of land by Jews.

1918: For the past 7 months, ending today, Lt. Hugo Gutman, a Jewishofficer serving with Kaiser’s army commanded Adolph Hitler who received theIron Cross First Class thanks to Gutman’s efforts.

1918: The Polish Council of State adopted a resolution giving authoritiespower to open in existing schools separate classes for Jewish children whichshall be closed on Saturday if a sufficient number of parents apply for such aprivilege and recognizing as private schools all Talmud Torahs and hedarim inwhich the teaching of Polish is to be obligatory and in which instruction inall elementary secular subects is to be give in Polish.

1918: In Nizhni-Novgorod, authorities arrested seven ringleaders fortheir role in “anti-Jewish riots.”

1918: In Chovol, a Council of Workmen and Soldiers put an end to effortsto start a Pogrom.

1918:The Australian Corps underthe command of Sir John Monash broke the German lines at the Battle of Mont St.Quentin and the Battle of Péronne.

1918: Birthdate of Alan Jay Lerner, American librettist and lyricist forstage and screen. Lerner was yet anotherof a myriad of Jews who created and refined that most original American artform – the Broadway musical. One of hismost famous contributions was “My Fair Lady.” He passed away in 1986

1919: Thirty-five members of the Jewish Defense Organization weredisarmed and shot after the Ukrainian National Army recaptured Kiev from theBolsheviks. As an organized unit, the Jews had played an important role in thedefense of Kiev. This was part of massacre of the Jews at Kiev.

1919(5th of Elul, 5679): Sixty-year-old Austrian born Dr.Joseph Zeisler, the son of Anna and Isaac Leonard Ziesler and husband of“Theresa Freuchtmean” who was recognizedas an expert in the fields “of skin and venereal diseases passed away today

1920: In Boston, three thousand children are scheduled “to gather inFranklin Field” today “for a grand outing and pageant” sponsored by theRecreational Bureau of the Federated Jewish Charities with the assistance ofthe Associated Boston Hebrew Schools,the Bureau of Jewish Religious Schools, the Council of Jewish Juniors,the Home for Jewish Children and the Jewish Welfare Centers.”

1921: Birthdate of Madeline Rochelle Barotz who as Madeline RochelleAmgott was a pioneer in the early days of broadcast television news – a rolemade all the more difficult because was the first and only member of her sex todo this in the 50’s and early 60’s.

1921: Solomon Lowenstein, the Executive Director of the Federation ofJewish Philanthropic Societies is scheduled to officiate at the funeral forNathaniel Myers, President of the Hebrew School for Girls and the person “whowas largely responsible for the formation of the Federation of JewishPhilanthropic Societies in New York City.

1921: “Ilona” a silent film produced by Joe May, with a scriptco-authored by Adolf Lantz was released today in Germany.

1922: “Following the barring of Mrs. Alfred Kann of New York from thefashionable Winthrop Hotel, the Young Men's Hebrew Association and the YoungWomen's Hebrew Association held a joint meeting, retained Attorney Aaron Allenas counsel and declared their intention to expose the discriminatory tacticsexercised by some of the residents” of Boston.

1922: It was reported today that in Philadelphia, Mayor Moore addressed acheering crowd of more than 10,000 people who had gathered to show their joy atthe League of Nations support for the creation of a national homeland inPalestine.

1923: As a result of a search for Henry Ford’s property which resultedfrom a libel suit brought against him and his paper, the Dearborn Independentby Herman Bernstein over states made on connection with a general attack on theJewish people, today in New York City Deputy Sheriff Charles Kramer wasnotified today that Mr. Ford has $115,834 deposited in the Corn Exchange Bank.

1924(1st of Elul, 5684): Rosh Chodesh Elul

1924: Birthdate of actor andcomedian Buddy Hackett.

1925: Abraham Goldberg, Jacob Fishman and Henrietta Szold were amount theAmericans elected to the Actions Committee of the World Zionist Organization inVienna.

1925: “After a stormy all-night session the fourteenth Zionist WorldCongress disbanded at 6 o'clock this morning.”

1926: Birthdate of Sochaczew, Poland native and Holocaust survivor CantoDavid Wisnia whose singing ability saved his life.

1926: In Chicago, “Louis and Clara (Ruttenberg) Wolfberg gave birth toAnita Rochelle Wolfberfg who gained famed as independent publisher AnitaMiller. (As reported by Sam Roberts)

1926: Robert and Lillian Mulwitz gave birth to their daughter Ruth atPort Chester New York. The familychanged their name to Roberts and it was as Ruth Roberts that she gained fameas the “songwriter best known for her cheerful and durable baseball anthem‘Meet the Mets.’”

1927:Dr. Leon Motzkin presidedover today's session of the Fifteenth Zionist Congress in Basel.

1928:The Threepenny Opera” withmusic by Kurt Weill was first performedat the Theater am Schiffbauerdamm in Berlin today.

1929(25th of Av, 5689): Parashat Re’eh

1929: Bedouins attacked nearly a dozen Jewish settlements in the northernGalilee pillaging the houses and burning the crops.” According to at least one report, at least 22Jews were wounded in the attacks. “InJerusalem, houses of Georgian Jews located near the Damascus Gat which werereportedly left open by police during their unsuccessful search for weaponswere looted by Arab marauders.

1929:A party of thirty-sevenJewish settlers left for Palestine today on the steamer Carnaro bound forJaffa. Dr. A. Kligler of the Hebrew University on Mount Scopus, Professor Roth,the Palestine labor leader Ben Gurion, Dr. Benzion Mossensohn, director of theHebrew High School at Tel Aviv, and other Palestinian Jewish leaders sailed onthe same steamer.

1930: It was reported today that the Jewish Welfare Board has announcedthat Jewish Community Centers and other organizations affiliated with the boardwould hold exercises in celebration of Constitution Day which falls onSeptember 17 and that the army, navy and Coast Guard would grant furloughs sothat Jewish service men could observed Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur.

1931: The administration of the Zionist Organization in America wasaccused today by Louis Lipsky, former president of the Zionist Organization ofAmerica, of ulterior motives in issuing its appeal last Saturday to “AmericanZionists to lend support to the new World Zionist executive” because he saidthe appeal was merely a decoy to divert public attention from domestic issuesto create the impression that the differences of opinion American Zionistsrelate to the conduct of word Zionist affairs.”

1932(29th of Av, 5692): Seventy-two-year-old Sir SassoonEskell, the first Finance Minister of Iraq passed away today.

1932(29th of Av, 5692): Moyshe-Leyb Halperndied of a heart attack in New York City.Born in 1886, he was a Yiddish-language modernist poet raised in atraditional Jewish household in Zlotshev, Galicia and brought to Vienna at theage of 12 in 1898 to study commercial art. Halpern began writing modernistpoetry n German while living in Vienna. Upon returning to his hometown in 1907,he switched to writing in Yiddish. In 1908, Halpern emigrated to New York Cityin order to avoid the military draft. There he became associated with a groupof Yiddish poets called Di Yunge (The Young Ones). He published hisfirst book of poetry in 1919, Innyu york (In New York). That same year, he married. He had ason in 1923. His second book, Digoldene pave (The Golden Peaco*ck), was published in1924. Halpern also wrote for satirical magazines and Frayhayt (Freedom), a communist Yiddish newspaper.

1933: RabbiJoseph Zvi Dushinsky becomes the Chief Rabbi of the Agudath Israel inJerusalem.

1933: The Jiidische Rundschau is permitted toreappear. The popular Jewish weekly,which had been published since 1902, had been forced to suspend publication forproducing editorials that had challenged Nazi charges against the Zionists. Themagazine would be forced to close in 1938.

1933: Theeighteenth World Zionist Congress adopted a resolution providing for sending acommission to Palestine to investigate charges of terrorism in connection withthe murder of Dr. Chaim Arlosoroff, the Zionist leader who had been killed inTel Aviv.

1933:Professor Selig Brodetsky told members of the World Zionist Congress thatZionist organization has inaugurated conversations with Arab leaders of Syriaand other neighboring lands for the extension of Jewish colonization.

1933: TheCouncil of the Warsaw Jewish Community sends a protest to the Zionist Congressagainst agreements for exchange of goods between Nazi Germany and Palestine.

1933(9th ofElul, 5693): Nazi agents murdered Theodore Lessing in Marienbad,Czechoslovakia. Lessing was an anti-Nazi Jewish philosopher and Zionist who hadtaught at Hanover Technical High School.He had moved to Czechoslovakia because he feared for his safety.

1934: Problemsof international interest to Jews, including the boycott on German goods, willbe discussed at the national encampment of Jewish War Veterans, which openedtonight in New Britain, CT.

1934: “Jewishfur manufacturers and their Jewish employees received permission from the NRAtoday to take time off to celebrated the Jewish holidays” which take placeduring the next four weeks” and that NRA “code regulations will be relaxedsufficiently to permit making up the lost time.

1935(2nd of Elul, 5695): Rabbi Abraham Isaac Kook known as Rav Kookpassed away. Rabbi Kookwas the first Chief RabbiAshkenazicofPalestine, serving from 1921 until his death in 1935. Born in Russia in1865, Kook was a child prodigy and star student at the famed yeshiva inVolozhinHe served as a Rabbi in several communities in Europe beforemoving to Eretz Israel in 1904 where he served as a rabbi in Jaffa as well asfor the new Zionist settlements. "Kook was the outstanding leaderand thinker of the religious Zionist movement at a time when the great majorityopposed of Orthodox Jewry Zionism. He endeared himself to the nonreligiouselements in Israel by sympathy and support for the secular sector, particularlyin the agricultural settlements." He regarded all who made Alyiah,"regardless of their beliefs to be inspired by holy sparks "sincethey were laying the foundation for the ultimate messianic redemption."

1935(2nd of Elul, 5695): Herman Bernstein an American journalist, writer, translator, anddiplomat, passed away. Herman Bernstein was born in 1876, at Vladislavov whichwas on the Russo-German border to David and Marie Bernstein. In 1893, heemigrated to the United States, where he completed his education and marriedSophie Friedman on December 31, 1901. “His first stories were published in1900. He contributed to the New York Evening Post, The Nation, The Independent,and Ainslee's Magazine. He was the founder and editor of The New London Dayand an editor of the Jewish Tribune and of the Jewish Daily Bulletin.As a correspondent of the New York Times, Bernstein regularly travelledto Europe. In 1915, he went to Europe to document the situation of Jews in thewar zones. He documented the Russian Revolution in 1917 for the New YorkHerald, which led him to both Siberia and Japan with the AmericanExpeditionary Forces. He also covered the Paris Peace Conference in 1919 forthe same newspaper. In 1921 Bernstein published a book History of a Lie,an account of the notorious forgery The Protocols of the Elders of Zion.According to GPU agent Pavlovsky (Yakshin), arrested in Germany in 1929,Bernstein worked for both GPU and Comintern, arranging pro-Soviet coverage inAmerican press. One of his main goals was to describe White army and Whiteemigres as anti-Semitic instigators of pogroms and suppress coverage of pogromsby units of the Red Army and other forces allied to Bolsheviks during theRussian civil war. GPU supplied Bernstein with forged documents forpublication. In 1921 Bernstein received 17 000 gold rubles for his services.

1936: “Fear that the future of Jews in Palestine was imperiled by British‘inaction’ was voiced today in a declaration issued at the close of anextraordinary session of the general council of the World Zionist Organization”that was held in Zurich.

1936: In Cincinnati, OH, “Joe and Sarah (Feibel) Mendelsohn” gave birthto Harvard Medical School graduate John Mendelson the husband of researchchemist Anne Charles, who was best known for his work in cancer researchincluding serving as head of the MD Anderson Cancer Center. (As reported by Katie Thomas)

1936: “The problem of uniting the religions of the United States, notunder one banner of dogma or doctrine, but a united front to deal with civic,social and welfare problems of the nation was discussed” at a meeting inAppleton, Wisconsin, tonight by three clergymen of the Protestant, Catholic andJewish faiths” the latter of which was Rabbi L.L. Mann of Sinai Temple inChicago.

1936: Dr. Alexander Rosenfeld, vice president of the Tel Aviv SportsOrganization received a cable today saying that the Maccabees Palestine Soccerteam is scheduled to arrive in New York on September 14.

1937: In Brooklyn Frieda (née Shapkin) and Elias Berlinger, a buildingcontractor gave birth to actor Warren Berlinger whose career includedeverything from appearing in the original Broadway production of “Annie GetYour Gun” to the ever-popular kids’ show “Howdy Doody.”

1937: The violence orchestrated by Arab leaders that was designed to endJewish immigration and land purchases continued with seven Arab attacks on Jewsin Jerusalem, Tel Aviv and Karkur. Three Jews and four Arabs were killed andthere were many wounded. Moshe Goldenberg, the mukhtar (village elder) of BeitAlfa, had a narrow escape when shot at in Beit Shean. (Yes, this isthe sameBeit Shean where the bodies of Saul and his sons were taken asdescribed in the Book of Samuel.)Jewish and Arab leaders weresummoned by district commissioners who appealed for the restoration of law andorder.

1938: Moslem terrorists sought to extend their power by killing otherArabs. “Tewfik Shantin an Arab brokerwas shot dead in the waiting room of an Arab doctor in Jaffa” while an unnamedArab village chieftain was shot to death while walking with a friend in the OldCity of Jerusalem.

1938(4th of Elul, 5698): Mordecai Leznick, a Jewish policeman riding onan Arab owned bus traveling between Lydda and Jaffa was shot to death by anArab passenger.

1938(4th of Elul, 5698): In Tel Aviv Schmuel Weiner died from woundssustained when he was stoned last Friday while riding through Ramleh.

1939: The last day of peace in Europe before the outbreak of World WarII. Every one waited to see if thePoles would cave into German demands.Every one waited to see if the British would betray the Poles as theyhad the Czechs in 1938. What the worlddid not know was that Hitler issued Directive no.1, 1939 ordering the attack onPoland to begin at dawn the following day. Already, 1,500,000 German troopswere poised to enact Case White, the invasion of Poland, The plan to create a fake attack by Polishtroops on a German transmitter was about to be enacted. By the next “Polish casualties” (actually the corpses of concentration campinmates) would provide Hitler’s proof of Polish perfidy and the Blitz of Polandwould be on its way.

1939: Nazi Germanymounts a staged attack on Gleiwitz radio station giving them an excuse toattack Poland the following day, starting World War II.

1940: From July 9through today, Chiune Sugihara, the Vice Counsel for the Empire of Japan inLithuania issued over 2,000 visas to Polish Jews so that they could escape fromthe Nazis. This does not count the threeto five thousand visas issued to Lithuanian Jews without his government’sapproval that enabled them to escape as well.

1940: The NationalEncampment of the Jewish War Veterans of the United States continued for athird day.

1941: Churchill received 17 reports of the shooting of Jews and Russiansin numbers ranging between 61 and 4,200.These reports covered the two-month period beginning with June, 1941when the Nazis invaded the Soviet Union and the special Killing Squads begantheir work.

1941: In response to a Jewish reprisal raid on a German patrol, all Jewswere confined to their homes. That evening the "action" commenced.The entire Jewish section of Vilna was raided.As a result, 2,019 women, 864 men, and 817 children were taken away topits in Ponar forests and all shot dead. This event is notable for two reasons.First it is unusual because it includes the report of Jewish resistance. Secondit is unusual because the Nazis supplied a specific reason for killing Jewsother than their usual anti-Semitic drivel.

1941: As the month came to a close, “the Vichy Government of France hadenacted laws that discriminated against Moroccan Jews” by setting quotas on thenumber of Jewish doctors and lawyers, which forced many Jews living in theEuropean quarters to move to the mellahs.

1942: One day after he had passed away funeral services are scheduled tobe held this afternoon at the Park West Memorial Chapel for fifty-two-year-oldNissim Joseph Ovadia, the Turkish born chief rabbi of Vienna and Paris who cameto the United States after the French surrendered to the Nazis

1942: A story headlined "Jewish Children Interned by Vichy"appeared in today’s Chicago Sun.

1942: By the end of August SS officer Kurt Gerstein has failed in hisattempt to publicize his knowledge of the mass gassings of Jews. He is rebuffedin his approach to the German papal nuncio, Cesare Orsenigo

1942: In Ternopil,western Ukraine, at 4.30 am, German SS organize the first deportation of Jewsfrom Ternopil ghetto to death camp in Belzec, about 5,000 Jews were deported toface death in Belzec. When the Germans captured Ternopil, about 18,000 Jews livedin the city.

1943(30th ofAv, 5703): Rosh Chodesh Elul

1943:Vice Chancellor John O. Bigelow today ordered an audit of the first accountingof the estate of Abraham Wolff of Morristown, N.J., who was a partner in theNew York banking firm of Kuhn, Loeb Co.

1943: The Swedishambassador in Copenhagen was given clearance by the Chief Legal Officer GöstaEngzell to issue Swedish passports in order to "rescue Danish Jews andbringing them here".

1943: The USS Drum, anAmerican submarine, with Maurice Rindskopf serving as Executive Officer sank aJapanese cargo ship while patrolling off New Georgia

1943: During itsmeeting at the Waldorf-Astoria the “American Jewish Conference adopted aresolution accusing the American Council for Judaism of an ‘attempt to sabotagethe collective Jewish will to achieve a unified program’ by its statement madepublic” yesterday “in Philadelphia opposing the creation of a Jewish state.”

1943: By the end of August,47 Jewish women and 50 Jewish men areexecuted after being discovered in the "Aryan" section of Warsaw.

1943: “Vice ChancellorJohn O. Bigelow ordered an audit of the first accounting of the estate ofAbraham Wolff of Morristown, NJ who was a partner in Kuhn, Loeb & Co.

1943: In Toronto, theGroup on Racial Relations presented a report today in which “Christians werecalled up to accept Jews a members of the community on a basis of completeequality and to take drastic action in opposing discrimination” in both thepersonal and social interactions.

1943: “Zionists inEngland have exceeded the £250,000 goal set for this year’s PalestineFoundation Fund campaign, Mrs. Archibald Silverman reported today at a luncheonin her honor held at the Belmont Plaza Hotel by the Palestine Fund and theJewish National Fund.”

1943: In Halifax the Army Show which had first been seen by “an allservice audience” staring the comedy team of Frank Shuster and Johnny Wayne whocame to be known simply as Wayne & Shuster was seen by a civilian audiencefor the first time tonight.

1943: “New Jewish Group Appeals to Allies” published today

1944(12th of Elul,5704): Fifty-three-year-old Yiddish actor Ludwig Satz passed away today.

1944: Jews liberated from the Novaki labor camp joined the battle forBanska Bystrica. Four weeks later Eichmann exacted revenge for the SlovakUprising by deporting 8,975 Slovak Jews to Birkenau where most met theirdeaths.

1944: Over the next four daysJews formerly interned at the Novákylabor camp fight in a Slovakian uprising against the Germans. In all, more than1500 Jews join 16,000 Slovak soldiers and partisans. One partisan battalioncommander, a Jewish woman named Edita Katz, covers the retreat of her men witha machine gun and hand grenades until she is killed by Germans and the HlinkaGuard. Another Jewish partisan, Tibor Cifea, is shot by Germans and lefthanging for three days.

1944: A photograph wastaken of a small group of survivors from the Kovno, a town in Lithuania thathad been liberated on August 1. At thestart of the war there were approximately 40,000 Jews living there. There wereonly 2,000 still alive at when the Soviets liberated the city.

1945: The Liberal Partyof Australia is founded by Robert Menzies. During the Parliamentary electionsin August, 2010, The Liberal Party sought the support of the Jewish communityby picturing itself as being a better friend of Israel than the Labor Party.

1945: President Trumanendorsed a proposal for 100,000 Jews to be immediately admitted to Palestineand so informed the British Prime Minister.Mr. Atlee was, to say the least, not pleased.

1945: Birthdate of Itzhak Perlman. Born in Tel Aviv, Perlman was strickenwith polio. He triumphed over the adversity to become one of the world’sgreatest violinists.

1945: Lt. Col. Louis Geffen, a judge advocate in the US Army who wassailing across the Pacific to his new duty station was allowed to use an areaon the bow of the ship for Kabbalat Shabbat services.

1946: “Edward M.M. Warburg, chairman of the Joint Distribution Committee,270 Madison Avenue, announced today that allocations of the Committee to datethis year for the relief, rehabilitation and emigration of Jewish survivorsoverseas had soared to $38,140,210 --a figure greater than the Committee'sappropriations for all of 1945.”

1947: UNSCOP, the United Nations Special Committee on Palestine,published its report. Under the plan,Palestine was to be partitioned into two states, one Jewish and one Arab. Jerusalem was to be a demilitarized, neutralcity governed as an international trusteeship under the United Nations.

1948: Tonight, Sigmund Romberg, born Siegmund Rosenberg to Hungarian JewsAda and Clara Rosenberg, performed forthe last time on “An Evening Romberg” on NBC.

1948: In New York City,Jean (née Farber) and Irving Ganz, an arts supply executive gave birth toscreenwriter Lowell Ganz

1948: Birthdate ofSteve Soboroff, successful businessman, Republican political leader andexecutive for the Los Angeles Dodgers.

1949: “The AmericanCommittee of Jewish Writers, Artists and Scientists today labeled as"fantastic" a memorandum submitted to the United Nations last monthby the Jewish League against Communism in which “the latter charged that400,000 Jews had been uprooted from their homes by the Soviet Government andexiled to Siberia.

1950: Birthdate ofDavid Bedein, a journalist who established the Israel Resource News Agency and“serves as Director of the Center for Near East Policy Research.”

1950: “Summer Stock,” acorny musical produced by Joe Pasternak, based on a story by Sy Gomberg forwhich he won an Oscar and with songs by Harold Arlen was released today in theUnited States.

1950: Business leaders,Cabinets members and leading representatives from the Knesset held an all-daysession to discuss Israel’s worsening economic conditions. “The economic troubles stem mainly from thefact that the expansion of production is unable to keep up with the growth ofthe population, which increased in 27 months from 655,000 to 1,125,000.”

1951(29th ofAv, 5711): Ninety-one-year-old Abraham Cahan the socialist newspaper editorwhose name is synonymous with the Jewish Daily Forward passed away today.

1952: IN MonmouthCounty, Sidney Goldman, Justice of the Superior Court of New Jersey was theprinciple speaker at the cornerstone laying for Temple Beth Miriam’s newfacility.

1952: The final draft of the Reparations Agreement signed at The Haguewas sent to Bonn. It was still waiting for the West German government's formalapproval. The UN submitted to Bonn for special consideration a list of morethan 380 survivors of the Nazi scientific experiments conducted inconcentration camps. More than 200 such victims were still living in Germany.

1954: In the Bronx, Ethel Pearl Fox and Abraham Rosenberg gave birth toQueens College graduate and artistic director & conductor Richard MarkRosenberg the husband of Laura Julianne Schnayer who in 1994 began serving as the conductor of MiamiCity Ballet/Naples (Florida) Philharmonic Orchestra.

RichardRosenberg – National Music Festival

1954: Operation Binyamin 2 led by Ariel Sharon and Meir Har-Zion came toan end with the capture of 3 Jordanian soldiers.

1955:In response to repeated attacks from Fedayeen (the term forterrorists at this time) forces under the command of Mordechai “Motta” Gur andRafael “Raful” Eitan led an attack which destroyed the military installationsat Khan Yunis in what was known as Operation Elkayanm.

1956(24th of Elul, 5716): Austria native andneuropsychiatrist Dr. Moses Keshner, the holder of degrees from CCNY, ColumbiaMedical School and New York Law School who was a Clinical Professor ofNeurology at Columbia and raised four children – Myron, Sidney, Harold andHortense – with his wife Dorothea passed away today.

1956: Birthdate of Baltimore native Jonathan I Rosenblatt, the JohnsHopkins and Columbia University trained modern American Orthodox Rabbi andhusband of Tzipporah Rosneblatt.

1958(15th of Elul, 5718): Forty-nine-year-old Boston born Suffolk LawSchool trained attorney, George Fingold, the Attorney General of Massachusettsand Republican candidate for Governor of Massachusetts, the wife of EvelynFingold and the son of Hyman Fingold, passed away today.

1959: Premiere of “Middle of the Night” a drama featuring a May toDecember romance deftly told in a script by Paddy Chayefsky which features“future Oscar winners Martin Balsam and Lee Grant.

1961: Those “sons of Moses,” the Sherry brothers, combined their effortsto give the Dodgers a 5 to 2 victory over the Cubs. Norm Sherry hit a two-runhomer for the Los Angeles Dodgers today and Larry Sherry pitched well enough inrelief to get credit for the “save.”

1961(19th of Elul, 5721): Seventy-eight-year-old Baltimorenative and close associate of Henrietta Szold, Mrs. Florence Robinson Brodie,the wife of attorney Israel B. Brodie who was a member of the national board ofHadassah passed away today in Hamptons Bay, Long Island.

1962(1st of Elul, 5722): Rosh Chodesh Elul

1962: Seventy-year-old Henrikas Rabinavicius, “the only Jew to haveserved in the Lithuanian diplomatic corps” after it gained its independencefollowing World War I, and the husband of the former “Ethel Edna Kabat, passedaway today in New York.

1962: In Egypt Alaa al-Zayat “a prominent doctor and professor ofmedicine” and his wife gave birth to Ahmed Zayat who gained fame as EphraimDavid Zayet the American businessman whoowns 2015 Triple Crown Winner “American Pharoah.”

1962: Trinidad and Tobago becomeindependent. The Jewish community dates back to the 18thcentury. At the time of independencethere were approximately 700 Jews living in the two islands.

1964:Seymour Halpern was one of thirteen Republicans in the House ofRepresentatives to support the Food Stamp Act of 1964 that became effectivetoday.

1967(25th of Av, 5727): Ilya Ehrenberg, Soviet author, journalist,apologist and political survivor par excellence, passed away.

1967(25th of Av, 5721): Haydée Tamara Bunke Bider, known asTania the Guerillera, a German-Jewish guerrilla fighter in the NationalLiberation Army of Bolivia, led by Che Guevara was killed today by the BolivianArmy.

1968: Birthdate of Yossef (Joseph) Cedar the native of New York who “grewup in the Bayit VeGan neighborhood in Jerusalem” and became an award-winningdirector and screenwriter best known for the 2011 tale of clash betweenacademics and fathers and sons – “Footnote.”

1972: Paul Stanley and Gene Simmons, both of whom were Jewish “answeredthe advertisem*nt of Peter Criss in RollingStone that would lead to the formation of KISS.

1972(21st of Elul, 5732): Seventy-six-year-old David AbrahamJessurun Cardozo, the Dutch born, English educated Sephardic rabbi who was theassistant rabbi at New York’s prestigious Spanish and Protuguese Synagogue andthe first Rabbi to led Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur services in Spain since the1492 Expulsion passed away today.

1973(3rd of Elul, 5733): Seventy-two-year old Dr. Gregory Razran,professor emeritus of psychology at Queens College and a leading authority onRussian psychological research was drowned tofay while swimming off St.Petersburg Beach, Fla.”

1974(13th of Elul, 5735): Parashat Ki Teitzei

1974(13th of Elul, 5735): Eighty-seven-year-old Etta EisemanSteinberg, the St. Louis born daughter of David and Aurelia Stix Eisman, thewife of Mark Charles Steinberg and Florence S. Steinberg Weil passed away afterwhich she was buried at the New Mount Sinai Cemetery in Affton, MO.

1975(17th of Elul, 5735): Seventy-eight-year-old “Max Artz,the vice chancellor of the Jewish Theological Seminary passed away today.

1976(5th of Elul, 5736): Ninety-three-year-old non-communistRussian revolutionary and Time magazine’s expert on Soviet affairs MarkVishniak passed away today.

1977: “You Light Up My Life” a romantic comedy written, directed andproduced by Joseph Brooks who also composed the score and starring Didi Connwas released in the United States today by Columbia Pictures.

1977: US Undersecretary of State Philip Habib assured Israeli AmbassadorSimcha Dinitz that the US would block any Arab attempt to change UN SecurityCouncil Resolution 242. This UN Resolution included a guaranteed of theright of Israel to exist and was part of the diplomatic efforts surrounding theSix Day War. Various Arab leaders have erroneously claimed that thisresolution required Israel to return to the truce lines that existed in June,1967.

1979(8th of Elu. 5739): Eighty-four-year-old Ida Tobolowsky,the daughter of Samuel and Temmie Wyll Tobolowsky, the wife of Jacob FrankLeventhal and mother of Grace Jean Leventhal Goodman passed away today afterwhich she was buried at the Shearith Israel Memorial Park in Dallas, TX.

1979: “Time After Time” a sci-fi film directed by Nicholas Meyer who alsowrote the screenplay was released today in the United States.

1980: In Ganei Yehuda, Galia and Muki Zamir gave birth to MK Asaf Zamir,the former Deputy Mayor of Tel Aviv, Minister of Tourism and Consul General innew Yok until March of 2023

1981(1st of Elul, 5741): Rosh Chodesh Elul

1981(1st of Elul, 5741): Prof.Elias J. Bickerman, a historian and authority on the influence of the Greeks inthe Middle East at the time of Jesus and before, died today in Tel Aviv, wherehe was on vacation. He was 85 years old and lived in Manhattan.

1981(1st of Elul, 5741): Eighty-two year old businessman andphilanthropist Joseph Hirschhorn whose name became famous because of the artmuseum of which he was “the founder and benefactor” passed away today. (Asreported by John Russell)

1981: Today, at the United Nations, Israel denounced the PLO’s attack onVienna Synagogue on Shabbat (August 29, 1981) as part of “a ruthless murdercampaign” aimed at “Jews and the Jewish people everywhere.”

1983: Flight 007, among whose passengers were 23-year-old AliceEphraimson-Abt, the daughter of Hans Ephraimson-Abt completed “a refueling stopin Alaska” and “took off for Seoul.”

1987: “On the occasion of a meeting in Rome today of representatives ofthe Holy See's Commission for Religious Relations with the Jews and of theInternational Jewish Committee on Interreligious Consultations, the thenPresident of the Holy See's Commission for Religious Relations with the Jews,Cardinal Johannes Willebrands, announced the intention of the Commission toprepare an official Catholic document on the Shoah.”

1988(18th of Elul, 5748): Seventy-five year old Lin Jaldati,the Dutch born Holocaust who brought Yiddish music Communist controlledcountries in Asia passed away today.

1989(30th of Av, 5749): Rosh Chodesh Elul

1989(30th of Av, 5749): Eighty-nine Morris Barney Dalitz, thegangster known as Moe Dalitz passed away today.

1990: Rabbi BonnieKoppell, the first female Jewish chaplain in the U.S. military, was profiled inthe Omaha "Jewish Press"

1994(24th of Elul,5754): Harry Rosenblatt, one of the last survivors of the Jewish Legion ofWorld War I, which fought with the British against the Turks in Palestine,passed away. He was 101 years old. Anative of Rovno, Ukraine, he came to New York at the age of 17. He joined the British Army after hearing aspeech in Union Square by Vladimir Jabotinsky in 1916 in which the Zionistleader called for volunteers to join in the fight to help the British wrestcontrol of the Palestine from the Ottoman Empire. “Mr. Rosenblatt was among the troops enteringthe city, and his picture and biography are on display in the Museum of theIsraeli Defense Forces.” After the war,“he returned to New York, became a U.S. citizen and opened a tailor shop whichhe kept open until he turned 90.”

1995: Ninety-four yearold Gertrude Luckner, a Christian social worker who resisted the Nazis andprovided food and assistance to Jews during the Shoah passed for which wasnamed as a righteous among the nations by Yad Vashem passed away today.

1996(16th ofElul, 5756): Parashat Ki Tavo

1996(16th ofElul, 5756): Seventy-seven Helen A. Karsh Weinstock, the daughter of Louis andRose Karsh and the wife of Isadore Weinstock passed away today after which shewas buried in the Rose Hill Cemetery in Commerce City, CO.

1997: The New York Times featured a review ofPrivate Matters: In Defense of thePersonal Life by Janna Malamud Smith the daughter of BernardMalamud.

2000(30th of Av, 5760):Rosh Chodesh Elul

2000: Gravesideservices for Gertrude Schaefler, the widow of the late Leon Schaefler were heldtoday.

2000: “In the PenalColony,” an opera composed by Philip Glass, based on a story by Franz Kafka,premiered today in Seattle, Washington.

2001: Adel Mughrabipurchased the MV Karine A so that thePalestinian Authority could use it to smuggle a large shipment of arms toterrorists

2001: Stanley “Stan”Fischer completed his term as First Deputy Managing Director of theInternational Monetary Fund.

2001: “Children of aVanish World” an exhibition of photographs by Roman Vishniac is scheduled tocome to a close at the Spertus Museum in Chicago.

2001(12th of Elul,5761): Seventy-five year old Lord Hamlyn, the son of refugees from Hitler’sGermany and became a publishing mogul passed away today.

2001(12th ofElul, 5761: Seventy-nine year old child prodigy violinist Jacob MorrisKramalnick, who served as concert master with several orchestras passed awaytoday.

2001: An exhibitionentitled “Moritz Daniel Oppenheim: Jewish Identity in 19th-CenturyArt” comes to a close at Yeshiva University Museum in Manhattan. Oppenheim was one of the first Jewish artiststo become successful in the 19th century. His “chief claim to fame was as a portraitistto the Rothschild family. He was called‘the painter of the Rothschilds, and the Rothschild of painters.’” In thefollowing article entitled “Out of the Jewish Ghetto and Into the Mainstream,”Grace Glueck reviews the exhibition while providing an interesting portrait ofthis Jewish artist.

For complex reasons,you can count on the fingers of one hand the number of Jewish artists who madeit in Europe in the early 19th century. One of the first was Moritz DanielOppenheim (1800-82), whose chief claim to fame was as a portraitist to the Rothschildfamily. (He was called ''the painter of Rothschilds, and the Rothschild ofpainters.'') He was also known for his biblical paintings and narrative scenesof 19th-century Jewish life. Born in the ghetto of Hanau, Germany, Oppenheimstudied in Munich, Paris and Rome as a youth. In 1825 he settled permanently inFrankfurt, where he built a thriving career and became a pillar of the city'sartistic and intellectual community. What was unusual about his path was thatfrom the Middle Ages Jewish artists had been confined to the ghetto, kept fromstudying in professional art schools or with prominent artists. They could workonly in their own Jewish communities. Thanks in part to the gradualliberalization of German ethnic laws (although Oppenheim could not become acitizen of Frankfurt until 1852), and also to his own skills at painting andpoliticking, Oppenheim was the first Jewish artist to be in touch withmainstream currents of his own era. Born a generation earlier than thebetter-known Dutch Jewish artist Josef Israéls, Oppenheim is said to have beenthe first Jewish painter to receive major academic training, and the first tomake his Jewishness a subject of his work. Although his name has largely beenforgotten in Germany, in recent years his hometown museum in Hanau has begun tobuild up a substantial Oppenheim collection. And to celebrate the 200thanniversary of his birth, it collaborated with the Jewish Museum of Frankfurtlast year to mount an Oppenheim retrospective in Frankfurt. A rich slice ofthat show, unlyrically titled ''Moritz Daniel Oppenheim: Jewish Identity in19th-Century Art,'' is now on view at the Yeshiva University Museum (whichmoved last June from the campus of Yeshiva University to handsome new quartersat the Center for Jewish History on 16th Street). The exhibition includes morethan 90 paintings and 14 works on paper, many of them confiscated by the Nazisbut recovered after World War II. A talented painter with solid grounding intechnical skills, Oppenheim was by no means an innovator. More important to himthan style was the content of his work, and artistic movements and trendspassed him by. He identified with the upper classes, wanting to assert himselfon several fronts: as an artist, a citizen and a Jew. Much of his work depictedrepresentatives of the up-and-coming Jewish bourgeoisie: intellectuals,politicians, businessmen and artists. Rooted in Jewish tradition but challengedby political emancipation, they claimed their right to full participation inGerman society. One of Oppenheim's first self-portraits, done at the age of 16,shows a self-confident youth in elegant clothes with a kerchief around hisneck, holding a palette in one hand and a mahlstick in the other. Two yearslater, at the Munich Academy, he asserted his Jewishness by doing a powerfullife-size portrait of Moses in a toga, holding the Tablets of the Law, hisfirst ''invented'' painting aside from portraiture. Later, studying in Rome,Oppenheim gravitated, oddly, to the Nazarenes, a brotherhood of Austrian andGerman artists centered in Italy whose goal was to restore meaning and vitalityto Christian art. He admired their color-drenched Pre-Raphaelite romanticism.But although he also did New Testament subjects like ''The Virgin and St. Annein the Garden'' (1821-22), he concentrated on Jewish themes, among them''Abraham and His Family'' (1821-22; shown in this exhibition as an oil sketchbecause of the loss of the original painting). By 1825, Oppenheim hadestablished himself as a freelance painter in Frankfurt and was beginning toturn out portraits, genre scenes and landscapes for the well-heeled families ofthe city. One of his major early efforts on view is ''Mary Stuart andElizabeth'' (1829), a dramatically painted episode from a popular play by Schiller,in which Queen Elizabeth arrogantly rejects her cousin, the Scottish queen, whokneels at her feet in a plea for reconciliation. The painting was probablycommissioned by the du Fays, a prominent merchant family in Frankfurt.Considered lost, it came to light when its current owners attended theFrankfurt retrospective last year and told curators of its existence.Oppenheim's efforts to obtain portrait commissions from the Rothschild family,rooted in Frankfurt, began early; in 1821 he succeeded in painting a portraitof James de Rothschild in Paris. During his stay in Italy, three of hisreligious tableaux were bought by Carl Mayer von Rothschild, who directed thefamily banking operation in Naples. Von Rothschild's commissioning of a fourthpainting, ''Susanna and the Elders,'' gave a real boost to the artist'sreputation. His success at portraiture in Frankfurt (his sitters included thepoet Heinrich Heine, for whom he had unflattering words) brought moreRothschild commissions. His likenesses of the five sons of the bankingfortune's founder, Mayer Amschel Rothschild, done from 1836 on, helped create apublic image for the family bank. Of the number of works on view here of thesons and their sons, the most engaging is that of Nathan Mayer (1836), founderof the London branch. In a black suit and proper white cravat, his bald headgleaming, he wears a knowing, slightly amused smile, befitting a man owed bythe crowned heads of Europe. In 1836 Oppenheim also painted a pair of elegantbut warm portraits of a Rothschild bridal couple: Lionel Nathan de Rothschild,who was the son of Nathan Mayer and also the first Jewish member of the BritishParliament, and his cousin Charlotte, whom he married when she was 17. Each isseated in a lavish fantasy landscape. During World War II, the paintings weretaken by the Gestapo from a home for the elderly in Frankfurt that Rothschildsfounded and were not reclaimed until after the war. Although his subjects wereby no means restricted to Jewish life, Oppenheim repeatedly returned to thetheme as his career developed, producing works like ''The Return of theVolunteer'' (1833-34). It depicts a young soldier in the Wars of Liberationagainst Napoleon who has defied Sabbath travel prohibitions to visit hisfamily. Showing the emancipated son as he clasps the hand of histradition-observing father, Oppenheim touches on the conflict between thedemands of religion versus new responsibilities of Jews as citizens.Oppenheim's most popular work, begun in his later years, was a lithograph cycleof scenes from traditional Jewish life. Probably suggested to the artist by abook publisher or a rabbi, they were modeled on the well-loved genre scenes ofother ethnic groups then current in Europe. Because color reproduction was notyet technically available, Oppenheim painted the works in grisaille (gray andwhite). The first edition of six was received enthusiastically when it appearedin 1866, and it sparked additional works and further editions. In 1882,''Scenes From Traditional Jewish Family Life'' was issued as a bound volumewith 20 plates, a number of which are shown here. Depicting such rites andoccasions as Passover, a wedding, a Purim celebration, Sabbath observances andso on, they are schmaltzy souvenirs through which an increasingly emancipatedJewish public could hang on to the good old days.

2002: The IsraeliDefense Minister, Binyamin Ben-Eliezer, issued a statement expressing"regret" over "harming" civilians in Tubas when an Israelihelicopter fire four missiles at a car in which the local leader of the al-Aqsabrigade was thought to be riding but which actually contained five civiliansand one teenager accused of being part of the terrorist organization

2003: Luis Sandoval andtwo unidentified co-conspirators went to Cafe Bazel, a chic restaurant popularwith expatriate Israeli artists in the Encino area, and fatally shot a mansuspected of stealing 76 kilograms of Ecstasy tablets from Moshe Malul and ItzhikAbergil. This hit appears to have been the high point of the Israelis'collaboration with the Vineland crew.

2003: The Sunday New York Times book sectionincludes a review of Off With TheirHeads:
Traitors, Crooks and Obstructionists in American Politics, Media and Business
by Jewish political consultant Dick Morris.

2004(14th of Elul,5764): Hamas suicide bombers blew up two buses in Beersheba, Israel, killing 16passengers and wounding 100’s more. Thedead included Shoshana Amos, 64; Aviel Atash, 3; Vitaly Brodsky, 52; Tamara Dibrashvilli,70; Raisa Forer, 55; Larisa Gomanenko, 48; Denise Hadad, 50; TatianaKortchenko, 49; Rosita Lehman, 45;Karine Malka, 23; NargizOstrovsky, 54; Maria Sokolov, 57; RomanSokolovsky, 53; Tiroayent Takala, 33; Eliyahu Uzan, 58 and Emmanuel Yosef(Yosefov), 28 all from Beersheba.

2004: The Philadelphia Inquirer featured areview of a biography of Jewish born violinist Efrem Zimbalist entitled EfremZimbalist: A Life by Roy Malan.

2005(26th of Av,5765): Sir Joseph Rotblat passed away atthe age of 96. The physicist was theonly scientist who quit working on the development of the atomic bomb for“moral reasons.” The Polish bornscientist awarded the Nobel Peace Prize to him and the Pugwash conferences in1995 for their work in trying to limit and ultimately eliminate nuclearweapons.

2005: “The ConstantGardner” a movie version of the novel by the same name starring Rachel Weiszwas released today in the United States.

2005: MikhailKhodorkovsky, Russian born Jewish oligarch and businessman, announced that hewould run for parliament.

2005: A Conversationwith Meir Margalit published today.

2006: A mass rallycalling for the release of the three kidnapped IDF soldiers, Gilad Shalit,Eldad Regev and Ehud Goldwasser attracted thousands to Tel Aviv Rabin's Square.

2006(7th of Elul,5766): Bernard J. Wohl passed away at the age of 76. An advocate for New York’spoor and homeless; he served as Executive Director of the Goddard RiversideCommunity Center for 26 years.

2006(7th ofElul, 5766): Sixty-two year old Tikva Frymer-Kensky, Ph.D. the Professor at theUniversity of Chicago Divinity School and award winning author whose worksincluded Reading the Women of the Bible passed away today.

2007: In Jerusalem, clarinetist Karl-Heinz Steffens joinsmembers of the Jazz Faculty of the Israel Conservatory of Music for a JazzConcert.

2007: The ZF conferenceentitled “Israel at 60” opens in London.

2007: In an addressgiven at the annual meeting of the Islamic Society of North America Rabbi EricYoffee, president of the Union for Reform Judaism “pleaded with AmericanMuslims to transcend the differences that have their people for decades andJoin Jews to confront the extremist factions and prejudice that plague bothreligious traditions.”

2007: Today, Rabbi Israel Rubin took his students on an unusualfield trip. They went to Barn 70 on the backside of Saratoga Race Course onFriday morning to see a trainer about a horse. The trainer was Bob Baffert, andthe horse, Maimonides, was a fast one, who just may capture the Kentucky Derbynext May. Maimonides cost $4.6 million at last year’s Keeneland September Sale,and last month he appeared as if he was worth every penny when he won his debutby 11 ½ lengths. He is one of the favorites Monday to win the Grade I $250,000Hopeful Stakes, a seven-furlong sprint for 2-year-olds. None of that, however,interested Rubin or his charges. He does not attend horse races or gamble. Infact, upon hearing about the colt, Rubin thought long and hard before arrangingto take his students here. “Some may think this is sacrilegious,” he said.Ultimately, however, the rabbi and his students were drawn here from theMaimonides Hebrew Day School in Albany for what is in a name. The school andthe colt are named for Moses Maimonides, who lived more than 800 years ago andis considered among the greatest Jewish philosophers. He was the chief rabbi ofCairo and the physician to the sultan of Egypt.“He blended religious study and intellect with worldly manners to healthe sick and guide the healthy,” Rubin said.“He was respected and honored by both Jews and Arabs. This is especiallyrelevant now in our life and times.” Maimonides is owned and was named by AhmedZayat, an Egyptian now living in New Jersey. He did not know about Rubin’svisit, and, indeed, was flying back from San Diego and Del Mar on Fridaymorning. When told of the smiles of the youngsters petting the nose of hisexpensive colt, however, Zayat was beyond gratified. He is a Muslim who grew upin a suburb of Cairo and had put much time and effort into bestowing the nameMaimonides on his prize purchase.“ He was a very special man who was highlyregarded by all people, regardless of faith,” Zayat said of Maimonides. “Whathas happened with Sept. 11, Iraq, and what’s going on in the region is contraryto the way I grew up. If this horse was going to be a superstar, I wanted anappropriate name. I wanted to say something with the tool I had, which was ahorse. I wanted it to be pro-peace, and about loving your neighbor.” When Zayattried to register the name Maimonides with the Jockey Club, however, hediscovered that it had been reserved for more than nine years by Earle I. Mack,a New York real estate investor and a former ambassador to Finland. In 1997, Mack,then the chairman of the board for the Benjamin N. Cardozo School of Law atYeshiva University, was instrumental in bringing King Juan Carlos I of Spain toNew York to accept the school’s Democracy Award. Mack had been moved by theking’s remarks about how much Spain’s culture had lost when the countryexpelled its Jews in 1492 as part of the Inquisition. The king mentionedMaimonides, who was born in Córdoba, Spain, in 1135, and who, with his family,was forced out of the country while Spain was ruled by Muslims. “I was justwaiting for a horse good enough to deserve the name,” Mack said. He has ownedand bred horses for more than 40 years, and knew that Zayat’s colt, a son ofVindication, was bred to be special. Each also understood the other’s good intentions.Zayat donated $100,000 to Cardozo to commemorate the king’s visit there, and topromote tolerance. Mack released his claim to the name Maimonides. “He had theright horse, and the right motives,” Mack said. “We are all after the samething: to touch people across cultures.” Zayat and Mack know that horse racingis an unpredictable business, and a thoughtfully named horse hardly guaranteesfuture fame and fortune. When Eli O’Brien, 14, patted Maimonides between theears and promised to say some prayers for him, Baffert nodded enthusiastically.“We’ll take anything you can give us,” Baffert said.

2008: The Sunday New York Times featuredreviews of books by Jewish authors and/or of special interest to Jewish readersincluding g Still Alive! A TemporaryCondition: A Memoir by Herbert Gold and two books by AdamKrisch; Invasions and TheModern Element: Essays on Contemporary Poetry.

2008: The Washington Post featured reviews ofbooks by Jewish authors and/or of special interest to Jewish readers including Manin the Dark by Paul Auster, Dough: A Memoir by Mort Zachter, issued in paperbackand Norman Mailer's Miami and the Siege of Chicago, now reissued for the40th anniversary of those groundbreaking 1968 presidential conventions.

2008: At YeshivaUniversity Museum, an exhibition entitled “The Six Day War Series: Painting byIra Moskowitz” comes to an end. “Eight oil paintings gifted to the MuseumCollection by the family of Ira and Ann Moskowitz in celebration of the 40thanniversary of the reunification of Jerusalem. This series depicts emotionallypowerful scenes after the Six-Day War in June 1967. Artist Ira Moskowitz(1912-2001) employs vivid color and expressive brushwork to convey the euphoriaof this victorious moment in Israel's history. Born in Poland and educated inPrague, Moskowitz studied at the Art Students League and spent extended periodsin Israel.”

2008: Dr. Andrew G.Bostom, author of The Legacy of Islamic Antisemitism: From Sacred Texts toSolemn History a book that describes what it was like living as Jew underMoslem rule, was interviewed on Israel National Radio's Tamar Yonah Show.During the interview he “shared the dramatic account of a young Moroccan Jewessin her teens who lived in the 1800's, named Sol Hachuel. Falsely accused on charges of"apostasy" from Islam, she was offered riches and special rights ifshe embraced Islam - or prison, torture and death if she did not. Sol Hachuel chose to be imprisoned, starved,tortured and then decapitated in the town square rather than give up herJudaism. "I was born a Jew, and Ishall die a Jew," she boldly stated to the Islamic court, according toBostom's accounts. On the show, Bostomread her historic speech that inspired the Fez Jewish community to remaincommitted to their Judaism despite the hardships of constant false charges,unfair heavy taxes, violence and murder.”

2009(11TH ofElul, 5769): Fifty-five year old documentary film maker Elliot Berlin who made“Paperclips” one of the best Holocaust related movies ever passed away today.

2009: Opening night ofthe Jerusalem International Chamber Music Festival.

2009 The EducationMinistry announced this evening that an agreement to enroll Ethiopian studentsinitially banned from some of the city's schools had been reached following ameeting between Petah Tikva Mayor Yitzhak Ohayon, Education Minister Gideon Sa'ar(Likud) and other Education Ministry officials.

2009: The stock ofAfrica Israel investments, a real estate firm owned by Lev Leviev “fell another13.7 percent today as the firm floated the idea of renegotiating the terms ofits debts with bond holders and banks.” (As reported by Marcy Oster)

2010: An exhibition,The Works of Mordechai Rosenstein, on display at the Fine Family Art Galleryand the Katz Family Mainstreet Gallery of the MJCCA is scheduled to come aclose today in Atlanta, GA.

2010: Prime MinisterBinyamin Netanyahu and his negotiating team took off for Washington thismorning, ahead of the relaunch of peace talks with the Palestinians..

2010(21st ofElul, 5770): Sixty-five year old Gail Koff a partner in Jacoby & Meyers,passed away. (As reported by Dennis Hevesi)

2010(21st ofElul, 5770): Four Israelis were shot dead in their car today near the West Banksettlement of Kiryat Arba less than a day before Israeli and Palestinianleaders meet in Washington for a summit to announce the resumption of directpeace talks. The attack, for which Hamas has claimed responsibility, shatteredyears of relative calm in the West Bank. The victims are a couple from thesettlement of Beit Hagai and two residents of Kiryat Arba. One of the dead wasa woman believed to have been pregnant. The Beit Hagai couple has beenidentified as Yitzhak and Tali Ames, 45 and 47. They are survived by sixchildren, the oldest 24 and the youngest 5. Just six months ago, the Amescouple celebrated the birth of their first granddaughter. Tali worked as anaccount manager in various offices in the area and Yitzhak was a tour guide whoaccompanied groups to the Temple Mount area every Wednesday. Beit Hagai, a tinysettlement in the South Hebron Hills, is home to 100 families. A spokesman forHamas' military wing, the Iz al-Din al-Qassam Brigades, announced Tuesday thatmembers of the organization carried out the shootings. A Hamas spokesman inGaza, Sami Abu Zuhri, said the Islamist group praises the attack and considersit a natural response to "the crimes of occupation." Another Hamasspokesman, Fawzi Barhoum, said the attack was meant to highlight the failure ofthe security cooperation between the Palestinian Authority and Israel. A seniorPA official who is in Washington for today's official launch of direct peacetalks with Israel expressed outrage over the attack and accused Hamas ofattempting to thwart the negotiations. The Fatah-dominated Palestinian securityforces in the West Bank launched their own investigation into the incident inan effort to track down the gunmen. The South Hebron Hills, where the attacktook place, is considered an area in which Hamas cells have heightened theirpresence. The commander of the West Bank division, Brig. Gen. Nitzan Alon, saidthe authorities believe that Hamas is telling the truth in claiming the attack.After the incident, Israeli troops and police were stationed at majorcheckpoints and junctions along West Bank roads in an effort to track down thegunmen. In addition, the police's operations branch has issued instructions toofficers throughout the country to stay alert. The Israel Defense Forces saidit had located the gunmen's car. IDF sources said there had been no indicationsthat an attack was imminent. Defense officials now believe that Palestinian terroristorganizations may seek to sabotage the peace negotiations. The authorities arealso worried that far-right settlers may try to provoke unrest as well. Ataround 7:30 P.M. this evening, gunshots were heard near the Bnei Naim junctionjust south of Kiryat Arba. A preliminary investigation revealed that the gunmendrove alongside the car and opened fire. Authorities believe it is possiblethat after the driver was shot and the car was forced off the highway, thegunmen approached the vehicle to ensure that all the car's passengers had beenkilled. Guy Gonen, a Magen David Adom paramedic who arrived at the scene, toldChannel 2 that his crew saw "a car that was pierced with dozens of bulletsand inside there were four bodies. There was absolutely no chance ofhelping." Defense Minister Ehud Barak was briefed on the attack by IDFchief of staff Gabi Ashkenazi and Shin Bet chief Yuval Diskin. Barak conferredby telephone with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who was on his way toWashington. He also spoke with Vice Prime Minister Silvan Shalom, who isserving as acting prime minister while Netanyahu is abroad. "Unfortunatelywe are once again witness to the fact that while we are working to find ways toco-exist and create a reality of peace, there are those who continue to takethe path of terror and are busy killing innocents," said Shalom."Today it is clearer more than ever that the real obstacle to peace isterrorism and the extremists who will do anything to send the entire region upin flames. It is incumbent on the Palestinian Authority to fulfill itsobligations in the territories that are under its purview," Shalom said."We are giving full backing to the prime minister during the talks in theUnited States." According to Barak, "This apparently is an attempt bydepraved terrorists to harm efforts to move the diplomatic process forward andto try to harm the chances of peace talks that are beginning inWashington." The attack prompted sharp reactions from West Bank settler leaders,who were quick to draw a link between the killings and the peace talks that areset to get underway. "It's about time that the leaders of Israel wake upfrom their delusions of an imaginary peace," said Zvi Bar Hai, the head ofthe South Hebron Hills regional council.

2011(1st ofElul, 5771): Rosh Chodesh Elul

2011: Rami Feinstein,“a widely popular Israeli artist who has developed a diverse and devotedfollowing over the last seven years” is scheduled to perform at the Bitter Endin New York City

2011: Today, the headof the government-appointed committee on socioeconomic change in Israel, Prof.Manuel Trajtenberg, defended the recent criticism cast upon the leaders of thesocial protest, and explained they were simply "inexperienced." Todaymarked the committee's last meeting with representatives from the public, whichincluded the participation of 17 representatives from tent encampments fromacross the country.

2011: Summer rainfalltook Israelis by surprise today when slight showers were felt in Hadera,Netanya, and even Tel Aviv.

2011:The Israel Air Force deployed a third battery of the Iron Dome rocket defensesystem outside the southern city of Ashdod today in the face of continuedrocket fire from the Gaza Strip.

2011:Over 20,000 are expected to attend the 7th Annual Jerusalem Beer Festivaltonight and tomorrow night at the Old Train Station in Jerusalem

2012:Israel responded bitterly today to comments by the chairman of the US JointChiefs of Staff, Gen. Martin Dempsey, who said yesterday that he did not want“to be complicit” if Israel were to strike at Iran’s nuclear facilities.Dempsey’s comments were “strange” and characterized the failure of the UnitedStates to take a determined position against Iran’s nuclear drive, a source inJerusalem was quoted as saying

2012:The White House today dismissed statements made by Republican presidentialcandidate Mitt Romney yesterday that the Obama administration had “thrownallies like Israel under the bus” regarding Iran’s nuclear weapons program.“Cooperation with Israel between our military and intelligence communities hasnever been closer” under the Obama administration, White House Press SecretaryJay Carney told reporters.

2012:The Fifteenth Jerusalem Chamber Music Festival is scheduled to open today.

2012:After premiering at the Sundance Film Festiva.“For a Good Time, Call” a comedy starring Ari Graynor and Lauren Miller,who co-authored the screenplay was released today in the United States.

2012: In Leesburg, VA, Congregation Sha'are Shalomis scheduled to greet the Sabbath Queen with a Musical Shabbat and Ice CreamSocial

2012:“Labor on the Bimah” is scheduled to begin Erev Shabbat.

2012(13thof Elul, 5772): Seventy-nine year old British composer whose family wasmurdered at Auschwitz and “a world authority on the Dreyfus Affair” who credthe Dreyfus Centenary in 1994 passed away today.

2013:At the Rose and Crown Theatre the curtain came down on a London production“Little Me,” a Neil Simon musical

2013:Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg officiated at the wedding of Michael Kaiser andJohn Roberts “in what was the first-ever instance of a U.S. Supreme CourtJustice performing a same-sex marriage.”2013: An exhibit celebrating the 100thanniversary of the Columbus (Ohio) Jewish Center which was developed by theColumbus Jewish Historical Society is scheduled to come to an end today.

2013:The Tel Aviv Woodwind Quintet is scheduled to play Ligeti’s “6 Bagatelles ForWind Quintet” at the Jerusalem International Chamber Music Festival.

2013:In Cedar Rapids, Iowa Temple Judah marks Selichot a study session, services andthe Changing of the Torah Covers ceremony.

2013:“Ivri Lider, one of the most successful Israeli musicians of his generation” isscheduled to perform at the Budapest Music Center.

2013:Israeli communications company Spacecom has successfully launched a state ofthe art satellite to space tonight from the Zenit launching pad in Baikonur,Kazakhstan.

2013:Labor MK Omer Bar-Lev today criticized Knesset Foreign Affairs and DefenseCommittee chairman Avigdor Liberman for refusing to call a meeting of thecommittee to discuss a possible US strike on Syria and its implications onIsrael.

2014:The New York Times featured reviewsof books by Jewish authors and/or of special interest to Jewish readers includingSuspicious Minds: How Culture Shapes Madness by Joel Gold and Ian Gold anda Q & A with Rick Pearlstein whose most recent work is The InvisibleBridge: The Fall Nixon and the Rise of Reagan.

2014:Dr. Judith Rosenbaum is scheduled to succeed Dr. Gail Reimer as ExecutiveDirector of the Jewish Women’s Archives.

2014(5thof Elul, 5774): Twenty year old Paratrooper Shahar Shalev passed way today as aresult of wounds suffered from an IED explosion four and a half weeks ago thattook place while he was working to locate and destroy the Hamas terror tunnelsduring Operation Protective Edge. (“In life he was loved and admired; he wasswifter than eagles and stronger than lions.”)

2014:“The Israeli Air Force downed an unmanned drone (UAV) over the Golan Heights asit attempted to enter Israeli airspace from Syria.” At this time, the IDF doesnot know who launched the drone or if it was weaponized. (As reported by UziBaruch)

2014:Tenth anniversary of the Beersheba Bus Bombings.

2015:A Classical Trio Concert featuring Gabriel Chouraki - violinist and Eyal Heiman- cellist is scheduled to take place at Migdalei haYam haTichon in Jerusalem.

2015:In Coralville, Iowa, Hebrew School is scheduled to begin today.

2015:The Toronto Blue Jays announced that Mark Shapiro would become their newpresident and chief executive officer (CEO) at the end of the 2015 season

2015:After a weeklong trial, jurors deliberated for about two hours beforeconvicting Frazier Glenn Miller Jr., 74, a former Ku Klux Klan leader with ahistory of racist and anti-Semitic actions in the shooting deaths of threepeople a year ago at a Jewish community center and an assisted living facilityin suburban Kansas City.

2015:The Jewish Historical Society of Great Washington is scheduled to co-sponsorscreening “Rosenwald” “the documentary by Aviva Kempner” that “tells theincredible story of how businessman and philanthropist Julius Rosenwald (whomade his fortune at the helm of Sears, Roebuck and Co) joined with Booker T.Washington andAfrican-American communities in the South to build schoolsduring the early part of the 20th century.”

2016:“The improbable story of the man who won history’s ‘biggest murder trial’ atNuremberg” published today tells the tale of Ben Ferencz, “the last survivingprosecutor from the Nuremberg trials.”

2016:Today, “a U.S. appeals court threw out a $655.5 million verdict against thePalestinian Authority and the Palestine Liberation Organization for damagessuffered by American families from terrorist attacks in Israel.”

2016(27thof Av, 5776): Eight-six year old photographer Nathan Lyons passed away today.

2016:In Memphis, TN, The Temple Israel Chazak Campaign is scheduled to come to aclose.

2017:Esther Hugenholtz, the Congregation Agudas Achim’s new rabbi is scheduled toarrive this evening at the Eastern Iowa Airport.

2017:Today, “Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin” declined to endorse a plan thatwould have Harriet Tubman replace Andrew Jackson as the face of the twentydollar bill.

2017:“Energy Department official William Bradford who is Jewish and was appointed byPresident Trump to lead the Office of Indian Energy and who made disparagingremarks about President Barack Obama’s Kenyan ancestry and called Facebookfounder Marc Zuckerberg a “self-hating Jew” resigned today. (CJN)

2017:The Diver Festival, three weekends of modern dance in and around Jaffa and TelAviv is scheduled to begin today.

2018The U.S. State Department announced today that “Special Reprsentatives forSyria Engagement James Jeffrey and Special Envoy for Syria “will meet withsenior Israeli officials to discuss ‘maintaining Israel’s security whilecountering Iran’s destabilizing activity throughout the region…’”

2017:JW3 is scheduled to host the two final screenings in London of “Alone inBerlin,” a haunting tale about a German husband and wife who were guillotinedfor mounting an anti-Hitler postcard campaign.

2018:“As a Blue Star Museum, the Illinois Holocaust Museum” is scheduled to beginoffering “free admission to active-duty military personnel and up to five oftheir family members” today which will continue through Labor Day Monday.

2018:Starting at 6 pm the Ayalon Highway Company was scheduled to close the AyalonHighway for twenty-four hours in the first of six weekend closures so the“construction of a pedestrian and cycling bridge” could be completed untilTransportation Minister Yisrael Katz order a halt in response to threats from“Haredi parties.” (As reported by Roi Rubinstein, Moran Azulay)

2018:The Jerusalem Centre for the Performing Arts is scheduled to host screenings of“Her Love Boils Bathwater” and “Transit.”

2018:In what has become a weekly ritual, thousands of Palestinians protested alongthe border between Gaza in Israel.

2018(20 Elul): Yahrzeit of Dr. Jacob Levin, of blessed memory,beloved husband of Betty, loving father of Michael (Gigi Cohen) Levin, Stephen(Dian Garton) Levin, Sharon (Philip) Wein and Lawrence (Sandra Morrison) Levinand proud Zaide to a whole tribe of grandchildren. To his brotherJoe, he was the incomparable “Yaenkel” and to me his was my wonderful UncleJack – living proof that good guys finish first.

2019: As part of its “Survivor Talks” series the IllinoisHolocaust Memorial is scheduled to host Kurt Gutfreund as he talks aboutsurviving the Holocaust as a seven year old interred at Terezin.

2019: In Great Barrington, MA, the Triplex Cinema is scheduledto host a screening of “The Spy Behind Home Plate” followed by a Q and A with“consultant Neil Goldstein.”

2019(30th of Av, 5779): Parashat Re’eh; Rosh ChodeshElul

2020: With the virus spreading quickly in Gaza, Israel and thePalestinian militant group Hamas agreed tonight to ease up on bombarding eachother” and “Israel agreed to let fuel flow back to Gaza’s power station, and acash infusion from Qatar helped seal the deal.

2021: The Streicker Center is scheduled to host David Grossman,“one of the world’s leading wrters on the legacy of war and the courage tolove.

2021: Chabad of Peabody, MA, is scheduled to present a “Women’sHoney Cake Bake.”

2021: In Sun Valley, ID, The Alturas Institute is scheduled tohost Judy Batalion who “will participate in the IN PERSON “Conversations withExceptional Women” Conference.

2021:Boston-area challah guru Mandy Silverman of Mandylicious and 18Doors’ MollyKazin Marshall are scheduled to host a virtual challah-making class.

2021:Based on court and cabinet decisions reached last night, as of today the GreenPass Mandate now includes the teaching staff and teachers must wear a facemaskor be barred from teaching students in person.

2022:In Belvedere Tiburon, CA, Chabad of Tiburon is scheduled to present “KosherWine Tasting Kabbalah,” an educational event with winemaker Jonathan Hajdu, atasting of kosher wines and a presentation on the “Kabbalah” (mystique andpower) of wine.

2022:One day before schools in Israel are scheduled to open, students do not know ifthey will return to class because teachers are threatening to strike onSeptember 1.

2023:Lockdown University is scheduled to host a lecture by Trudy Gold on “The SimonWiesenthal Story.”

2023:The Illinois Holocaust Museum is scheduled to host a lecture by Robert Wolf theson of Holocaust survivors author of Not a Real Enemy, that tells “about hisfamily’s story of cloak-and-dagger adventures, daring escape in the dead ofnight, terrifying oppression, tragedy, and triumph.”

2023:The Museum at Eldridge Street is scheduled to host a walking tour of the JewishLower East Side which “saw unparalleled growth as waves of immigrants settled,prayed, played, worked, shopped, and attended school in this neighborhood asthey built their new lives in a new land.”

2023:JCC East Bay, Keshet and A Great Good Place for Books are scheduled to presenta lecture by Hilary Zaid as she discusses her new tech thriller, about a queersingle mother and aspiring artist who finds herself in the thick of a plot tooverthrow Big Data, with Alex Green, editor in chief of Stereo Embers Magazine.

2023:Temple Emanuel of Newton is scheduled to present “Kvetch, Kvell, Ice Cream asWell” for those who are tired of only hearing about people like Kanye West andthe rising tide of anti-Semitism.

2024:“Re-Creation: Judaica by Moroccan Muslim Artisans” an exhibition presented by TheAmerican Sephardi Federation and Mimouna Association’s Rebuilding Our HomesProject is scheduled to come to an end at the Center for Jewish History.

2024(27thof Av, 5784): Parashat Re-eh; for more see

2024:The exhibition “Creating Connections: Make Your Own Museum Display” isscheduled to come to an end today at the Jewish Museum in London.

2024:As of today, over seven hundred members of the IDF have made the ultimatesacrifice in defense of the Jewish people.

2024:Convergence: Arabic, Hebrew, and Persian Calligraphy in Conversation, an exhibitionpresented by The American Sephardi Federation is scheduled to come to a closetoday at the Leon Levy Gallery.

2024:In Jerusalem, the Eden Tamir Center is scheduled to host “A Special concert inmemory of Prof. Alexander Tamir the founder and Director of the Eden TamirMusic Center

2024:After davening this morning. Joel Haber the author of the e-cookbook, Chulent& Hamin: The Ultimate Jewish Comfort Food is scheduled to give a lecture atthe Central Square Minyan in London.

2024:As August 31st begins in Israel, anunprecedented wave of anti-Semitism that has included Hamas supporters callingfor Zionist passengers on a New York subway to raise their hands, sweeps theUnited States and the Hamas held hostages begin day 330 in captivity. (Editor’s note: this situation is too fluidfor this blog to cover so we are just providing a snapshot as of the posting atmidnight Israeli time)

This Day, August 31, In Jewish History by Mitchell A and Deb Levin – All #ourCOG News (2024)


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Introduction: My name is Aron Pacocha, I am a happy, tasty, innocent, proud, talented, courageous, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.